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Are we starting to finally see the beginning of revolution against the government in the U.S.

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posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:30 PM
To answer your title's question, in my opinion, no.

A Revolution against the government happens in the voting booth. Not this way, meth heads and delusional individuals that start killing innocent people isn't starting a Revolution, it's actually making everyone wishing for a change look bad.

The Pizza place and Walmart killings, not too smart. I agree, some cops are bad but when two lunatics so pumped up in drugs decide to kill two police officers that are just having Just no.

We have this nutjob here too in Moncton, Canada, that killed three Mounties for absolutely nothing.

That isn't Revolution, it's simply blatant cold blooded murder. Just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

Nice job working for the government, so I can't take your opinion as valid, so what your saying is that you came on to this thread to bash me for having discontent about corrupt government , wow surprising to have a government employee didn't like being called corrupt.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
With all of the draconian laws that the government is trying to impose on citizens, with all the police brutality that is being witnessed due to you tube videos, with the recent situation at the Bundy ranch, with the recent shooting of police at wal Mart where the shooters sort of proclaiming war against the government, with the recent attack at that court house, with all of the attacks against police and government agencies, are we see the opening shots, the so called shot heard round the world in the second American revolution it seems to me that we are witnessing all of the same things that colonial America was witnessing at the beginnings of the first American revolution. It seems that we are witnessing that which the government and the police are most afraid of. The thing that they are most afraid of is 280 million citizens rising up and exterminating anyone involved with government or law enforcement. For the record, I am not advocating or rallying for anyone to kill another human being in any way. My intention is to find out if other members here see these things approaching at warp speed the way I believe they are? What say you ATS ?

I have no belief in political change, I must say this to start with…but yet, know what you are saying, indicating here…
However, I am really afraid that any resistance as you describe will end in something far different than what
"colonial america" had in mind….though we may be just "doing over" this and that period, to justify something else altogether.

No matter which,I don't think it ends well for any of us, though I pray and wish I was wrong.
take care

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: DonVoigt
While you are correct there is nothing civil about war, however, the question remains valid to which most would like an answer, what is the end game.

If there is to a war in a country, where it pits brother against brother, tears family apart, and bring the country to a halt, then there has to be a very good reason and the public would need to know those reasons, along with what would be considered victory in that aspect.

If you consider that one side does not play fair, and will do everything to try to subvert the other side, it would be a hard road to walk. And with any and every revolution and civil war that has been fought, the cost is very high, far greater than any of the other wars that the US has been in. So with all that is at stake, I think that the question should be asked:

Why violent conflict and what happens after the battle is done.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

Thank you I agree that my question did need to be asked, and from what I observing it has sparked a healthy debate , minus a couple of trolls

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:46 PM
You haven't seen this countrys "burning Man" yet......frustration is building apace, and the bulk of the people now distrust their government.....but there isn't going to be a revolution till things get a lot hungrier for the lower classes....that's where the social safety nets come into play....
When they break down significantly....and it is coming.....then youll see the burning man soon enough....and well all be at each others throats....

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: DonVoigt

I'm sorry you feel I'm bashing you. You put the question out there as to our opinions. I gave you my opinion. I did not attack you. Why so defensive? You are dismissive of me because I work for county government? Wow. I work for human services. We help people in need.

It's so sad that you feel this way. I see you giving positive feedback on those who agree with you. I feel maybe you could be more open minded.

Well, have a good day then. I won't post any more on here.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: stirling

I'm not sure I understand the burning man referenceplease elaborate

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: ChiefD

Alright explain which statements I've exaggerated, explain which idiot with a cellphone you're talking about, and which government services I've taken for granted considering the only government service I'veever used is unemployment insurance, and oh that's not a service that is something that me and my previous employee paid for. Don't kid yourself human services in Chicago area whereI live is one of the most corrupt agencies around under the disguise of warm and fuzzy.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: DonVoigt
It is my feeling that these shootings are signs that north American citizens are getting fed up with everything about the way we live our lives. These are just the loonies escaping before they are consumed by a movement. Look at me, you and everyone interested in this topic, people who have interest enough to read through the whole thread to get to my post, on their computer. This is part of the problem, we are not out on the streets any more.

These "Nut Jobs" are doing just what the governments have been getting ready for. A violent revolution has been planned for, prepared for and paid for. The shooting has started and we need to stop it! The kind of people on this site are the people who are going to make a BIG difference in this coming change, if we can muster it.

I have started a local political discussion group in my area. We meet once a week, discuss common problems in the political system and the causes of them. I would recommend you all do the same. Its a Big Eye Opener! After there are small groups scattered around the wave will begin to build momentum. Just keep in mind not to take part in ANY criminal activity, this will ruin everything. Forget discrimination as well, you'll get labeled as Nazis faster than you can say it. But most of all NO GUNS!!! We will lose an all out war!!!

