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Are evil spirits pretending to be afraid of religious symbols so we will believe them??

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posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: ahnggk
** two recent posts pose deep questions, but this reply has got too long, ill put the second half in the other forum Philosophy & Metaphysics. a quick answer to mr.Ahnggk is that Yes yes yes the "bigger" evil spirits /"gods", are extremely Treacherous /clever (stupid Karmically) at pretending to be the opposite of what they really are. they will kick you left and right hoping to crack /unnerve you. so Beware ALL (all) of them, "jesus" included, since "they" VERY COMMONLY impersonate goodness, and if that jew Label represents your concept of goodness, "it" will trap you into "obedience" and confusion within your Cognitive Mechanism. and to mr.Droid56 - you are right to suspect non-physical entities (Aliens) are in control of this planet and our our Fates / karma, ESPECIALLY when loose-thinking humans start to ask deep questions and become "open-mindedly" Vulnerable. the implication being that "ignorance is safer" - if you stay AWAY from this dangerous subject, you will be better off / "materialistic" maybe - but SANER. so make your choice ...

** we need to draw these ideas on paper as Primarily problems of Human Cognition (HCM) and correct operation of your Analytical Mind (AM I-AM), by your Central Soul Mind (CSM) /your "me", within your Brain and "Self" sphere of Resources (SOR). do not worsen anything by demands for Proof, since its acquisition is DANGEROUS. rather be content with a simpler and safer life, or you will attract attention of "the devils", and you will NOT find that as "fun" as many stupid people think ... so ive warned you twice ...

** now, how many partitions of "mind" have you got ? several, so they need Labelling before you can introspectively observe what is going on inside your head (1) Normal Domestic Mind (NDM) "you", is the one you mostly use in daily 2-way conversations with other humans. call it "domestic" to cover subjects within your Local environment and concerns of Work / Family etc (2) Excess Consumption Desires (ECD) you know youve already eaten enough food, but your emotions hanker for More. you must control those excesses, like a Coachman has to reign back the four horses of his carriage. that (ECD) becomes a destructive Mind Partition in millions of humans (alcohol /drugs /eating /religion /sex/hate/greed etc (3) Intuitional Mind Inputs (IMI) sometimes sensed on the top of your head, semi-consciously until you have realised the Benefits of attending more to them. not necessarily accepting, but at least do not ignore them, in case you throw some good ideas out with the unwanted.

** as you increase in Intelligent Awareness and the "semi" becomes full Attention to "inspirations", you will have to fight through Layers of spirit attackers who do not want you to succeed (in anything), and will barrage you with all sorts of negative thoughts, such as "why bother writing this stuff, id rather go down the cat-house and have Sakura's ass again". yes, you have to be strictly Honest at least with yourself, even if you lie to your grandmother (not her business anyway is it !) indeed after years of dealing with rabid spirits all pretending to be "jesus" or "god" threatening to throw you into hell, you may seriously wonder if there are any GOOD spirits in the universe AT ALL. but with scientific honesty assessing ALL the facts in your life, not just sinking into depression that "god must be a lunatic, there is no goodness", you may remember you had a nice steak yesterday, and Sakuras ass the day before, so Life was not entirely bad was it. and since you (me !) spent years telling "god" to fu*k off and bomb the Bush family instead of the Syrians, and i am still here alive writing - not in hell yet, then the implication must be that "someone" is QUIETLY /secretly allowing an amount of Protection, even if you daily complain it is not enough.

** so, do not allow ANY images of "god" /spirits /"jesus" etc to become Active Destructive Engrams (ADE) in any of your Mind partitions. sometimes you will think it "should" be ok to talk to spirits who seem friendly /helpful, but STILL beware of the civilised tendancy to attempt "polite" 2-way conversation with "them", and ONLY concentrate on 1-way Kamanic Next Useful Thought (NUT) inputs. it is very difficult to restrain your "thank you" tendancy, but that can make you TOO "grateful" and interfere with concentrating on the Morality of a proposed action. in other words, make sure YOU wanted to do what you did, not because some invisible "nice" alien told you to. only afterwards might you indirectly make some humour indicating appreciation. when you get onto the most difficult levels of Telepathy, your "guide" does not want any flattery - there is too much chaos and suffering in the world for that. he/she will want you to NOT TO BE DISTRACTED by considerations of the mere Name or status of a SOURCE, and ONLY to bother about the Morality and Appropriateness of a planned action. there seem to be quite a few readers on ATS pondering these deepest questions, so i try to give you a bit of extra confidence - especially if you are suffering confusion about whether "jesus" is really as good as the previous paedophile pope told you, or are suffering "reptile" attacks (modern word for evil spirits; its the "greys" who have the flying saucers; and the "Seraphim" who are silent / over-worked Controllers of the reptiles).

