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Are we starting to finally see the beginning of revolution against the government in the U.S.

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posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: stirling

I understand your "burning man" point - Is that why the gov't is now allowing millions of illegal immigrants in the country? And releasing millions of convicted illegal immigrants from prison in our country?

The gov't wants the "burning man" option - for what? Depopulation.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Ok I don't see how people like you are my main problem I didn't see anything in your political views that I disagree with, and I agree that government on state county and local level is corrupt , did you not read that I live in crook county just outside Chicago where political corruption is worse here than just about anywhere in the world I totally believe in all corruption being removed from government it can only help us commoners.

I did see the comment about Crook County. Most of our far right wing commentators are of the evangelical bent. My views would not agree and most likely anger those folks. I live in the KC area, and we are just a bit behind Chicago in the corruption department. Our beloved country is so split right now, I am not sure what it is going to take to bring it back together. Fox News and Limbaugh are doing the right no favor, even though they are popular. I read about 20 - 30 sources a day, and to be denounced by Limbaugh, as being a low information voter, because I am a liberal, pisses me right off.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Ok I consider myself an independent I agree with certain parts of conservative ideologies and I agree with parts of liberal ideologies, I have friends and family on both side of the political spectrum and I love them all equally. On Facebook I identity myself as being part of the anti incumbent party even though there is no such thing I just made it up.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Ok that's where I'm trying to get to that other people can see this stuff coming at a break neck pace, and it may be to late for government and law enforcement to repair their reputation as diplomats and peacekeepers rather than extortionists and Jack booted thugs.

Until greed and avarice are wiped from the human condition, until people are truly equal and there are no classes, until there is transparency and honesty in those few that handle the "value" created by the many, as long as the financial predators and parasites run rampant and lawless with no regard for anyone or anything but their God the almighty (insert currency here), I quite expect there will be strife, struggle and very possibly war/revolution. I am tired of this crap they feed us and all the while expect us to say "Mmmm, mmmm, good" and I wish I was 30 years younger and knew then what I know now.

The "jack booted thugs" you mention, I guess I looked like that in front of a terrorist with my 44 in hand, or my 9P, or an R4. The problem is that the oppressed should not have to "extort and terrorize" for their freedom and the oppressors should not want to "extort and terrorize" for control.

Freedom fighters are just people that have been broken by people who are broken, the psychopaths in government and their handlers.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 6/9.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 10:48 PM
If the revolution is going to be morons like the two meth heads in las Vegas we are going to have a lot of target practice.

I hate meth heads. The thieving pieces of c**p are not to be trusted.

I can see why the people at the Bundy ranch ran them off.

You talk the two morons in las Vegas into planting radio controlled bombs.
The when they get clear of people you use the radio control unit to blow them up just to keep the cops busy.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 11:03 PM
Revolutions aren't started by people who, in classic MK Ultra style and having very little personal history to suggest a motive suddenly go out and shoot a bunch of people, and then for some unknown reason kill themselves, thus expertly silencing the patsy (Holmes musta mis-fired on that detail.)

On the other hand, that exact same scenario is an awful lot like a continuing saga of Reichstag burnings... pretty soon the fascists can be throwing whole bunches of people into concentration camps and claiming they have good reason to do so.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

These "Nut Jobs" are doing just what the governments have been getting ready for. A violent revolution has been planned for, prepared for and paid for. The shooting has started and we need to stop it!

Everything I have read, says you are correct.

The elite have financed EVERY revolution.

"Princeton historian James Billington (Fire in the Minds of Men) traces how all the revolutions were started by this occult elite.

"...the infiltration and take over (via revolutions) of all western governments with the USA as its "prize". Thru the centuries, the Illuminati has financed and promoted every revolution including The French and American Revolution." LINK

"The Illuminati was behind the revolutionary movements of the 18th -- 20th Century as well as their respective reigns of terror."LINK

originally posted by: petrus4
The Illuminati use revolution as a means of institutional theft, or the re-acquisition of property into their own hands. They tell everyone else that the purpose of revolution is to make the common man free, but that is not their real purpose with it. Their real purpose is for everyone else to lose what they own during the looting and chaos, and they end up getting hold of it in the process.

That is what they did during the Depression, and again in 2008. It's the reason why they deliberately engineer economic systems with structural flaws and weaknesses built in. Eventually they know that they are going to want to crash the system. They do it in waves, and every time they do it, they end up with more and more property, and everyone else with less.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
On Facebook I identity myself as being part of the anti incumbent party even though there is no such thing I just made it up.

