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Russia Today ( Is Russia's Propaganda Channel - "Truth is not the mission at RT"

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posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: LightningStrikesHere
to be Fair SO a quick youtube search will yield many videos on the Lies and propaganda our very own MSM has been involved in.

This thread isn't about other western media sources, it's about Russia Today being a state-funded propaganda vessel of Russia.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord

originally posted by: LightningStrikesHere
i just don't think that's enough to warrant that the Russian government is sending shills to ATS.

We have had to terminate three accounts for deceptive activity related to the above.

so are you affirming that the Russian government has sent shills to push propaganda to ATS ?

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 06:50 PM
I thought this was common knowledge, whats the next big revelation? Gonna suddenly realise Press TV is bad too?

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord

originally posted by: LightningStrikesHere
to be Fair SO a quick youtube search will yield many videos on the Lies and propaganda our very own MSM has been involved in.

This thread isn't about other western media sources, it's about Russia Today being a state-funded propaganda vessel of Russia.

fair enough , so let's put it under the banner of "MSM" RT being under that banner .

would you agree that most all MSM outlets have dabbled in "propaganda " and used as a "vessel" to push agendas ?

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

What's your point?

It is our duty as ATS'ers to sift through the propaganda coming from any media outlet. You act as if other media outlets are not just as blatantly biased to the other viewpoint? They are. It is up to us to see through it and find the truth in the middle ground. Say what you will.

RT still reports on things that US media will not even touch. That makes them worthy of SOMETHING in my book. Their reporting is also on actual news going on in the world. Not ya know - Hollywood.

ETA: Anybody on ATS who has any amount of knowledge whatsoever is already WELL aware of the fact that RT is state funded and sponsored. What is the point of this thread exactly? Did the Kremlin just acquire RT? No - it's been that way since conception.

Sounds as if you are attempting to shove your views down our throats now.

Also, it would be much harder for RT to appeal to so many Americans if the American government wasn't constantly #ing us and saying nothing about it - hearing nothing about it on our news outlets. They just ignore it....But I guess that's A okay.
edit on 6-8-2014 by lightedhype because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord
a reply to: Cantbebothered

Items 52, 53, and 59 on that page.

52 omg please as if there is no western involvement in the downfall of the Ukranian Government. Funny no sooner that it was announced that they was not going to do what europe/usa wanted they was a riot...pretty well cordinated for a bunch of lager louts dont you think?

53 apparently they got the story from a german media

The Bild am Sonntag newspaper, citing a source in intelligence circles, wrote Sunday that Academi employees are involved in the Kiev military crackdown on pro-autonomy activists in near the town of Slavyansk, in the Donetsk region.

59 well RT has taken out that page looks like they realised the information they was given was false and took down the story. That just proves to me that they do have integrity to remove a story that was false...hmmmmmm

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: Cantbebothered

59 well RT has taken out that page looks like they realised the information they was given was false and took down the story. That just proves to me that they do have integrity to remove a story that was false...hmmmmmm

Here you go...

Not only a lie, but a total fabrication.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Well they did pull it and it was stupid of them to even attempt to do it. I am not blind that Putin/Russia will use propaganda on their own people to sway their opinion but I am not Russian I am English. Also to say the west is not involved in what is happening in the Ukraine is so laudable it beggars belief. As one UK politician said(William Hague) we have UK interests in the Ukraine.....

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Cantbebothered

Well they did pull it and it was stupid of them to even attempt to do it.

The problem is they made the story and try to pass it off as real, but the fact they did run it shows how low they will go to pass off propaganda as real stories.

And if they are willing to fabricate that kind of story what else will they try to pass off that isn't true?

Fabricated stories = No credibility. And that includes western media.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Kerry much?

Secretary of State Kerry, who has bumbled through a string of propaganda fiascos on Ukraine, decries Russia’s RT network as a “propaganda bullhorn” that Americans should ignore – just trust what the U.S. government tells you, an idea that ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern rejects.


It is easy to blame “Russian propaganda” for just about everything, including the public distrust of the endless propaganda pouring forth from Official Washington and its “fawning corporate media.” But people tire of the constant spin from U.S. officials and the one-sided coverage by the U.S. mainstream press. I may be naïve about this, but I think people really do prefer the truth.


Full disclosure: I am a regular guest on RT and an occasional interviewee on Al-Jazeera and CCTV-America. Have I ever been given “guidance” as to what would be acceptable for me to say? No. Am I free to speak on live broadcasts as critically of President Vladimir Putin as of President Barack Obama? Yes. Lately, have I been more critical of Obama and the mischief-making Kerry people than of their Russian counterparts? Yes.

But this does not matter here as we are speaking of propaganda.

If you interested to read the article:

Kerry’s Propaganda War on Russia’s RT

edit on 6-8-2014 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:35 PM
I applaud the ATS ownership for taking a position on what myself and other members have perceived as an organized social engineering effort being made by some entity acting with a clear agenda in favor of the Russian Federation.

There is an old Russian joke.

Back in the glory days of the mighty Soviet Union their were 2 primary news sources

“Pravda” (which is the Russian word for “truth”) and another newspaper called "Izvestiya" ( which is the Russian word for “information.” )

The joke was: “There is no truth in Izvestiya and there is no information in Pravda.”

