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Of 10 highest IQ's on earth, at least 8 are Theists, at least 6 are Christians

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posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: nenothtu

True. You should pay your taxes. It was Caesar's inscription on the coin, not God's.

Exactly. Being "in" the world, whether one is "of" it or not, means that one must still interact with it in some fashion. Might as well see how far one can push those terms in his own favor... so long as he or she doesn't compromise their own core to do so.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: nenothtu

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: colbe

The guy who invented pasteurization? It's not like the process is performed solely by praying over a bucket of milk. It requires science. Actual physics and biology and chemistry.

And thanks for the blessing. I'm glad we can be civil even if we hail from opposite sides of the fenxe.

I'm missing a crucial piece of the puzzle here, and hope that you will enlighten me.

Question: Why is it that you think that, simply because a man is "religious", he can only accomplish things by "praying over a bucket of milk"?

Is this another example of someone who does not comprehend that there is a difference between religion and science? One who does not understand that they answer entirely different questions, and provide entirely different (note that "different" does not mean "mutually exclusive") answers, because the questions are different and thus require different answers?

It's not a disability to admit to such - it was a PhD Rocket Scientist (actually an Astronomer, rather than a Rocket Scientist, whose PhD was from Yale - don't hold that against him!) who explained that difference to me many years ago, before which I did not understand the difference myself.

Because of the difference, they are NOT mutually exclusive, according to the astronomer. Instead, they answer different questions, making them, according to him, mutually complimentary rather than exclusionary at all.

One would no more "pray over a bucket of milk" to Pasteurize it than one would wire a DC generator into a holy man to give him "spirit power".

I am offended that two people here and one person said twice "praying over a bucket of milk", this shows their mocking bias. If Louise Pasteur was a professed atheist, oh how they would laud his discoveries. And Pasteur discovered more than the process of Pasteurization folks.

This is the point, again. Louise is an an example of a scientist (microbiologist) who is/was faithful to God in a powerful way, he was very devout. God directed Pasteur to his discoveries. Since all good things come from God, some of this good is realized by "science" AND a small amount of God's truth is professed in man-made "religion."

Remember for the time ahead, the fullness of God's revelation is only found in the "Faith", there is only one Faith, Roman Catholicism. Everything one knows of Christ less the Old Testament prophesies came from her. God is going to show every soul on the earth this fact personally very "soon" to enlighten and change hearts, hoping His children choose for Him.

May the Two Hearts J+M keep you safe neno,


posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 05:38 AM
IQ changes dependent on age. IQ is remarkably 75% genetic and approx. 35 % environment. Wealthier lifestyles offspring tend to utilise more of their genetic traits compared to those who are disadvantaged will tend to show more of their environmental experiences.

Unfortunately the downside for some who have high IQ’s is psychosocial concerns such as Maladjustment. Maladjustment is prevalent amongst child, teenagers and into their adult life. Unfortunately a lot of maladjustment is prevalent in females under the age of 20, leading to suicide. Maladjustment is attributed to Low Emotional Intelligence, which leads to inferior people skills even though their overall intelligence is remarkably high.

Maladjustment has a few causes. Isolation in that in our culture there is a stigma associated with being gifted because of the constant pressure of normalcy. Perfectionism is another problem, which equates to ones worth to ones achieves. This can lead to nagging “I should” feeling, shame and guilt and ultimately procrastination. Underachievement, very common problem associated with negative reinforcement from peers or too much positive reinforcement from parents. Underachievement can also be as a result of undiagnosed learning disorders; those with high IQ’s are prone to learning disorders and are not diagnosed because they are more readily able to compensate. Depression tends to be bound in those who are gifted in performing arts, writing, visual arts. Most are prone to Existential depression. They are more aware of the finality of death and the ultimate unimportance of the individual. Communication problems, arise due to an encyclopaedic knowledge, much faster information processing, everything becomes a problem that they have to solve and so they have trouble making small talk which leaves little to social offerings. This can lead to stress that other average IQ people do not have that makes others difficult to recognise this.

Psychological disorders such as Schizophrenia are anatomically found with those with higher IQ’s. Because of a gene called the DARPP32 gene that improves the information processing in the area of the prefrontal cortex and controls the circuit to the striatum where such as motivation and certain types of learning occurs. So the two are connected and the circuit functions differently with individuals with a normal IQ.

Other psychological disorders common in high IQ:
Autism (savont)is common in high IQ – tend to focus on one or two areas and struggle in other areas.
Eating disorders as a result of societal pressure.

So as a society we need to have a better understanding of these psychosocial and psychological disorders of these individuals to support and contribute more to the success of these individuals than the pressures of their achievements.

edit on 28-7-2014 by lonewolf2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 06:06 AM
When people tell me that my belief in religion is illogical, I always ask, if their logic is better than Isaac Newton's.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: glend

Newton was being paid by the church. This was during a time in human history when your life could be in jeopardy if your "science" conflicted with anything the church said.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: centhwevir1979

No we have his private letters so we know he believed in God but he suspected the church had modified trinity over time etc.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: colbe

I am offended that two people here and one person said twice "praying over a bucket of milk", this shows their mocking bias. If Louise Pasteur was a professed atheist, oh how they would laud his discoveries. And Pasteur discovered more than the process of Pasteurization folks.

This is the point, again. Louise is an an example of a scientist (microbiologist) who is/was faithful to God in a powerful way, he was very devout. God directed Pasteur to his discoveries. Since all good things come from God, some of this good is realized by "science" AND a small amount of God's truth is professed in man-made "religion."

Remember for the time ahead, the fullness of God's revelation is only found in the "Faith", there is only one Faith, Roman Catholicism. Everything one knows of Christ less the Old Testament prophesies came from her. God is going to show every soul on the earth this fact personally very "soon" to enlighten and change hearts, hoping His children choose for Him.

May the Two Hearts J+M keep you safe neno,


I apologize - I didn't mean to offend you, I meant to reinforce the point that Science and Religion are two different fields of endeavor, that answer entirely different questions, and are NOT mutually exclusive, but rather complimentary, in that together they cover a wider spectrum of inquiry, neither of which is qualified to answer for the other.

One does not ask a science question of a preacher and expect a scientific answer any more than one asks a religion question of a scientist and expects a religious answer. they are not structured the same, as they investigate entirely different fields.

We do, however, differ on a few things you touch upon. "The Faith" is no more bound to a single church than "the world" is contained within the boundaries of Italy. I have "The Faith", but am in no way a Roman Catholic - I detest Empires, especially those made by Roman Emperors.

I am not a Catholic, and so I know nothing of Jesus that originated with Roman Catholicism. They were latecomers to the scene, long after Jesus had already died, resurrected, and ascended. Catholic dogma was promulgated solely to consolidate the power of the Empire, and has nothing to do with Jesus or God at all - it has all to do with the power structure and hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church/ Roman Empire.

God does not "hope", God WILLS, and It IS - i.e. "Light BE, and it WAS".

I thank you for the sentiment and attempt at blessing, but I have One Spirit that protects me, and no need of "two hearts" to do so. After what I've seen, done, experienced, and survived these past 53 years, I am convinced that Spirit does an excellent job, and can see me through to the end without any further assistance.

Thank you all the same, though.

edit on 2014/7/30 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2014 @ 04:48 PM
I am reminded of the head of the human Genome project from this topic:

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