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2 Newly Discovered Elongated Skulls In Paracas Peru 2014

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posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

Ah I see you avoided the issue of the jaw bone. That's disappointing... Let me guess- jaw binding??

Don't be ridiculous ... what he is pointing out, and I have to concur. If these are the bones of a different "humanoid", then a simple DNA test would reveal it to be a different species.

So, give us the DNA test or it's just head binding.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

The normal skull shown is probably a female or under-aged male while the culturally modified skull is an older male - that skull was selected to try and make the Paracas one look more 'mysterious', lol.

Ahhh... You beat me to the punch. I was going to point out that one of the reasons we never see the entire skeleton, let alone the entire remains in situ, is that its far easier to confuse morphological features when its not possible to identify gender. Anyone who's taken even a basic anthropology course would know that sexual dimorphism is a rather important feature when doing comparisons of this nature and its rather dishonest, or in the case of the Paracas skulls, par for the course, to put a male skull with deformed features next to a completely normal HSS skull. It's straight our of PT Barnums side show play book and IMO for the same exact purpose, profit. If this was really about discovering the truth Foerster would invite multiple independent labs to examine the remains and do the testing. Instead he's far more known for trying to trick Purdue university into testing stolen artifacts. If he was actually attempting to engage in real science, he wouldn't be releasing his "results" strictly through blogs and Facebook. It's a joke and nothing more.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:21 PM
The jaws look different in the two skulls, the eye brow ridge is pronounced and protruding on the alien's skull. The skull's cranial fissures connect together at the back of the head differently in each one. The alien skull just looks bigger and sturdier. If they do a DNA test and the results are made public, than we have to stop pretending aliens don't exist, and deal with the real reality. So many people in denial.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:23 PM
Calm down, the Paracas skulls are not from alien beings.

A great write up on the skulls, and those promoting them as 'alien,' including Foerster, Childress, and Navarro, who run a "paranormal" tour of Peru along with their private museum and fancy self-titled credential, all to give themselves the air of credibility. The author above lays bare the fraudulent claims that these skulls were DNA tested and "proven" to be alien.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: bjarneorn

originally posted by: 3n19m470

Ah I see you avoided the issue of the jaw bone. That's disappointing... Let me guess- jaw binding??

Don't be ridiculous ... what he is pointing out, and I have to concur. If these are the bones of a different "humanoid", then a simple DNA test would reveal it to be a different species.

So, give us the DNA test or it's just head binding.

That is what it boils down to but don't hold your breath waiting for them to do so, however within the fringe handbook of fraud they could have independent labs do the work, announce their results and when the results don't favor their wishes denounce it all as a conspiracy by the evil powers that be - and the legend and their profits live on.....

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Yep while you really need a pelvis to accurately determine sex the normal skull does appear to be of a female or even a male at one end of the normal range for HSS skulls.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: frugal
The jaws look different in the two skulls, the eye brow ridge is pronounced and protruding on the alien's skull. The skull's cranial fissures connect together at the back of the head differently in each one. The alien skull just looks bigger and sturdier. If they do a DNA test and the results are made public, than we have to stop pretending aliens don't exist, and deal with the real reality. So many people in denial.

Yep and well within the known range of difference with HSS skulls. Well those who are promoting this nonsense are not in denial their plan is one of deceit based on supporting their egos and pocket books.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

I agree that the "normal" looking skull appears to be from a female. It's kind of hard to say for certain based on a picture of one side. But that's neither here nor there. As you stated, everything appears within the normal range for HSS and it would be very obvious with an intact post cranial.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: QuietSpeech
a reply to: JamesTB

Whenever I see these things that Saturday Night Live skit about the Coneheads comes to mind.

yeah right! lol it reminds me of the alien on twilight zone episode "To serve man"

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:54 PM
Coneheads do occur without* head-binding ... acrocephaly
The naturally-occuring conehead can be genetic (inherited).

[ * I'm not saying head-binding did not occur. Say an elite in-bred group had acrocephaly , and wannabe's bound their heads to resemble them ].
edit on 22-7-2014 by engvbany because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: JamesTB

The provenance of the skulls is worthless isn't it? While they were 'walking out' near Caracas they 'stumbled' on 3 skulls left behind by 'tomb robbers.' Did they photograph the site, GPS it and notify the academic authorities of Peru?

No they didn't. Thankfully they took the skulls (broken chain of evidence and all) to the Paracas History Museum where at least they could be added to the body of Peru's archaeological history.

But no again. The Paracas History Museum is co-owned by the same guy who found the skulls and makes his living from promoting the alien origins of elongated skulls. Yeah, Foerster took the skulls to a museum owned and run by the same people running Inca Tours. Neat huh?

Now I'm no archaeologist, but I can find my way through the general gist of academic papers. Where some members are excited by the jawbone of the skull, I'm curious about why it appears so different from the cranium? Why does one part have an old-looking patina and the jaw doesn't? Why are those teeth so old-looking and the jaw so new-looking?

