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St John 23 met Alien from landed saucer in Castel Gandolfo?

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posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 02:53 AM
if someone prefers to calling me insane, then Paul Hellyer is not.

edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 03:00 AM
The latest words of pope Francis of baptizing aliens are the golden chance for the Catholic church. 3000 bishops could speak on the issue. For now, they keep silent.

The moment the ET come from the skies, as St John 23 talks, as Ezekiel 1 talks, I'd rather listen to them. There are still untold episodes of the life of Jesus Christ. When those episodes are released in 3D movie in the clouds, then everyone will know the truth.
Some of the possibilities of what it might be, have been discussed in this thread.

Besides that, the ET will talk of the earth's future (the real case scenario and not hypothetical ones discussed in 2012). How the human race will survive, biologically, environmentally, planetary, and bear witness of its uneasy way until now. Including witness of Jesus Christ who rose on Earth. There is much to talk and I only highlight some possibilities. Sure the ET information download will eclipse the most advanced sci-fi movie. And it will be reality.

For now they still keep silent, as Hellyer said. Notice there are at least 80 of them, may be more, already on Earth. What is postponed is the public contact with ships in the air. The contact with elites is already a done fact. Even the minister of...Turkmenistan? in a local speech said they knew there was life elsewhere,but first they had to make peace. I mean, every above than average elite on the planet knows that. To deny that is absurd, is insanity and non-info or may be deliberate disinfo.
edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 03:46 AM
the absence of erudite response is also a response. All those Churches, they are informed PERFECTLY of what is going on, not just by forums. They prefer to suck in all info available, including by people like me. But they do not respond with the same coin. (I didn't receive any PM in that regard too). They build up their own picture, their own version, and ultimately, agenda.To be presented tomorrow at the public contact day. IMO, too little, too late.

I only hope that public manifestation of true reality doesn't come too late by itself, after man-made or natural cataclysmic event. I can't understand why it has been postponed time and again. Perhaps there is a good reason, and w=one of the reasons is the low reaction of individual people and organizations.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 05:24 AM
The idea that Jesus had wife Mary Magdalene, and had children, is quite popular on earth. There are books dating back to 5th, 7th or later centuries talking about that. The Churches do not discuss the books at all. Usually some prelate goes to media to say it is a "late forgery" every time a new manuscript has been discovered.

That is not the way to discuss mainly scientific issues as the exact dating of the book, its authors, the circumstances where it was preserved (persecution of heretical communities may be).

And why the idea that Jesus was married never dies after all those centuries, and resurfaces today.

Apparently the idea was strictly prohibited in old mainstream churches and if there were books in first centuries they were all burned. But that is not a reason of a sane mind. That is the "law of the force" that ruled at that time. Or said in other words, the law of the jungle, whoever was stronger. Fanatic elderly bishops, loyal kings and emperors were the stronger ones and they burned books and persecuted people pretty much the way the common christians were persecuted themselves in early centuries by pagan rulers. The science wasn't their stronger side either. That alone cannot prove the validity of the banned books themselves, but is a strong argument for the reason why they were persecuted in first place if they were so fake. What was it the church and state rulers wanted to keep banned, when we know they kept banned quite many secrets of science as the fact the earth was round and circles the sun. Being not right on the science part, perhaps they were equally not right on the part of the true history and true story of the life of Jesus Christ. A person who will deny the earth is round, perhaps is more prone to deny Jesus had children, if that fits the same imperial agenda that doesn't want the knowledge to be known by the peoples. Too dark scenarios can arise from such facts. You cannot have burning heretics for being heretics, i.e. at odds with the teaching, and at the same time to have the claim that the ideology of those rulers- murderers was always the correct one. Giordano Bruno was burned for claiming there are hundreds of worlds near each star similar to ours. Perhaps others that I don't know about, were burned for claiming Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had descendants. Or for keeping such books. Let the historians speak, but let they search better archives than the official ones. Here we hit the Dan Brown saga, and I definitely don't want that.

I cannot easily accept the Merovingian dynasty to be the real descendants of Jesus Christ. Otherwise the historical nightmare called "Christendom flourished in God's grace" would be completely different and better.