Hey why not?

Everything else in politics is just as fake as pro-wrestling anyway...

"Tag team politics means it's the Republicans turn to screw you for a few decades while Democrats pretend to care"

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 11:33 PM

it seems to me that we are witnessing all of the same things that colonial America was witnessing at the beginnings of the first American revolution

No, those were people being controlled by a foreign dictator, these are degenerate dumbasses who hate everyone else because they're losers.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
With all of the draconian laws that the government is trying to impose on citizens, with all the police brutality that is being witnessed due to you tube videos, with the recent situation at the Bundy ranch, with the recent shooting of police at wal Mart where the shooters sort of proclaiming war against the government, with the recent attack at that court house, with all of the attacks against police and government agencies, are we see the opening shots, the so called shot heard round the world in the second American revolution it seems to me that we are witnessing all of the same things that colonial America was witnessing at the beginnings of the first American revolution. It seems that we are witnessing that which the government and the police are most afraid of. The thing that they are most afraid of is 280 million citizens rising up and exterminating anyone involved with government or law enforcement. For the record, I am not advocating or rallying for anyone to kill another human being in any way. My intention is to find out if other members here see these things approaching at warp speed the way I believe they are? What say you ATS ?

This kind of stuff happens all the time. It's background noise. It's nothing compared to the violence and radicalizaton of the 60s, or the anarchists of the 19th and early 20th centuries, or the Confederate sympathizers who continued fighting the Civil War long after it ended. It doesn't even rise to the level of the 80s and 90s when the Turner Diary nutjobs started going operational. At least they had a strategy, even if it was a bad novel. There is no revolution coming. We might get lucky and see a bunch of clowns thrown out of Washingon in the next few years, but it'll be through the political process, not revolution.

Whether we are witnessing the same things that Colonial America witnessed at the beginning of the American Revolution is irrelevant, because we are not in Colonial America. Demographics are different. Complaints are different. Peoples' expectations of government are different. When a large fraction (perhaps a majority) of the population sees the government as a source of benefits, do you think they are going to willingly endanger it?

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: DonVoigt

I have not read all the posts in this thread nor do I care to. I am responding to the OP.

Really two chicken crap punks that walk up on two police officers, having lunch; Men with families and small children, and execute them. Is this your freaking war?? Anyone who glorifies this cowardice act is beyond stupid. It is the worst of crimes.

Yeah, all you brave sob's I would love to see you try to fight this totalarian state. Yeah, you are so bad ass. Wait until they park the freaking swat teams in front of your house. Once you finish rinsing your shorts out. Make a post about what a bad ass you are.

You think for one minute you are gonna go up against this monster that has been created since 9+11.

Dream on badasses.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 12:05 AM
good point
We are exactly at that now
Just like the guy today that got taken down for making posts labeled as extremist

or wait

Is that what these two in Vegas were fighting


Not agreeing....just saying its worth thinking about

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: ANNED
If the revolution is going to be morons like the two meth heads in las Vegas we are going to have a lot of target practice.

I hate meth heads. The thieving pieces of c**p are not to be trusted.

I can see why the people at the Bundy ranch ran them off.

You talk the two morons in las Vegas into planting radio controlled bombs.
The when they get clear of people you use the radio control unit to blow them up just to keep the cops busy.

I think that's called "adding chlorine to the gene pool." ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:00 AM
The country is not ready. It will take a united country to a high degree. If this is not achieved you will have something akin to the Civil War...One half fighting the other half. And the government has bigger guns, due to the fact that our 2nd amendment right intending civilians to have firearms that can compete with those of the government has been ignored entirely. It does not come right out and say this, obviously because it was not necessary at the time of creation, but the reasoning behind the amendment itself will always be logical and necessary. So how do you counter an enemy with greater firepower? There are multiple ways, including simply having more troops and utilizing guerilla tactics, the latter being better with fewer troops to retain mobility. Superior tactics are not an option when fighting a modern military by the way. Or at least they are not a revolution-winning option. Not a good overall strategy lol.

