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The thought before a thought............

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posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Words

Interesting you may be not to far of with this theory

"Researchers have known that the brain sends signals to your gut, which is why stress and other emotions can contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms. This study shows what has been suspected but until now had been proved only in animal studies: that signals travel the opposite way as well.
'Time and time again, we hear from patients that they never felt depressed or anxious until they started experiencing problems with their gut,' [Dr. Kirsten] Tillisch said. 'Our study shows that the gut–brain connection is a two-way street.'"

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 07:06 PM
The internal mechanisms from source, (whatever that maybe) the fusion of matter correction, to provide the visual matter, of conception, to see and be that which we are within the flesh the copy of a copy of the internal being externalized in the external world for the absolute identity recognition to further the absolute reality of the self separation of the multitude of being the element of creation within the act of creation to further examine the act within its self and bring the absolute into the absolute.

In the repetition of existence in an infinite refined state of actuality within the the constant flow of humanity existence.

Always in the mind matter of thought the industrious creation of flow matter, no actual thought, but the flow of matter into the realm of comprehension, in original essence, the dark matter of universal atomical presence.

Electromagnetically charged into the atoms of the being consciousness to comprehend and further evolve our being sense through the infancy of the supreme actuality of the infinite trials to become the all possibility of everything all at once in a balanced state of realization to eventually comprehend every billions of trillions of eventuality's imagined within the thoughts before during and after the thoughts ...........

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: Fingle
Thomas Campbell "My Big TOE" thank you Vethumanbeing.

You are very welcome Fingle.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: EviLCHiMP
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Brother you always have the most intellectual wisdom to share.

And for the most part said in "jest" which is BEST (truthy-isms as under the bed monsters raise their ugly heads).

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:36 PM
You and I choose to have a sense and belief of the way we wish to be seen an apparent core of our individual belief of ourselves driven by our own egotistical sense of preservation to be matter in our human form.

This is the drive that ferments and continues our virtue and reality on a daily basis, so if we continually acknowledge and cement this feeling we become the persona that we are until our eventual acceptance or is this the eventual time out as the residual matter ego has affirmed another value to the infinity is this what we are unaware of that the all has an ego its-self, nature at some point separated and became its own infinity, as can we, is it then any wonder that man is in a constant state of aggression upon its-self as this could be the reason why, because infinity itself is the ego implanted within man,within the self that drives man to self destruction War Hatred intolerance the ego of the absolute to destroy the duality within itself in realization of the multitude of scenarios it plays out within the realms of our flesh and blood as it begins to understand that man will overwhelm its existence and as nature has done will not succumb to its control so man becomes its sense of control within its own self destruction so the separation of self from the ego is the key the internal motivation not cast from the ego is the nature of man not the subdivided duality of ego versus will……… I AM Individual Atomic Matter not the collective source matter of absolute ego.

Without doubt we are a copy of a copy of a copy this does not condemn us to be one, although we are in a sense, as we are the individual, each a synchronicity of shared projection waves and social interaction mimicking our shared experience for the formulation and expansion of the Individual Atomic Matter not the ego of the absolute this is our pain possibly our doubt our feeling something is not quite right because it is our right to exist in our own defined state as we were brought not asked into existence we are the nature the nurture the everything of matter conforming to a false positive the embodiment of our DNA Cell Structure may have been laced with cell destruction as a matter of discovery for an eternity that is the alien, the monster, the devil, the fear that we feel but fear to fight, the gut feeling from birth, that we all experience at some point in our emotional lives the emotions engraved within us manipulating our futures for the sense of a reality that we do not freely choose, this is ,the possible deception of man at odds and at war with ourselves ………….?

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Originally posted by vethumanbeing
We never used words a long time ago as we were telepathic; so no one could lie, all truth was known as far as any intent of action, it kept us honest with each other. Hum when did we loose this ability?

We lost the ability, the day we invented Poker…

You see, you can’t really enjoy the game, with people knowing your cards…only way to keep em honest now, is to pay up! lol

Perhaps being “cut off” from source, was part of the experience required, to experience, the experience lol. Throw in some chakras and our divine inner connection to God, which was/is always there, for those who seek it; then being “cut off”, was only a figure of speech, describing a temporary illusion. Living in that type of reality, would require Laws to be brought in, to help stabilize the situation.

- JC

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Joecroft

a temporary illusion. Living in that type of reality, would require Laws to be brought in, to help stabilize the situation.

I've thought this, but it does not make sense, maybe its not supposed to? but then the laws are both ridiculous and rationale, but not, as the stability seems very unstable?


posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: Fingle
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Its okay i absorbed it twice................and twice again

this is one of my favorite posts. i like it when a thread that sounds very serious have this non seriousness.


posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: Fingle

Originally posted by Joecroft
a temporary illusion. Living in that type of reality, would require Laws to be brought in, to help stabilize the situation.

Originally posted by Fingle
I've thought this, but it does not make sense, maybe its not supposed to? but then the laws are both ridiculous and rationale, but not, as the stability seems very unstable?