Just trying to add a little motivation

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:14 PM
This reply is just in general, while I have read most of the thread, really can't be bothered to read some of the nonsense. The USA is no where near a revolution, right now we have 10,000 whack jobs, each with a few followers, there is no leader, at least none that makes any sense to the average person. These groups are being infiltrated and taken down as soon as they start planning and making threats. Most of us are busy working, trying to feed and raise our families, until the far right groups find a leader that a good number of people can rally around, we will have this lone wolf nonsense, that unfortunately has left at least two families without their support system. The shooters were meth heads from what I have read, not exactly the type most are going to follow, a lot of lives wasted for nothing.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

I agree with you those people were nut jobs and they didn't do it the right way,and you are right in saying that it is going to be people like us that put it all back together when it all comes crashing down , I have been asked to speak at town hall meetings because of my views, and the fact that I'm very good at public speaking, and because of my passion in speaking about how we have to fix things now rather than later. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to take care of my family needs AND perform public services like that

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: DonVoigt
No, no, no. just a discussion group. Just a small group of people with similar interests talking about their interests.
It doesn't cost anything. But if your not one to initiate such an action, there are others who will.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

I agree with you those people were nut jobs and they didn't do it the right way,and you are right in saying that it is going to be people like us that put it all back together when it all comes crashing down , I have been asked to speak at town hall meetings because of my views, and the fact that I'm very good at public speaking, and because of my passion in speaking about how we have to fix things now rather than later. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to take care of my family needs AND perform public services like that

Your main problem is people like me, I am agnostic, pro choice, support LGBT equality, and believe in climate change. I don't like big government, but being an amateur historian, believe most laws have a basis to exist. Corporations will not police themselves, neither will most humans. I feel that local and state governments are the biggest block to small business, I do taxes for a living, the fed is easy to deal with. I have dealt with OSHA, the EPA, and many other federal agencies, local fire inspector is the biggest pain in my behind. Everyone bashes the gov't, and blames it on the feds, where I am, I have the feds, state, county, and local. They all have reasons behind their laws, but the state, local, and county are the worst.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Ok like everyone else you are focusing on the one event that I mentioned when the point was to focus on ALL of the events I mentioned. And your right there are 10,000 wack jobs with with a few followers that could easily precipitate a larger event that creates a domino effect adding a million biker, a million veterans, a million unemployed, a million truckers and any other group that has discontent for corrupt government. And on another note your right the right has to get someone valid in there too start making some valid changes before this destructive group of corruption that is in there now causes the citizens to do something excessively drastic, US as artisans cannot wait any longer to fix the ills in our country, if we wait any longer we will not be able to fix it later. But on the third note you are right again, taking care of our families is more important than providing community services.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:42 PM
A few nut jobs shooting people is no more the start of a revolution than when we had a series of postal workers shooters was the start of a US post office uprising. America will always have a few racist militia nut bags who blame their own failed lives on some evil plot and start shooting people.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Ok I don't see how people like you are my main problem I didn't see anything in your political views that I disagree with, and I agree that government on state county and local level is corrupt , did you not read that I live in crook county just outside Chicago where political corruption is worse here than just about anywhere in the world I totally believe in all corruption being removed from government it can only help us commoners.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: MrSpad
A few nut jobs shooting people is no more the start of a revolution than when we had a series of postal workers shooters was the start of a US post office uprising. America will always have a few racist militia nut bags who blame their own failed lives on some evil plot and start shooting people.

You are right, Mr. Spad, definitely. It isn't the start of any revolution, just as you invoked postal workers going postal…and then situating the "blame" for their own condition right in their own laps….despite they may have solid reasons for blame, and their lives really aren't their choice at all….but that's no reason for a revolution, as long as they can be dispensed in the same way you've done right there, huh?
Move along. Nothing happening here.

Microchips like these could also be used for other conditions that demand discrete drug dosing, such as multiple sclerosis, for which some patients must inject a dose of interferon once every two days. Therapies that use hormones are particularly appealing for adaptation to microchip delivery because the body usually releases hormones intermittently—just as the chip does, Farra says. In the future, a device like this might also be able to help diabetics both monitor and treat their condition.

This sort of direct communication in an implanted device could help patients stick to medication regimes without having to face a syringe or pill bottle.

Remote controlled
The device can be preprogrammed or controlled wirelessly via the Medical Implant Communication Services (MICS) band, set aside for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by the Federal Communications Commission. And the device can also report back dose-delivery data to a computer-based system.

Scientists demonstrated that this sort of wirelessly controlled drug delivery might be possible in 1999. Some major technological hurdles needed to be cleared in the interim, Farra says.

The first challenge was figuring out how to create seals on the drug-holding wells that would stand up to moisture inside the body. Researchers solved this by using compression welding to create a hermetic seal around the well's metallic membrane. The second hurdle was figuring out how best to open those tight seals. The scientists settled on an electrical current that would melt the membrane on command. The final hurdle involved scaling things down—getting all the components and wells onto a chip that would fit comfortably under the skin.

This is from The Scientific American. It's a really good spin on what this does.
The bad spin may be worth a revolution. The postal workers may know what I'm talkin' about…..
edit on 9-6-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

Ok once again stop focusing on the one event and look at all the events. I talked about a lot more than just the one event out you could try reading the entire thread instead of the first few sentences.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: DonVoigt
Please read my edited post. btw, not looking for attention….just want to shed attention, light, on this issue...

edit on 9-6-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

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