** the Socratic Teaching Method (STM) is to offer a few well-intentioned ideas and see what the reactions of students are. if they fail to ask relevant questions, then they are not ready for more answers, so too bad for them... remember who is waiting for me down the road. is not Socrates beautiful japanese daughter more important ? am i not trying to help you by not rushing off to get hold of her
goodluck, and BEWARE, the basta*d Aliens /spirits /yaldebroath /reptiles /god/ illuminati are VERY treacherous, you will need a Mind like a steel shell to repel. "they" only need a tiny gap in your gullibilities /confidences in Moral Rectitude, and they will hammer their EGOS and threats into your gap like a Wedge tipped with smallpox, so never think Witchcraft or (ironically) "summoning jesus" will be finally good for you. as Ahnggk correctly said after his years of bad experiences "the one thing that repelled those evil spirits the most, was lack of fear/or any emotion, and not paying much attention to them /personallities". yes, and as Droid56 correctly said "reincarnation and karma is probably the system that we humans exist within, but I have some doubt that it is a benevolent" and "Are we protected ? Or are we trapped ? What is the wise way to proceed without a religion to soothe us".

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: ahnggk

Any symbol can get power if it is given it.

Meaning that if enough people strongly believe that a certain stone, a pendant or a book is somehow connected with God, Allah or whatever your belief is, with time it sort of get infused by this. But it's not always the item itself, it is often what people believe and how strong spiritually they become when they are near these symbols that they believe in. Almost like a placebo effect.

In some cases lower spirits can be affected by these symbols because they themselves believe in them. And in some cases it is you that become stronger because of your own belief/faith.

And in some rare cases the symbol itself have been prayed to and used by so many people for thousands of years that it contains power itself. And will continue be that way as long as it is used in strong faith.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 12:34 PM
I have had experience with something paranormal. It started out with voices, but tirned into a attack, the beings were trying to kill me using psychic power, i one time almost died i could feel them touch my neck, hair and chest, heard evil yelling voices and children in pain, i was terrified but hid it. As i lay awake in bed my body would freeze up. I saw a bipedal non human and heard drums and evil industrial music from the wall. Ive had lights in the sky talk to me while above me. I know for a fact that the paranormal is utilizing implant technology disguised as biologicals to induce what we call religious or exotic experiences .

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: Chazam
Meaning that if enough people strongly believe that a certain stone, a pendant or a book is somehow connected with God, Allah or whatever your belief is, with time it sort of get infused by this. But it's not always the item itself, it is often what people believe and how strong spiritually they become when they are near these symbols that they believe in. Almost like a placebo effect.

Yes, "Placebo Effect" is what best describes my observation, thank you!

I've read some of you commented that the name of "Jesus" is not really the name of the Son of Man. Well.. It works instantly in casting out evil spirits in my case...

But I remain suspicious... Why would evil spirits try to torment me when they already know I will call on Jesus and it will only drive them away, rendering the whole exercise **worthless**.

Unless, they are enforcing the belief of religions in me by giving me trouble.

This reminds me of NSA using disinformation so people will believe more in giving up some of their freedoms and privacy to NSA.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:34 AM
To all who are doubtful, it's difficult to convince anyone who has never experienced these things.

But I recently received a clean bill of health, physically, psychologically, and mentally from physical and mental tests from two hospitals.

I very rarely see things but just last week, I was suddenly pulled down my bed by an unseen force. It happened while I was awake, beats the laws of physics.

I'm a haunted person seems to be the best explanation atm.. The last two years have actually be the most pleasant - absolutely no nightmares! And I fear these things less and less.

