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Prison Tapped ... to House Immigrant Children in U.S. Illegally

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posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:41 AM

“It is a potential,” [U.S. Republican Texas] Neugebauer said. “The federal criteria is pretty high, but that’s a great facility. Certainly, if they are looking for additional facilities, we want to make sure they take a look at it.”

Arismendez said the property has been maintained since closing,

But Neugebauer isn’t the only one interested in reusing the 14-year-old building.

His Democratic opponent in the upcoming November general election, Neal Marchbanks, proposed the same solution.

“We’re almost going to have to house these people for at least some period of time until we can figure out what to do with them,” he said.

“In the short run, we have vacant prisons — it sounds bad to put them in a prison, but that’s about all we can do.”

Littlef ield, Texas prison tapped to possibly house immigrant children in U.S. illegally


VIDEO: Littlefield-Prison (2:38)

OPINION: It's ... "PERFECT" !!!

( i.e. Prision(s), Illegally, Immigrant, Republican, and Democrat )


Will Obama AGREE with "Prision" AND help "Texas-Economy" ???


Relocations of Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors

edit on 10-7-2014 by FarleyWayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

That's the best idea I've heard so far. Maybe Texas has more prisons they could offer for this calamity. Only until we can send all these illegals and their "Yes we can!" Obama shoes back to wherever the came from.

ETA - Doubtful the emperor will allow it. Sends too clear of a message.
edit on 587am0808am82014 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:35 AM
Wow a perfect solution.

Prisons have - beds ; gyms ; recreational facilities ; classrooms ; television ; medical clinics ; cafeteria

After all they are technically criminals.

It is against the law to enter the US illegally
(the US does have laws on the books making this illegal believe it or not)

When one breaks the laws on the books they have done something illegal

When one does something illegal they have committed a crime

When one commits a crime they are a criminal
(regardless of their age, if one knowingly commits a crime they are a criminal -
that is why we have juvenile detention centers)

When a criminal needs to be "processed" they are held in a jail

Making the empty prisons absolutely perfect for the job, protecting the "children"
(especially those XL children with gang tattoos) from each other
and keeping the males and females locked in at night
to discourage the rabbit like behavior that is causing problems in the current facilities

Protecting the public from the drug resistant and potentially lethal TB they carry, as well as other diseases

edit on 10-7-2014 by grandmakdw because: make it more readable

edit on 10-7-2014 by grandmakdw because: see previous

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:06 AM
It amazes me how some of you continue to operate under the delusion that the Democrats are somehow rolling out a welcome mat and Republicans were closing up the borders. What should be a humanitarian issue is twisted into a political one.

In 1986, under Reagan, 3 million illegal immigrants were given amnesty. America didn't fall to pieces. By 2004, the illegal immigrant population was back up to 10 million and Bush and other GOP party leaders were pushing for amnesty.

Remember this?

The number of illegal aliens being apprehended on the southwestern border has jumped 25 percent in the first three months of 2004 compared with last year, and some are blaming President Bush’s immigration proposal in January for enticing immigrants across the border.


Amnesty was proposed again in 2005 in two immigration reform bills, one proposed by Republicans Jon Kyl and John Cornyn and another from John McCain and Democrat Ted Kennedy. Then again in 2006 with the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 co-sponsored by among others, Republicans McCain, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Hagel, Arlen Spector and Sam Brownback. 2007 saw another attempt with the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 which was co-sponsored by McCain, Lindsey Graham and Ted Kennedy with support from Bush.

Now somehow despite a decrease in the illegal immigrant population, the current administration is being accused of undertaking some bizarre voter fraud scheme. Two unverified pictures of shoes? OH OH THEY'RE WALKING ACROSS IN THEIR OBAMA SHOES!
edit on 2014-7-10 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:18 AM
I've been saying since this issue first began to hit the news that there must be some sort of potential profit to be made from this....and the government/corporations will find a way to do so.