Without any provenance whatsoever and a museum without academic credentials, we're left with an allegedly ancient skull in an alleged museum.

So tell me, how's all this different from a side-show stall with fake attractions??

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 03:01 PM
I would trust Foerster and his Paranormal Inca Tours and his personal Paracas History Museum like I would trust PT Barnum and his Cardiff Giant exhibits.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: JamesTB

Those skulls do interest me too. There is most certainly something going on with these skulls because the real "coneheads" are differently built than human skulls. An other very mysterious fact about those skulls is that there are two tiny holes in the back of the skull. Some say it is a pathway for nerves and connects parts of the brain. But who can tell for sure....

An other weird thing is that these skulls are found in many parts of the world... just like those mysterious walls made of odd shaped stones but fitting with remarkable precision. I mention these walls because sometimes such coneheads are found in a region where such 'puzzle' walls are present.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

I would suggest that the jaw was above the ground for a period of time or subjected to a wet environment when in the ground and bleached whiter by the sun and air - but that is a guess.

It is also possible that the skull is a not a match with that particular skull they simply added one from their collection.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: countingdown

I think both sides of the people on this issue are either saying it is real or it is not real and are not looking at possibilities that could clear this up. Maybe a bone specialist should try to figure out this, don't even tell him about binding of skulls, it could mess up his recognition of what has really occurred. Belief runs this world. It is in all trades that I have worked in. People see things with a closed mind which steers their comprehension of what they see. Even I have not been able to totally shed this trait yet, some of my knowledge interferes with the truth.

This issue could easily be settled by scientific testing by those who believe it is not HSS. However, for reasons they cannot seem to explain they refuse to do so.......until such time such testing is done in a scientific manner and the results released those that believe can run around saying whatever they wish, endlessly.

The problem I have is that I have seen no testing results on some of these done on either side of the issue. How hard would it be to get some testing done by the scientists. Both the archeologists and the ones making claims that these are a different species are not doing any genetic testing or even some other type of chemical analysis on these skulls. I have seen testing done on obviously bound skulls. But I have not seen testing on ones that may not be bound. It seems like both sides are set in stone and not going to test anything on these controversial skulls. If the science governing this has evidence to say they are definitely human, how come they do not present it? Deny and don't furnish proof to back the denial.

I have looked for proof to show that these South American skulls were HSS. I cannot find one piece of real evidence to show that they are not something else. I find a lot of opinions though, by people who are educated to believe that these elongated skulls are all bound.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 04:17 PM
Are there any out there where the volume of the brain cavity is significantly greater than normal shaped human skulls?

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Because no actual debate is taking place. Fringe often likes to portray itself as an alternative but in reality no such discussion is taking place. The fringe is at places like this forum and the popular alternative media not where science is discussed.

The best way to get Scientists to test what to them are obviously HSS remains from known times and cultures (or newly found cultures in an existing and known frame work) is to raise the money to pay for it to be done.

While the genetics may be of interest to some any genetic testing would group culturally formed skull people with the other people - because the are the same people.

Scientist often pay no attention to the fringe especially when dealing with obvious subjects. Whose fault is that? Fringe if they want to be in the discussion they need to know how to discuss subjects scientifically and follow the methods presently used to do so.

The easiest way to get this answered is for the fringe to do a scientifically valid test - which of course they will avoid at all costs.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

Well, I have to agree with what you said, but feel that testing of the skulls could be done reasonably priced to get rid of any doubt. I think they are human, but I still think some other things could be at play. Look at people, there are many head shapes and sizes on humans and there are great differences in the shape of humans. The shape of these skulls could be a mutation caused by something other than head binding. If that was the case wouldn't it be nice to know what the actual cause was?

I looked at plants in my yard and looked them up in books. They look like other plants...sorta...but they are different. So if I would have stopped researching there, I would have concluded they were the plants in the books. But I didn't. We have not classified half the plants in this world yet, there are mutations happening daily and the cost of classifying all the plants would not be beneficial. Especially if they are common weeds and forest plants with no real value. I decided that I would quit trying to identify these since genetic testing would probably just prove they were not what was in the book. It really doesn't matter. The ginseng and a dozen or more plants I know but do I know the type of ginseng or the type of the other plants? No. But I do admit I do not know and know that even an expert probably would not know. They look at the same stuff I am looking at but most will try to tell you they know for sure what they are. Is this place unique? No, it is the same almost everywhere in the woods where very little research is actually done.

Does it matter if they identify if these South American Skulls are human? No, actually it is more interesting if nobody tests them, it gives us something to discuss.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 06:34 PM
Before falling for this latest bit of AA bunkumm take a gander at a couple more articles that cover them:

Another Bone to Pick…With Peruvian Nephilim/Alien Hybrids

The Paracas skulls: aliens, an unknown hominid species or cranial deformation?

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 07:27 PM
Kind of odd he just stumbled across these. Left there by grave robbers ? I dont know enough about the subject to say one way or the other but him just finding them like he said causes me to think something is wrong.

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