I'm a highly logical person - seeing/feeling is believing, and I always try to find a reason for everything in the most logical manner..

..And I can't just deny the existence of spirits. Because if they are not real and moving and shaking things around, then I am a powerful telekinetic and I have a few witnesses to my claim.

But I lean towards that spirits are causing things, not my suspected "psionic powers" because I could observe a pattern which is that of a sentient being with behavior and needs/aversions similar to my own.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: ahnggk

Some people are a bit too open and become almost like beacons for spirits. They see them from far away. Since they have a hard time speaking directly what they often do instead is to cause problems. The term evil is invented by us, but there are spirits that are tormented and haunted by their past, and do anything to get attention.

One can learn how to "close up". Either one learn how to close up at will, and still keep the ability to open up. Or the more drastic way, to close up completely. The later can be a way one regrets later on in life....

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Chazam
Some people are a bit too open and become almost like beacons for spirits. They see them from far away. Since they have a hard time speaking directly what they often do instead is to cause problems. The term evil is invented by us, but there are spirits that are tormented and haunted by their past, and do anything to get attention.

Actually, they spoke to me directly one time.

Oh yes, they can speak directly to us if they want to. They weren't confused or anything. The message they gave me nearly destroyed me.

It was one night of the most elaborate haunting I ever experienced. The spirits made themselves appeared like visiting aliens from another world with their ship. The whole house shook and loose items vibrated as if some ship with anti-gravity is landing.

They appeared as small grey aliens but moved about like shadowy figures and passed through walls. They manifested nearly all signs of a demonic haunting except that they looked like small greys.

They told me I'm gonna do something huge to the world one day. They gave me what looked like a clay cylinder with undeciphered writings in it which never came to my possession. It most certainly puffed my ego. It badly affected my studies and later on, sabotaged my career. I kept having nightmares about them for many years. An entity kept following me for years and caused hauntings. The entity had a reptilian grunt.

Once the damage was done and my career destroyed, they have left me also. They don't bother me anymore, I don't get nightmares anymore, very rare hauntings if any, and I seemed to have stopped getting sick from any disease.

So either I'm dealing with spirits who consciously intend malice and destroying people, or I'm dealing with advanced aliens with malicious intents and have the technology to make themselves and their ships perfectly invisible.
edit on 26-6-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: ahnggk

Then your experiences was of something else than spirits.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: ahnggk

Interesting premise, and I believe it has merit. The simple fact is that demons are expelled through the power of Jesus, in His Name, and not through any symbol, or tool, that people might choose to rely upon instead of Him. So, yes, it's possible, even likely, that demons would pretend to fear such things, to cause people to rely on those things, instead of on God. Also, these spirits might even pretend to leave, as a result of such foolish prop use, and actually hang around.

You said,

I am a Christian. But I certainly won't lose my beliefs in spiritual entities, they are absolutely real, because if not, then my mind is causing these things which have observable effects by others like articles in the house shaking/vibrating violently.

As a Christian, there is no reason you should stop believing that these spirits are real. Jesus wasn't casting out hallucinations, after all. As a Christian, you can also order them from your home, in His Name. Trust that. We might be weak, but He isn't.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Could you elaborate on why you think religious objects making evil spirits angry contradicts Bible teachings and/or Jesus? If anything religious objects having power over them reinforces Christianity.

Objects would be considered idols. I have nothing against a cross, as an expression of faith, but the cross I wear on a necklace isn't a thing of power. It's just a symbol. Jesus didn't say to grab some token object to cast out demons; He said that would be done in His Name.

That said, God could certainly use an object to illustrate something, such as using the staff Moses carried for various events. Moses could point the staff, and God would act, through Moses, to demonstrate His power. That's a very specific thing, though, and different from expecting a cross or crucifix or whatever to protect you, simply because of its shape.

It's the reliance on the objects, instead of the God they represent, that would be counter to Biblical teaching.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: ahnggk

I very rarely see things but just last week, I was suddenly pulled down my bed by an unseen force. It happened while I was awake, beats the laws of physics.