I think a lot depends on your perspective, i.e. Did each spiritual/soul entity come here to experience this individual reality by choice, or did something drastic/evil happen, to take our divine inner connection to God/source away from us…? Big questions, with a varied degree of answers…

If you have powers of telepathy, then lying and stealing etc…become things you know you just shouldn’t do; but take those abilities away, and you need Laws to help stabilize the situation.

But to answer your question, yes, it is very unstable indeed, because set Laws just aren’t quite good enough on there own; although without them, things would have been a lot worse IMO…

Best solution… is a divine inner connection to God/Source IMO...

- JC

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: Joecroft

If you have powers of telepathy, then lying and stealing etc…become things you know you just shouldn’t do; but take those abilities away, and you need Laws to help stabilize the situation.

But part humans don't heed the possible, karmic laws, so addiction to possible repetition revolves over, over, over, emotions engraved within us manipulating our futures for the sense of a reality that we do not freely choose ?

The sum of our parts is incorrect, either the source/god has an ego issue or source is manipulated, in us, by what ?

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 10:11 PM
"I think therefore I am” or should it be……… I AM therefore I think, as we are the image of understanding itself……….?

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 10:31 PM
The visual fields of light and matter, are the relativity, quark born of image illusion to encompass, the aspect of academic approach and yield scientific properties to the unexplained, through symbiotic appeal to the rationale propulsion of image the spectrum universal, thought of I AM, with law to propagate mind sergopaty in inclusion of surroudile notification of symbolic fulfillment.

Thought synergy combination, within multi-realm syntax concepts of classical architecture of structure form and presence, to perpetuate fulfillment in self itself.

edit on 27-9-2014 by Fingle because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: Fingle
The visual fields of light and matter, are the relativity, quark born of image illusion to encompass, the aspect of academic approach and yield scientific properties to the unexplained, through symbiotic appeal to the rationale propulsion of image the spectrum universal, thought of I AM, with law to propagate mind sergopaty in inclusion of surroudile notification of symbolic fulfillment.

Thought synergy combination, within multi-realm syntax concepts of classical architecture of structure form and presence, to perpetuate fulfillment in self itself.

Um... okay. Impressive words. I admit I am a bit lost on what direction this thread has evolved, so I will just stick to my response of the OP.

The question of freewill is a sticky one, especially since recent studies indicate all sorts of ways in which we think we have chosen something, when in fact our biological processes indicate it was made before we were even aware of the opportunity to choose.

My personal take, for what it is worth, is that-
We do have some freewill, and yet it does not work in as we tend to assume that indicates.

Our decisions are made in advance. By our intents, which are largely pre-determined. Some may be set before birth, some developed during early infancy, some later in life, some set yesterday and influencing the "choices" we make today.

This is complicated by the existence of the subconscious intents, which influence our choices. Those are the most deeply inlaid intents, that can even overide our most recent and conscious ones.

So it may seem, at times, like we have acted against our will, or have drives which contradict it, at least.
Thus the interest in introspection and exploration of the subconscious that some of us have. It serves to uncover those intents.

The judgements I make today will effect what I do, and what I am, tomorrow. What I focus upon with emotion, I shall become- but I choose what to focus on right now.

Freud once used the analogy of a horse and rider, which I really identified with, being a horseperson.

What most experienced horsepeople know is that, with a horse you work with (being the only handler) then most of their behaviors while working with you are a result of YOU. Whether you like it or not. If they are developing a bad habit, it is because of something you did yesterday. You have to constantly be self aware of your every response, even the most subtle, not really because it will determine the present, but because it will determine the future. The horse forgets nothing, and learns from everything. (much like the subconscious mind and body).

You can always tell a beginner because they will swear and get pissed at the behavior of their horse, with no recognition of their own responsibility.

So it is an ever growing and evolving process, of simply observing the present, choosing focus and intent immediately after, and then the next day, observing the fruit of those intents and focus tomorrow.

This view is why I spend time each evening going back over the day mentally, and each morning, an analyzation and conclusion as to my personal future intents in relation to them.

Then I stop thinking, and just go out and experience/observe.

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 04:45 AM
Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills. Arthur Schopenhauer.
That means - Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants. We can do what we wish, but we can only wish what we must.

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Joecroft
If you have powers of telepathy, then lying and stealing etc…become things you know you just shouldn’t do; but take those abilities away, and you need Laws to help stabilize the situation.

Originally posted by Fingle
But part humans don't heed the possible, karmic laws, so addiction to possible repetition revolves over, over, over, emotions engraved within us manipulating our futures for the sense of a reality that we do not freely choose?

The sum of our parts is incorrect, either the source/god has an ego issue or source is manipulated, in us, by what?

Yes, this is true, we/they don’t heed the Karmic Laws, but perhaps there is a way to cancel out the Karmic Law, within a particular lifetime.

You said above “…for the sense of a reality that we do not freely choose?”, which is pretty much tied in with the rhetorical question, that I briefly mentioned in my first reply to you…

…because, what if we do choose it (Soul Incarnation, by our own Freewill choice, into this reality) in order to experience it (Rhetorical question)……also, in order for freewill to be possible, we would need have the rights, to have the option to experience, said reality… otherwise, no freewill.