What I propose INSTEAD of Merovingian hypothesis, is those hypothetical sons/daughters of Jesus were taken to clouds too. I.e. to spaceships to another planet. It is not coming from any hidden book. It is my idea.

So if Jesus had one or more sons and daughters, they might have been transported if not to heaven then to another planet. As Mother Mary herself was transported at the end of her earthly life. Catholics and Orthodox believe she was taken to heaven.

That might be frightening perspective of those who want full monopoly on Gospel and its interpretation, not only on earth but in the stars.
Jesus and/or his descendants might have scores of planets evangelized by now. May be thousands for the earthly 1980 years after Ascension. May be more than thousands. Depending on the pace each one could visit a planet and establish a community - 1 day or one year is necessary for that. Not needed each of Jesus' descendants to die on a cross. Actually, the humans on earth are the most cruel and only they did so, to kill the son of God.

What if Those already Christian ET civilizations come tomorrow?
and not the evil od looking aliens who eat people and abduct single mothers in the night?
edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
The idea that Jesus had wife Mary Magdalene, and children, particularly one girl and two boys, is quite popular on earth. There are books dating back to 5th or later centuries talking about that. The Churches do not discuss the books at all. Usually some prelate goes to media to say it is a "late forgery" every time a new manuscript has been discovered.

Sir, i call you insane when i see you writing stuff like these!

Jesus had a wife and children? And they were written in books? Why don't you make a research first and then speak? Do i speak about nuclear physics? No cause i have never studied it. Then how you speak about the Churches while you have never studied them as a matter of fact?

Those books you are refering were all written by Coptic Christians. Coptics were always considered a heresy/sect. From the moment their beliefs were created, they were considered a heresy/sect. At that time, Church was not divided in Orthodoxs and Catholics. So you can understand that Church united considered them as heresy/sect.

The relation the texts of the Christian sects have with reality is the same with the relation myself and an asteroid have. Every single Christian knows that, understands that by making a tiny research in the texts.

You, sir, have obviously done no research. As a result, for me, your words are "idle words", words with no backround, words with no value. You have no right to talk about things you do not know. As i say nothing about your family, who i know nothing about, you should also say nothing about our religion, Christianity.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: JesusChristwins

originally posted by: 2012newstart
The idea that Jesus had wife Mary Magdalene, and children, particularly one girl and two boys, is quite popular on earth. There are books dating back to 5th or later centuries talking about that. The Churches do not discuss the books at all. Usually some prelate goes to media to say it is a "late forgery" every time a new manuscript has been discovered.

Sir, i call you insane when i see you writing stuff like these!

Jesus had a wife and children? And they were written in books? Why don't you make a research first and then speak? Do i speak about nuclear physics? No cause i have never studied it. Then how you speak about the Churches while you have never studied them as a matter of fact?

Those books you are refering were all written by Coptic Christians. Coptics were always considered a heresy/sect. From the moment their beliefs were created, they were considered a heresy/sect. At that time, Church was not divided in Orthodoxs and Catholics. So you can understand that Church united considered them as heresy/sect.

So to be Coptic Christian "heretic" is already an offence too big, even in our 21st century? How much bigger "sin" to keep preserved old books that might speak of other details of Jesus Christ, such as having wife and children. What a "grave sin" indeed, all that should be burned and demonized as coming from the pit of hell!

The latest text to be printed by Harvard around this last Easter.'_Wife (link doesn't work otherwise, you have to copy and paste it) There is a photocopy of the original papyrus.

The "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" is the name given to a papyrus fragment with writing in Coptic that includes the words, "Jesus said to them, 'my wife...'".[1] The text on the fragment is alleged to be a fourth-century Coptic translation of what is said to be "a gospel probably written in Greek in the second half of the second century."[2]

The scholars make difference that Jesus might not be formally "married".

If this is not enough, then what, oh my God??? Jesus to come personally to say it???

There are many texts like that, sorry I will not provide the links to all. There are entire gospels.

I am surprised they all are called with one name and put in one same category as all being false. They are not considered as documents at all by the mainstream churches. That is a big omission.