Wouldn't be surprised if these prisons were privately owned and they get a nice fat check from Uncle Sam to lock em up.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian
Just because crooked politicians push for amnesty does not make illegals legal. After a teenager gets 99yrs for selling pot brownies we are suppose to turn a blind eye let thousands break the law and get government benefits to top it all off? Does this not seem insane to you?
What other country would let any of our citizens live in thier country illegally? None that I know of.

edit on 10-7-2014 by 2manyholes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: 2manyholes
a reply to: theantediluvian
Just because crooked politicians push for amnesty does not make illegals legal. After a teenager gets 99yrs for selling pot brownies we are suppose to turn a blind eye let thousands break the law and get government benefits to top it all off? Does this not seem insane to you?
What other country would let any of our citizens live in thier country illegally? None that I know of.

There's nothing sane about a teen facing 99 years for selling pot brownies. Things are big in Texas I hear, particularly the overreactions?

What are all these government benefits you're speaking of? Illegal immigrants aren't able to collect any sort of means-tested social welfare benefits nor are they able to collect things like state disability or unemployment. Please explain.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. ...

Among the findings: In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010),

57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Immigrant households’ use of welfare tends to be much higher than natives for food assistance programs and Medicaid. Their use of cash and housing programs tends to be similar to native households.

A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens. But even households with children comprised entirely of immigrants (no U.S.-born children) still had a welfare use rate of 56 percent in 2009.

Immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, even before the current recession. In 2001, 50 percent of all immigrant households with children used at least one welfare program, compared to 32 percent for natives.

Households with children with the highest welfare use rates are those headed by immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82 percent), Mexico and Guatemala (75 percent), and Ecuador (70 percent). Those with the lowest use rates are from the United Kingdom (7 percent), India (19 percent), Canada (23 percent), and Korea (25 percent).

The states where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota and Oregon (56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent).

We estimate that 52 percent of households with children headed by legal immigrants used at least one welfare program in 2009, compared to 71 percent for illegal immigrant households with children. ...

Illegal immigrant households with children primarily use food assistance and Medicaid, making almost no use of cash or housing assistance. In contrast, legal immigrant households tend to have relatively high use rates for every type of program.


Welfare use tends to be high for both new arrivals and established residents. In 2009, 60 percent of households with children headed by an immigrant who arrived in 2000 or later used at least one welfare program; for households headed by immigrants who arrived before 2000 it was 55 percent.

... The eight major welfare programs examined in this report are SSI (Supplemental Security Income for low income elderly and disabled), TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), WIC (Women, Infants, and Children food program), free/reduced school lunch, food stamps (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), Medicaid (health insurance for those with low incomes), public housing, and rent subsidies.

Does this answer your question?

Also, are not unused prisons a better and safer place to house these "children" than compounds where they sleep on the ground in large rooms?

Prisons have, semi private rooms, recreation, television, safe commercial cooking, medical facilities
way more humanitarian than the way they are being housed now

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian
They are coming into the country with nothing. They are going to be fed, clothed, given medical and a roof over their heads. Illegals are already being given drivers licenses, I believe in California. So if the government is not providing these things to them who do you think is?

My point here is in the word illegal. If I was to do something illegal I would go to jail correct? But they are given amnesty with benefits of the things I have listed above. My other point here is that this is going to cost our country money that could be better spent on our own citizens. Citizens that have paid into the system more likely than not at one time in their lives. As long as we have people out of work, losing their homes ect I'll stand by my reasoning, help those who are natural born citizens first.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw
Thanks for posting that link and info. I'm having a busy day and didn't have the time to lookup that stats. Much appreciated.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Great now the "children" are bringing leprosy with them. The TB is drug resistant and often fatal, and has already been passed to border patrol agents. Add to that polio. Wonderful.

And you think that they should be released in the general population out of kindness?

Kindness to whom? Certainly not to American citizens.

The Texas unused prisons are looking better and better, in reality they are better than the camps they are now in, and better than the fema camps.

Once again the prisons can offer: semi private rooms, television, recreational facilities, classrooms, restaurant quality kitchens, medical clinics - actually the kindest place we can send the children and still protect American citizens.

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