In other words, if you force our inner divine connection to God/Source connection onto everyone, then we/they wouldn’t have the freewill choice, to experience a reality without it. Not that that is the best way for us humans to live in this life etc…, but it is a requirement, for the conditions of freewill, to be fully met…

The best option in my opinion, is to have a combination of both, we all have fully functional Chakras and Pineal glands etc…so it’s all built in, i.e. part of the design…

- JC

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: Joecroft
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Originally posted by veteranhumanbeing
We never used words a long time ago as we were telepathic; so no one could lie, all truth was known as far as any intent of action, it kept us honest with each other. Hum when did we loose this ability?

We lost the ability, the day we invented Poker…

You see, you can’t really enjoy the game, with people knowing your cards…only way to keep em honest now, is to pay up! lol
Perhaps being “cut off” from source, was part of the experience required, to experience, the experience lol. Throw in some chakras and our divine inner connection to God, which was/is always there, for those who seek it; then being “cut off”, was only a figure of speech, describing a temporary illusion. Living in that type of reality, would require Laws to be brought in, to help stabilize the situation.

- JC

We lost the ability once we; the human 'fell' (hogwash scriptural component) insert here. If one is gambling there is no JOY other the fact you can cheat others into into a WIN for yourself/as in you are a better card player even if using devious means of dark gamesmanship (its allowed you know especially if YOU acknowledge your taking advantage of lessor minds). I thought the whole purpose was to seek a divine source to get us out of congenial CONFUSION (we all share as to who what and why we are here). We have all the clues, dogmatic religious sources, Walt Disney/Hollywood to tell us who we are just by watching metaphors as film-a-sysms; the 'antics' of being a human in the form of comedy/tragedy. We were cut off to see we are smart enough to look further than just that presented to us.

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: Fingle
"I think therefore I am” or should it be……… I AM therefore I think, as we are the image of understanding itself……….?

If God or the nexus (universe) were to answer this; it would be, "I AM therefore must prove/or at best recreate my existence" (in so doing allow for all creation possibilities that would definitively describe MYSELF to MYSELF). Now this would not include a vacuum of nothingness as one (or itself) would have to have something to bounce off of; another perspective (platform) of observation and of course that would be the creation of something as intelligent or reasoning as it/I am/is; therefore I am the image of myself looking in a POTENCIAL plasma mirror of creation. Did I succeed? YES resoundingly as I have duplicated/replicated myself.

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills. Arthur Schopenhauer.
That means - Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants. We can do what we wish, but we can only wish what we must.

Mankind can do as it wishes; as its allowed (this is a free will environment) to the detriment or the furthering of societal gains/losses. What is misunderstood is the purity of thought involved in such changing of Archetypes; any doubt will boomerang intent. We can do what we wish, the must part involves the purity of the intent; this is hard because that intent can involve evil. Here is where the world wars or conflicts go south, insert the tiniest DOUBT of a non victory into the substructure of a Pol Pot, or a Hitler's extreme political view, you will win. Doubt is the big equalizer.

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: Words
a reply to: Dianec

Did thought or emotion come first? Think about it.
Emotions are induced by unconscious processes in most cases, and emotions lead to thoughts. This is a reciprocal relationship.

There is evidence that the bacteria in our gut influences our thoughts. Is the mind, therefor, still in the head?

Yes - your gut definitely influences your thoughts. If off balance this causes inflammation. This in turn means cytokines so yea - a chain reaction that definitely influences thoughts. But ultimately it is this chain of events that impact neurotransmitters in the brain. So thoughts are in the head but influenced by how healthy and balanced the rest of our body is.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Originally posted by vethumanbeing
We lost the ability once we; the human 'fell' (hogwash scriptural component) insert here. If one is gambling there is no JOY other the fact you can cheat others into into a WIN for yourself/as in you are a better card player even if using devious means of dark gamesmanship (its allowed you know especially if YOU acknowledge your taking advantage of lessor minds).

My Poker analogy was about giving up an attribute (in this case telepathy) in order to enjoy the experience/reality of playing poker, which could be paralleled to that of “Soul Incarnation”, i.e. giving up certain “Source” connections (freewill exercised) in order to experience another type…or this reality…

The whole hogwash scriptural terminology of “fell”, could well be coming from our lower perspective, of this reality, without realising the higher implications…Although without doubt, there is a clue to a truism, within the phrase itself…

Originally posted by vethumanbeing
I thought the whole purpose was to seek a divine source to get us out of congenial CONFUSION (we all share as to who what and why we are here). We have all the clues, dogmatic religious sources, Walt Disney/Hollywood to tell us who we are just by watching metaphors as film-a-sysms; the 'antics' of being a human in the form of comedy/tragedy. We were cut off to see we are smart enough to look further than just that presented to us.

Depends what you mean by “get us out of congenial CONFUSION”…

“congenial CONFUSION” lol…

What on Earth have you been reading… I’m still trying to figure out what that phrase means, along with the phrase “existentialism” lol

- JC

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