Anyway, I do not think things are so bad in America that revolution is necessary. The majority will know when that time comes, IF it comes. There will be even less of a democratic charade at that time. It will be akin to martial law, considering that so many liberties will have been taken away that the only way to ensure the cooperation of the citizenry is to patrol the streets with soldiers. At least in my opinion, although I suppose there are other ways it could play out. Bottom line is that revolution is not necessary at this point in time. And this is mainly because things can still be reversed via democratic processes and mass public demonstrations. I mean really massive though. Only after incredibly large mass protests have failed will revolution even be an option in my opinion, with things the way they are now I mean. Obviously if troops were on the streets everywhere then things would escalate without the necessity of public demonstrations.

ETA: I do not say this about demonstrations because I believe they are effective. Rather I say they will likely be necessary because that will convince the citizenry that the government really does not care about what they think. And this will also put much more of the blame on the government's shoulders, because if they fail to appease such a large majority then a rebellion by the people is more justified.
edit on 6/10/14 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/10/14 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
a reply to: Bassago

Haha ok shot heard round the world was used for dramatic effect. The point was that the king of England feared that shot back then too, same as government fears that shot now.

England feared it because they would have to divert a vast number of resources and try to support a war on the far side of the Atlantic, relying on nothing more than wooden sailing ships and hand-carried messages - a war for which there wasn't a tremendous amount of public support or political will, fighting against an opponent that had access to an identical level of weaponry and the ability to meet up, plan and train without being closely monitored.

It's not the shot*; it never was the shot. It was the context. The shot simply represented a line that, once crossed, could no longer be marginalised or ignored. The context is what changed it from a merely "criminal act" to an act of rebellion. "Shooting official representatives of the government who are acting to enforce the law and maintain the peace" is a description that equally applied to Lexington and the current attack mentioned in your post - yet one attracts patriotic approval and nostalgia while the other attracts shock and condemnation. It's because those events occurred in radically different contexts, which includes the intent of the person but goes far beyond that.

Does your current government fear such a shot? Actually I doubt it, they may well even welcome it. Given the overwhelming disparity of arms (which your second amendment was designed to prevent) and the modern technological capabilities to identify and monitor groups, your government could easily squish dissent provided it had public support for its actions - which is much easier to obtain once everyone gets scared and the label "domestic terrorist" gets thrown around. Your police are now in many cases as equally (or better) equipped than your military, and people generally accept it.

There's your battleground. Public support. The expression "soap box - ballot box - ammo box" isn't about a continuum of force, moving to the next stage when the first stage fails, it's about the fact that a stage will fail if the preceding stage hasn't been used to gain the support necessary. I certainly hope that you never feel the need to progress beyond the second stage, though history has shown that is seems inevitable at some point in the life-cycle of a nation state.

* putting aside for a moment the ongoing debate over whether there was ever a single or specific "shot" that inspired the poem that originated the phrase.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: GrantedBail

Well if your not going to read the entire thread because your above that then your not being a part of the larger discussion started by it making your point mute , and you a closed minded fool. Your like the other trolls who stay focused on one incident rather than the many incidents that I mentioned . People like you are the problem with this country . Look here I have some shiney keys dangling here to distract you from the larger issues.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
a reply to: MrSpad

Ok once again stop focusing on the one event and look at all the events. I talked about a lot more than just the one event out you could try reading the entire thread instead of the first few sentences.

Yes I covered the other events of the other nut balls. So what? Over the course of a few years we had all kinds of postal workers going postal. People go nuts. What they do not do is start a massive destructive revolution that would end up with them dead, starving or living under some warlord wannbe milia leader when they have zero reason to. People complain about the goverment they have since day one. The people in other countries the revolt have real reasons to. So put away the wet dream of and American revolt, at best you might get a letter writing campaign.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: JiggyPotamus

Maybe the citizens are not ready yet , but to your point about large protests, there have been a number of large protests over the past five years where citizens are being ignored, like the million bikers and truckers , the veterans that protested OWS , tea party rallies, all it takes is one small incident, to set all of these groups off.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: EvillerBob

You are absolutely correct in saying that it is eventually one small incident that can precipitate a larger event that is the very point I'm making while certain people are focusing on the one event mentioned because I mentioned it within other events mentioned I was trying to make many examples of incidents, and the only reason I used that one is because it's on the news right now. But these things are happening with a degree of regularity where it's every other day where we are hearing these type of things, think about it on a larger scale how many incidents, news articles , you tube videos of police abuses and government overstepping their bounds have there been brought to light over the past year or past five years?

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: MrSpad

Where did I say I have a wet dream of an American revolution, and how many times do I have to repeat that I do not advocate the killing of anyone, my purpose in opening this thread as I've said is to start a healthy debate, which I think I've done quite successfully.

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