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:53 PM
My real initials are RT. RTs don't spread propaganda, just BS.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: Cantbebothered

Well they did pull it and it was stupid of them to even attempt to do it.

The problem is they made the story and try to pass it off as real, but the fact they did run it shows how low they will go to pass off propaganda as real stories.

And if they are willing to fabricate that kind of story what else will they try to pass off that isn't true?

Fabricated stories = No credibility. And that includes western media.

If wants to keep me as a reader and others like me its going to have to tread carefully with any fabricated story. I think Rt,com is beginning to realise this which is why it is deleting the stories. I am not stupid nor are the people wants to aim at. It dosent need to fabricate stories the sooner they realise it the better news source it can become for others. TBH any fabrication of news regarding the ukraine crisis dosent surprise me much knowing how Russia dont want ukraine to fall in to the western hands. Lets face it look at America and its failing infrastructure would you like your country to be run by people who care more for what they can get from you money wise?

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Drunkenparrot

I don't get how you think there is an organized social engineering plot to promote Russia.

Not one MSM outlet news story is bias towards the Russians. They all say Russia downed the Malaysian jet, they all promote sanctions against Russia, etc.
Where exactly are you seeing a pro-russia plot?

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: misnomer68

They all say Russia downed the Malaysian jet

Do you follow the "Western media" at all? They do not say Russia downed the jet, they say Ukrainian separatists downed the plane. By accident. Why are they not taking advantage of the implied pardon?

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:05 PM
The problem is.. is that the 'perpetrators of slander and lies' are always the first to point their
fingers at others for the same thing they deny doing themselves, and not just a little bit,
but to the extreme and past it over a very tall Cliff to the point that the sheep are no
longer looking in their direction but rather, the direction the perpetrators desire to
herd everyone off towards.

Oh the Drama....

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: Illuminawty
Sounds like the American News propaganda machine is telling me that Russian news is ....well, propaganda. Wait, that couldn't be right. America doesn't use its news to brainwash it's people, now does it?

Who has suggested that here? = Nobody. How about we just agree that both sides are feeding the herds lies mixed with truths, fair enough? If you believe that it's just the American media who is shoveling the bs, you better think again friend. It's actually become a worldwide practice by many Nations. ~$heopleNation

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:24 PM
RT isn't blatant all the time, they will give you snippets here and there of what they want you to focus on, or what they want to divert you away from, for instance if Russia has arms deals and contracts with Israel, they'll expose western deals with Israel... All the sheep will go into a frenzy and wont even bother checking to see if Russia is clean, because they know the sheeple are wonderers, they don't really care, and will base opinions on frequent visits, and everybody has an opinion right?

It's those who don't really have a clue as to what's going on that get pawned time and time again, but all they really need to know is WWII never ended and every war fought across the globe since are wars for control and dominance between Russia and her allies and the western world and her friends

This isn't about anything else, never has been, it's been the same since the dawn of civilisation

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord
Everybody has an agenda. So what else is new SkepticOverlord guy? RT would lets say lean towards certain things, just like CNN or Fox would lean towards certain things, and just like Al Jazeera networks would lean towards certain things, and I think they even bought out some big networks some years ago, to compete with there competitors you know. I mean its been shown to effect people to such degrees it would be a mistake not to get into that business, you know the informing people business.

But yes what else is new? Who is right, and who is wrong? In all I do not think it matters when the questions is who is paying more? So yes imagine that! A Russian sponsored and backed news outlet who is prone to slant toward its own interests. The majority if not all such things are all in the name of self interests, if it were not so then they would not exist, and there would be no issues. Even this site though people seem to like it so much is not above scrutiny. Imagine that no?

So yes take it all with pinch of salt here, or a bag of salt there, and if that were not a metaphor then the salt business people and there charts and graph guys would show the little lines reaching for the sky, indicating that sales have just skyrocketed. But hey people are free to chose there leanings and believes, just like there free to chose there poisons. Which is which? Only time will tell, and time generally tells that none were nowhere as important as people at that moment in time thought it all was. Complacency and ignorance, and just plain not giving a #, and minding our own business, may have saved more lives then all the bleeding hearts dramas that come and go every few or so weeks or years to which people become glued to and argue do death for or against, and some to the point that there willing to kill, or die for.

Lets just say I think there all full of it, they are just selling different flavors of it, whatever "it" may be. But hey we here in the west we already have hundreds of channels, and for some reason there is never anything good on, we might as well sample the different flavors of propaganda in all its wonderful bull#s that the world has to offer, like the colors of the rainbow only more crappy. Oversaturation and constant bombardment of things does not only lead to indoctrination in the long run, but it also leads to inoculation in the even longer run. That is! Only if you all dont kill yourselves over it first.

edit on 8pmWednesdaypm062014f3pmWed, 06 Aug 2014 20:50:26 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:48 PM
Personally, ill never forget how they took the babies out of the ICU incubators and left them to die on the cold floor.....that was a dooozy.....
As far as shills on ATS
We got Israeli shills, Russian Shills, Chinese shills and American shills....not to mention British shills the shills of the corporate watchers and the bankers appologists (they left)......couldnt think of a nice thing to say.....

The internet is no refuge for truth by any means, and we are all being used as pawns by just about everybody with more than us......
I appreciate theres a lot of BS on RT.....but the media is rife with the stuff.....either side....

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