I'm a haunted person seems to be the best explanation atm.. The last two years have actually be the most pleasant - absolutely no nightmares! And I fear these things less and less.


Not fearing them is a start. Now, order them out. Rebuke them in the name of Jesus. They must go, then. If any don't, prayer and fasting, then do it again. Some prayer sent from here as well. There is no reason you should have to have these things in your home. It's no accident you posted this here, and I saw it. Trust Him, and believe me when I say I KNOW this works. Nothing like you have, but some past issues. None now; they know they aren't allowed here.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: ahnggk

Sounds like you suffer from Schizophrenia. I would seek a psychiatric professional immediately.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 09:31 AM
The strongest manifestation of an evil spirit that I have encountered to date happened in a military chapel in Camp Zama Japan. I was stationed there and worked in the chapel back in the 1980s. The chapel itself was haunted. The spirits were EVIL. They were either damned human souls or demons ... or more likely they were a mixture of both present there.

The evil wasn't afraid of the bibles or the crosses or the stations of the cross or the crucifixes or the holy water that were all over the place. They still manifested. You could feel them when they were next to you. They were pure HATE and all that HATE was directed right at you. It chilled you to your very soul. Seriously.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 10:01 AM
Pat Robertson said this week to a lady living in a haunted house:

The televangelist told the woman to “get out” of her house and sell the demon-infested property immediately: “Run to the nearest realtor, put it on the market, cut the price in half and get out.” - See more at:

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Lovely. So he pushes the house off on someone else. Some unsuspecting innocent person will buy it and be infested. He didn't make the problem go away, he just passed it along. That's a sucky thing to tell someone to do. Reminds me of a used car salesman ...

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

That's a sucky thing to tell someone to do. Reminds me of a used car salesman ...

ALL of the televangelists remind me of those scum...

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 11:07 AM
Look at medieval Europe. They had tons of gargoyle statues to ward off or scare evil spirits.

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: ahnggk

i'm the foulest of demons and can confirm this is exactly what demons do.

god has never existed, it's always been satan and demons. demons were tasked with making humans believe in a being such as god and to make humans believe in god for as long as possible, and what better way than to pretend religious objects have power over demons?

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 10:40 PM
Harvard's John Mack found that people experiencing ufo/abductions did not have psychological problems or delusions…

there are real, physical evidences for encounters…

meanwhile, other top researchers say:

“Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception.”
--Dr. Jacques Vallee

“The UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical.”
--Dr. Pierre Guerin

“The UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors. It actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture.”
--John Ankenberg

“One theory that can no longer be taken seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships.”
--Sir Arthur C. Clarke

“The evidence suggests that this is a program.”
--Prof. David Jacobs, Temple Univ.

and hundreds of documented cases show that "aliens" are afraid of Jesus:
yt:Unholy Communion: The Fourth Kind Unveiled - Joseph Jordan and Guy Malone

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 10:42 PM
Jesus is a well-documented historical figure:

yt: Jesus: Evidence, ancient historical sources
Part I: Evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ by Simon Greenleaf, the Royal Professor of Law at Harvard University. Dr. Greenleaf was one of the greatest legal minds that ever lived. He wrote the famous legal volume entitled, A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, considered by many the greatest legal volume ever written. Dr. Simon Greenleaf believed the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was a hoax. And he determined, once and for all, to expose the "myth" of the Resurrection. After thoroughly examining the evidence for the resurrection — Dr. Greenleaf came to the exact opposite conclusion! He wrote a book entitled, An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice. In which he emphatically stated: 
"it was IMPOSSIBLE that the apostles could have persisted in affirming the truths they had narrated, had not JESUS CHRIST ACTUALLY RISEN FROM THE DEAD, . . ."
(Simon Greenleaf, An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice, p.29).

Part II examines evidence from the non-biblical sources of nineteen pagan writers that refer to Jesus Christ of the first century such as Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger. Also doucmented by Flavius Josephus, the greatest historian of the Jews.

yt: The Bible Is True! ~ The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict
yt: Walter Veith (13) Battle of the Bibles /Total Onslaught
youtube: The Resurrection Argument That Changed a Generation of Scholars - Gary Habermas at UCSB

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