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"Giant metal cylinder of unknown origin appears in Siberia"

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posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:21 AM
I didn't see this so I thought I'd share. Not sure if this is the right forum. Here's a bit of the article at Gizmodo

This 16-foot-long metal cylinder of unknown origin recently washed up in a Siberian village following severe flooding. Nobody knows where it came from but Aleksey Yaskin, a professor of aerospace engineering at Biysk Technology University, told Reuters that it may be the first stage of a rocket.

Id roll down hills in things like that as a kid.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: Taj Mikel

Looks like a stack base (chimney like). You can see the base plate which is red, the black dots on the base being bolt holes. Seen & built plenty of them.

Kind Regards
edit on 14-6-2014 by myselfaswell because: ads;ufh qpiy f ;oi ;qwoieuf ;;oi ;oiuq ;wieu '''i ' i i eeeeeee

edit on 14-6-2014 by myselfaswell because: pesky unseen spelling mistake

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:33 AM
Someone in your source posted this and i agree

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:37 AM
Her you go

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:44 AM
Looks far too heavy to be anything to do with a rocket, especially if its made of steel.
Then again, floating that high on the river, perhaps it isn't, hard to tell.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: pikestaff

I think that might just be shallow water, so it might not be floating in it. I'll try and link the video

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Thanks, Myselfaswell! So, basically this sort of thing?

ETA* Hmm, I'm not sure how to post images from other sites
edit on 14-6-2014 by Taj Mikel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:39 AM
This region of Russia has been experiencing severe flooding. The object you have noted appears to be a ICBM fuel storage component (prob of a decommissioned SS-18).

Here is a picture of a de-commissioned SS-18:

Local officials says the military souvenir – which was designed to carry fuel for inter-continental ballistic missiles – now poses no danger to the public. “There is no fuel in the section, and it is no way dangerous,” says Nikolai Dochilov, general director of the Altai Science and Production Centre. “The water flooding into Altai region is a greater danger than the object found here.” The rocket owner, Tatyana Zhdanova, says her family bought it last year, but it had “broken the fence and floated off” during the recent heavy floods. “Soon we will put it up for auction and will sell it as an antique,” she says.


Locals are unsure of what the object is, with some speculating that it is debris from a recent (failed) launch of a Proton-M rocket. Roscosmos has not confirmed or denied the speculation. Object washed by flooding from the (now disused) Soviet Bijskogo chemical plant according to Professor of the Department of rocket engines BTI AltSTU, also chief designer FNPTS "Altai" Alex Yaskin.

Two dogs were found living in the floating object, and have been informally named "Belka" and "Strelka" respectively, two famous, Soviet era space dogs.

Here is the direct Russian news article:

Между тем в соцетях и некоторых СМИ расходится информация о том, что в огород к местному жителю приплыло не что иное, как часть ступени ракеты-носителя «Протон-М», неудачно стартовавшей с космодрома Байконур 16 мая.

Но подтверждения или опровержения от Роскосмоса пока нет. Как сообщил заместитель начальника отдела по районам падения Роскосмоса Александр Двуреченский, информацию о находке он узнал из новостей и пока не может что-либо подробно прокомментировать. «Об этой находке я узнал из новостей в Интернете, необходимо изучить объект, чтобы дать полную характеристику», — сказал Двуреченский.

В огород гаишника

Глава Малоугреневского сельсовета Сергей Попов опровергает информацию о военном или космическом происхождении объекта и утверждает, что местный житель еще в прошлом году привез этот корпус с районной свалки для использования в бытовых целях.

«Он собирался этот объект использовать как емкость для воды, нашел на свалке и привез к себе в огород. Никаких ракет и ступеней от них к нам не падало, сейчас полиция занимается этой находкой. И то только потому, что емкость приплыла в огород к гаишнику», — сказал Попов.

По его словам, владелец корпуса ракеты планирует забрать его назад, так как собирается строить дом, и он может пригодиться во время прокладки канализации.


Google translation is a shocker:

Meanwhile, some media and sotsetyah diverges information about that in the garden to a local sailed nothing else, as part of carrier rocket "Proton-M", unsuccessfully launched from Baikonur on May 16.

But the confirmation or refutation of Roscosmos unavailable. According Deputy Head of Roscosmos areas fall Alexander Dvurechenskii, information about the discovery he learned of the news and could not yet comment on anything in detail. "On this discovery I learned from the news on the Internet, you need to explore, to give a complete characterization," - said Dvurechenskii.

In the garden a traffic cop

Head of the village council Malougrenevskogo Sergey Popov denies its military or cosmic origin of the object and argues that local last year brought this case with the regional landfill for household use.

"He was going to use this as a water reservoir found at the dump and brought back to his garden. No rocket stages and from them to us did not fall, now the police deal with this finding. And just because the capacity sailed into the garden to the policeman, "- said Popov.

According to him, the owner of the missile body plans to take him back, because going to build a house, and it can come in handy during the laying of sewerage.

The precise measurements of the object are not yet known. Seems like one of middle section of the SS-18 but may not be.

edit on 14-6-2014 by Blister because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Blister

Yeah. I'll pay that. It is very similar, it probably is as you suggest. If not, I doubt it's of alien origin.

Kind Regards

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

G,day mate. your getting around tonight.
how about this as a silencer for an 18inch naval gun

or maybe a nephelim cigarette holder lol
yeah i know . i'm still in bed crook

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 07:44 AM
Oh that so totally looks like a rocket part.

Since most launches are over water it seems completely reasonable it would wash up somewhere one day.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: pronto
a reply to: myselfaswell
how about this as a silencer for an 18inch naval gun

Ha i cant even imagine the point of a silencer on a gun that big

Its not like you are in a busy area or sniping from the jungle LOL

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Blister
yes seems right.

edit on 14-6-2014 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 02:30 PM
you expect the odd milk cartoon and plastic bag washing up but when a part of a rocket washes up it does make you wonder.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:00 PM
This was in the news on the 11th. Debunked by the family that own it.


posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: Ashishin_no1

I dunno if debunked is exactly the right phrase I'd use. It obviously wasn't extra-terrestrial, more of a curiosity as to how exactly it got there
Thanks for the link, though! Excellent!

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: Blister

Thanks for the info! Excellent research

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 07:00 PM
Ok, so THAT's where the missing Mercury booster went....
And I thought it'd been recycled..LOL

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