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Favorite FPS

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posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 03:49 PM
My favorite is Time Splitters 2, though I hope 3 will be even better. In my opinion, Halo 2 was terrible.

posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 04:04 PM
Ghost Recon, nuff said
Maybe the original Medal of Honour the others are pretty shoddy

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 05:08 PM
Timesplitters 2 is by far the best. I have to admit that single player was better on Halo (haven't played Halo 2 sadly) but TS2 dominates all other FPS's in multiplayer. I'd say the only current competition to TS2 in multiplayer FPS games is Unreal Tornament for PC. For consoles it's undefeated in my opinion. I can't wait for TS3. It's not suprising that TS2 is so good considering it was made by Free Radical, the dudes who made Goldeneye for N64.

[edit on 12/5/2004 by cyberdude78]

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 06:08 PM
2 words


played it last night. #ing amazing!

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 06:11 PM
Well I have 2 favorites.

Half Life 2 and Counterstrike:Source

Unreal 2004 deserves mentioning as well.

Doom 3 is really freaky as well but you need a good comp to play it unfortunately.

Down with Console FPSs! They all blow IMHO. Keyboard and Mouse is where its at.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 08:33 PM
The orginal Half Life, hands down. I have yet to play HL 2, but its probally a lot better. Right after HL, would be Halo which was really fun. Halo 2 is noteworthy and great but Halo had better gameplay.

Plus one of the best mindless violent games ever, the orginal Unreal for PC would take third in my book.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:05 PM
I'm about 2/3 of the way through Half-Life 2 and this is hands down the best game I've experienced yet. Beats Doom3 by miles and miles.

But my all time favorite was the original Quake, simply because it was the ground breaker that made all these other online multiplayer FPS (ie: the dedicated server) games possible and was the basis for the first online multiplayer communities and organized competition between geographically seperated teams and "clans". It was the first to be able to be modified with custom maps skins and sounds by players. Quake was a true pioneer in almost all aspacts of what makes a good FPS.
I'm making sure it gets an honorable mention.

But this isn't 1996 so, "Die you Headcrab, Die!"

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 03:32 AM
Well, this is tough but I think my personal favorites were:
1) Call of Duty & its expansion :WW2 junkies -eat your heart out! take Battle Feild 1942 and cut out the BS, add cool SquadAI- you have CoD
2) Half Life 2: Beyond doubt the coolest graphics outthere, just waiting to be drooled on

3)Unreal Tournament 2004: A genuine addiction, no doubt about it - insane graphics, supre AI, mad environs- therefore -ROCKS

//thats my 2 cents....

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 11:00 AM
Quake II Arena!!! Still good!!!

And I also play UT2004.

My pc isn't good enough to play DoomIII at an acceptible level, my nerves might not be either...

And that while I can watch any horror movie with a straight face...

[edit on 6-12-2004 by TheBandit795]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 02:42 PM
You heathens, forgetting the past! The best FPS of all time is CLEARLY System Shock 2. BEtter audio than most games today, better story than any, and remains an intense game. Second goes of course to the original Deus Ex, SS2's successor in spirit.


posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
You heathens, forgetting the past! The best FPS of all time is CLEARLY System Shock 2. BEtter audio than most games today, better story than any, and remains an intense game. Second goes of course to the original Deus Ex, SS2's successor in spirit.


Well Deus, the question was FPS, not FPSRPG
If the question was what was your favorite FPS/FPSRPG/3rdOTSFPS/etc etc then I would have to say Dues Ex followed by Half Life 2, then CS:S then SS2 then Vampires: The Masquerade: Bloodlines.(THIS GAME IS NOT REDEMPTION ALLTHOUGH IT IS BUGGY UNFORTUNETLY
). However my favorite game of all time is not a FPS at all, its a straight up RPG by BioWare set in the forgotten realms campaign setting, care to guess which one? Heres a clue its the second one of the series, and they are now working on the third installment to the series with a tentative release date of 2006.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:25 PM
HERETIC! The third Baldur's Gate has no right to bear that sacred name! It has no relation to the proper story in the least.

Tell me more about Bloodlines, though White Wolf has a great reputation for games, but not their implementation.


posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:46 PM
Bloodlines is a great but flawed gem because as you said White Wolf lacks in implementation, allthough it didn't help that the flaw was in the Source engine itself(ie Memory Leak = stuttering voiceovers & low framerate on mid-range HL2 has a similiar problem but it runs much better then Bloodlines on my comp, but my buddy said if you set a certain setting to "Low Priority" it fixes the problem, not sure what setting youre supposed to set though, probably somthing to do with the MP3/Lipsync buffering). The game itself is great as there is many many ways in which to play the game, and it's a Hit=a Hit and a Miss=a Miss. The only thing skills affect is how much damage you do, which is kinda stupid when shooting a regular Kine(human). I can understand that shooting a Kindred(vamp) doesn't do much but if you shoot a human in the head you expect them to die... The brawling engine is where this game shines as I was pretty disappointed with the way Guns were implemented, you can go bullet time with the Brujah Bloodline and they also have a power called Potence that can liteally send people flying across the screen
There is an INSANE amount of dialog, and you'll probably pour at least 50 hours you first time through just listening to some of the most interesting and funny dialog in any game 2 date. BTW The funniest Bloodline to play is the Malkavians who are clinically insane, and when some NPCs ask you certain questions some of the response choices come up as "Well it all depends on which personality you're talk too" and things like that, really messed up crap, they also see the future as well so I advise you to not play as the Malkavian first as some of their dialog choices contain some cryptic spoilers but spoilers nontheless.

Now on to Baldur's Gate. I know they can't really continue the story, because well you become a god at the end of BG2 and playing BG3 as a god wouldn't be all that appealing to me IMO. What are they planning to change(other then the characters)?

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:53 PM
Everything. I, for one, did NOT choose to become a god. I had a kid to worry about, yo. But at any rate, the game syste m will be very different (more like Prince of Persia, with NPC's not directly under your control) and primarily set not on the sword coast. The game will be in 3.5, so yeah....junk.

I'm an old school Malk player... I wanted the game, but it would butcher my system.


posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:56 PM

Everything. I, for one, did NOT choose to become a god. I had a kid to worry about, yo. But at any rate, the game syste m will be very different (more like Prince of Persia, with NPC's not directly under your control) and primarily set not on the sword coast. The game will be in 3.5, so yeah....junk.

Oh gawd thats horrible. I was really looking foward to that one, maybe they will surprise us. What do you think about Bethesdas involvment in Fallout 3? I for one am excited as I have been a fanboi of bethesdas since Elder Scrolls 2.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 10:24 PM
Fallout has an excellent lineage, and a large portion of the work is supposed to be completed already. Bethedasa is an excellent company, and I have faith in them.

I want SS3, though. Bad. BioShock will only tide me over so long...


posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 09:29 AM
My favorite FPS would have to be Red Faction 2.. I really enjoy playing this game, theres tons of action, great sound effects, killer weapons and the music pumps me up.
I feel bad-ass when I play it.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:45 PM
I've got Red Faction 2 and it's fun but it has a few problmes. I think that the graphics could be a lot better. Still fun game for the most part. The best FPS of all time (not current) is Goldeneye for the N64. That game rocks.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:15 PM
I'll have to agree with Goldeneye being the greatest FPS of all time.. Everyone loved that game, it never got old.. In fact I still play it from time to time. Multiplayer that is.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 01:02 AM
Come on? What is as American as apple pie?
Duke Nukem

The sequel has been in the works for going on seven years!

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