And the practical result will be the main churches will fail to recognize if a descendant(s) of Jesus Christ come tomorrow from another planet. They will be called whatever.
edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 06:33 AM
the reaction of JesusChristwins proves exactly what I try to explain in not few posts about ancient texts.

The forceful denial of the books, Coptic or others, comes as result of mainstream paradigm and not as result of scientific investigation.

Their initial ban, burn, or otherwise hiding come as result of attempt to establish one imperial paradigm, and not an attempt to preserve the authentic historic reality about Jesus Christ on earth.

The authentic survivor texts are those who managed to get it by chance, by burial in rocks and caves. And not those texts who were put at public disposal by the elites. They were censored to utmost scrutiny. The roman (and other) elite didn't allow any historic evidence that was contrary to the so called establish paradigm.

The attempt to erase from history entire books with entire episodes of the life of Jesus show their goal: to create their own image of a "Christ" that did not have quite strong historic footprint. If they erased what would be one of the main events in His life, that is a marriage, a wife and children.

Then we talk of a very brutal and cruel system that did not stop before anything, including burning of people, to assure the non-survival of the truth about Jesus Christ.

That time came to an END. The papyrus above is enough, and it is not the only one to speak of Mary Magdalene. Pls refer to the threads where the Gnostic gospels were discussed. It is not only the Gnostic gospels or Coptic gospels. This belief survived despite all persecution. Now it is published far and wide. Let the archaeologists say their word how authentic those texts are. Not people who demonize everything that is outside their limited narrow minded paradigm inherited for centuries.

I would not call such attitude a good defense of Christianity, I would call it a very poor defense of very narrow mindset. A good defense of Christianity is first and foremost a good knowledge of what the founder of All Christianity, Jesus Christ himself, did and said on Earth.

To deny such a big fact of His earthly life, as wife and possibly children, is a very big omission that can change virtually everything as consequence. May be that's why it was hidden in first place. I would not praise the people who will persist in that omission, in the presence of more and more documents speaking otherwise. They play their game, and it is not my game. My allegiance is to Jesus Christ, the real one, not to those who present a fake image of "Christ" who served imperial agendas. Unfortunately, they have their followers today, as back then.

I remember Gandhi who said: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. "
edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 06:46 AM

It is in the public domain (no copyright) because it is too old. So I will upload it, because the links don't work (only copy paste)

The papyrus speaking of Jesus' wife. This piece of papyrus is enough to question volumes of ready paradigms we were fed by for centuries. Let those theologians who feel similar as I do, go and do their work about the life of our Lord and God! One cannot deny such a grand event of His life. Such denial make a different image of Jesus, not the real Jesus that walked the earth.

Obviously the question with descendants conflicted too hard with the Roman empire establishment (both West and East). They couldn't allow someone from Jesus' lineage to pretend for the throne even after many centuries. So they did everything to erase it from history.

Did they manage to kill every single descendant?

I suppose at least some of them were lifted up in clouds/spaceships. I could be wrong. This is hypothesis that could be wrong. Please make that difference!!!

The hard proof is Jesus had a wife. The proof is before you

In April 2014, a careful analysis of the papyrus and the ink showed that the papyrus itself is ancient and dates to between the sixth and ninth centuries.[8][9][10][11] Scientists and scholars from the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, in New York, Princeton University, University of Arizona, Harvard University in conjunction with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Columbia University, MIT and more determined that "scientific testing provides no indication of modern fabrication (“forgery”), but does consistently offer positive evidence that the fragment as a material artifact is ancient."

edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 07:53 AM
to the religious fanatics:

What IF I am Coptic heretic? Do I have to be a such in order to believe Documents that Jesus had a wife!?!

What if I don't necessarily hold the presumed "must" views of any denomination you would name? Will that make my arguments stronger or weaker?

There are scores of people today who belong to one Church and who have DIFFERENT views on a number of issues.

