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Russia Today Anchor Resigns, Admits To Spreading 'Lies' For Putin

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posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: Painterz
That distinction is at the core of this discussion, but people are not inclined to think critically about a source when they agree with the message. Sadly, that applies even on ATS.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:02 PM
Now she could get a job on CNN, MSNBC, or Fox where they lie and don’t even realize they are lying, or better yet…pretend to themselves their not being manipulated.

The US networks are ALL in the pocket of pro Israel, pro war US agenda, and that includes the so-called liberal MSNBC.

[b] Glenn Greenwald: Why Did NBC Pull Veteran Reporter After He Witnessed Israeli Killing of Gaza Kids?
edit on 18-7-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Hope he likes the taste of polonium.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Hope he likes the taste of polonium.

(post by RussiaToday removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord

originally posted by: RoScoLaz4
thanks but i'll decide for myself.

Then you've decided to parrot Russian propaganda. Sorry to be harsh, but it's true.

As have a growing number of recent members to this site. ATS has become a dissemination outlet for Russian propaganda. It's quite sickening.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: blupblup

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord

Russia Today is indeed much worse than other news sources as it's charter owes to the Russian government, and it's completely funded by the Russian government.

But so is the BBC, by the UK Government.

And the BBC has a very strong independent charter and cultural institutional abhorrence and throughout its existence has often significantly criticized the governments of the U.K. and has successfully resisted pressure of the government. The historical examples are clear and this is how the U.K. public expects it to be.

Don't believe the false claims of equivalence---- there is NO equivalent in Western media to the complete propaganda of RT.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:42 PM
Why was the post by RussiaToday deleted? If it really was authored by RT, the implications are central to this topic.

Read three posts up and you will see the removed post. It was gone so quickly that I doubt many others got the chance to read it. For the consideration of everyone in the thread: a post was made under account named 'RussiaToday,' an account that was created today. It contained a couple of youtube links to videos which were obviously made to defend the integrity of RT, as well as a poorly-written and patronizing message saying 'ATS is so great)))).' I assume the parentheses were meant to be explanation points.

The videos were entirely unconvincing and mostly consisted of weak attempts to discredit the reporter in the OP. It certainly made me wonder -- why is RT so concerned with what ATS thinks? Furthermore, how active is RT in monitoring or interjecting on sites like ATS?

Of course it could have been a fraudster masquerading as RT, but I see no motive there other than perhaps to further discredit the 'news agency'...and the videos seemed to be an earnest, if ineffective, defense of RT.
edit on 18-7-2014 by OpenMindedRealist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:43 PM
When it comes to media outlets, there is unbiased reporting, biased, then there is propaganda. Every news outlet shows some degree of bias. But then there are those that knowingly report false stories, on behalf of corporate sponsors or political parties.

This is the third reporter from RT that has quit the network and admitted that RT is "reporting" lies and propaganda for Putin.

Again, I don't care if a network has bias. That is their prerogative. We all know Fox is biased to Republicans, and MSNBC is biased to Democrats. It's when they cross the line and fabricate stories or propaganda to influence public opinion we have to watch out for. RT, as far as I'm concerned, has relegated itself to the heap of Web sites reporting fake news. Anything that comes from there should be treated with skepticism.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:45 PM
This definitely tells you there is something going on, and that the integrity of Russian lives are at stake. It's not surprising considering that Russia has been attacked economically.

She may be trying to land up on the side of this fight that she thinks will win. So it may not be an allegiance to truth, it may be an allegiance to personal and family security.
edit on 2014 by BlubberyConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 04:50 PM
I've been saying this from the very beginning. RT is a state run news agency. Of course they spout propaganda however ATS will continue to treat their word as gospel because it takes an anti-American slant. It's a perfect example of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:03 PM
Yes, Russia Today is horrible!

Russians have always been liars and all they ever wanted is war on the entire world.

RT is nothing more then war mongering propaganda of a fascist tyrant Putin.

Boycott Putin! Civilized world must punish Putin and his Russian supporters with more sanctions and if they refuse to accept the rule of international law, then even war.

Even RT reporters are saying it on their own TV channels!

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: AmericanNational
Yes, Russia Today is horrible!

Russians have always been liars and all they ever wanted is war on the entire world.

RT is nothing more then war mongering propaganda of a fascist tyrant Putin.

Boycott Putin! Civilized world must punish Putin and his Russian supporters with more sanctions and if they refuse to accept the rule of international law, then even war.

Even RT reporters are saying it on their own TV channels!

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer
See, it wasn't Israel's fault. Seems russia is just anti Semitic again.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:21 PM
THAT is what happens when you hire OUTSIDE the RODINA....

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:28 PM
You mean the "I had Breakfast with a Yeti" article wasn't true ?

Damn it...

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: aLLeKs
The truth lies between both sides.

The truth lies outside of both sides. Both sides are boundaries attempting to keep you between them.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: mattsawaufo

I agree with you, Russia is completely anti Semitic, just look at how Putin persecutes Jewish businessmen and bankers. He puts them in jail, steals their money, and shuts down their banks.

And just look at Ukraine fighting for its freedom! Ukrainian President Poroshenko is a successful Jewish oligarch that owns a multibillion chocolate business and his own Television News Media company, while Jewish Dnepropetrovsk Governor Mr. Kolomoyski is not only an oligarch and a banker that also owns Television News Media companies, but he also owns his own private army that is currently fighting against Russian terrorists! Kievs very own mayor is also Jewish, a world boxer Mr Klichko, and currently he is removing all those Russian FSB agents that are trying to stir up all kinds of anti-goverrnemtn trouble at Maidan. Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk is also Jewish, also a banker, and an attorney! Just the top four of the new Ukrainian leaders are Jewish, attorney bankers, with private armies. That in comparison to Russia, where not a singe banker can have his won army, not even if he is Jewish, and that is unacceptable Antisemitism.

One just has to compare and look at the difference on how poor, horrible and anti Semitic Russia is, versus flourishing Ukrainian Democracy, which is fighting for its freedom under brilliant guidance of its Jewish leaders.

Go Ukraine! Go Israel! One and together against war and world tyranny!

edit on 18-7-2014 by AmericanNational because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 06:40 PM
Its obvious why she quit. Who the hell could run a story like RT just did with a straight face? Putins plane was the target of Ukrainian SAMs but they missed and took down MH17.

LOLROLF Russians are so funny cause, they lie so bad that it makes them look so desperate and GUILTY!

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

LOLROLF Russians are so funny cause, they lie so bad that it makes them look so desperate and GUILTY!

Oh yes! Russians are so guilty of everything and so desperate to get away with it!

We should totally bomb them and hang Putin like Saddam, that would be cool



world war and ritualistic murder is so funny

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