Just don't accuse me when I present proofs (even if not 100% proofs). You didn't answer 1% of them. Including of the aliens that you call all of them Nephilim, that are at least 80 kinds and differ greatly in both names and racial features. Let alone agendas.

edit on 1-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

The idea that Jesus the Christ had a wife is absurd on the face of it.

He'd be a deserter.

That wouldn't be very Christ-like, now would it.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

When i said that you have no idea about Christianity i was saying very few! You have definitely no idea at all! From what i get, you have never read the New Testament too. Yet, you continue to disrespect our GOD and our religion.

Cause if you had read the New Testament, you would have understood 1 major difference of Him and all the other humans. Jesus, as His Mother, were, are and will be called "Αειπάρθενος" as it is each original form or in English "Forever Virgin". "Forever Virgin" in the mind, "Forever Virgin" in the actions, "Forever Virgin" in the body! Do you get it? "Forever Virgin" in ANYTHING! Jesus and Madonna are the only 2 persons ever existed, or will exist, who are "Forever Virgin".

This is one of the Major, i repeat it so that you can read it, Major ideas of Christianism, the idea of "Αειπάρθενος" Jesus and "Αειπάρθενη Θεοτόκος"! Everything else, everything else is simply either a sect/heresy or not Christian. No one can call himself an Orthodox or a Catholic and in the same time not accepting this fact!

Yes, you are a heretic if you believe in the bovine excrement Harvard writes. Almost all of Harvard's professors are NWO employees! What do you expect from these? To tell you "Jesus Christ Wins"? Of course not! They are with the devil and they will do anything to disrespect Jesus and Christianity. And you sir are falling into their traps!

Let me say it the other way. You listen what Harvard says and you throw out of the window what the Saints for so many centuries have been telling. Saints who have made miracles while in life, Saints who have made prophecies which have come true, Saints who are still making miracles! And you deny their sayings that the only thing any Christian can rely on about the truth and be 10,000% sure that this is the truth about Jesus is the New Testament, no matter how many years pass and no matter the changes humanity will have (Saint John, the Golden Mouth). You deny all of these and accept what Harvard passes you? Well, congrats for taking the completely wrong way!

Descedants of Jesus from other planets? Really?



When they come tell them to pay a visit over my house so that i can welcome them as they deserve, as the antichrists!!!

Jesus! What am i reading!!! You know how Jesus called people who behaved like you?

" 'Αφρων" or in English with the assistance of the translator "Fool"! Read the New Testament in Luke's Gospel to see for yourself.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

It is not that big absurd, if you consider that all prophets in OT were married. The Gospel never said Jesus was not married. (that part of gospel that survived). Instead it showed Mary Magdalene quite close to Him, in some instances closer than the disciples.

The latest document that I showed above, is the tip of iceberg of many more documents, that the churches prefer to continue to ignore. History repeats itself

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: JesusChristwins
you take it pretty personal and that only speaks of yourself. Pls do not take the clout of "all Christianity" because you don't have it as property. You bring more and more baseless accusations against me on a pretty personal level, without bringing much on the table as proof, except for arbitrary judgment of what is right and what is wrong in your own narrow views.

There are Christians who are much more outspoken than I in the area of sexual issues, and are still considered Christians in good standing, in a number of churches.

I am Christian as well, and I pretend I have the full right to have independent view on these and other questions that concern 2.5 billion Christians. Who could think with their own heads instead of buying everything that is repeated for centuries in the bloodiest part of earth's history.

It is clear the Gospels were cut short of the real truth of Jesus, and there are and will be more authentic books to tell us more of that truth. Including that Jesus was married with children. Period.

I have NEVER ever said that Virgin Mary is not a Virgin! Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ in her virginity. Period.

Whether any of Jesus hypothetical descendants ruled France (as the heretical story goes that I don't buy), or whether they ascended and would come again before the Second Coming of Jesus himself, I DON'T KNOW. What I wrote is a personal view and logical consideration, NOT A DOGMA.

Why don't you please STOP demonizing me, and instead develop your own views instead in a more mature and civilized way?

I brought volumes of proof found online. Why don't anyone, not necessarily the poster I respond right now, address McIntyre-Eisenhower- ET meeting in LA? Why don't address not only the reported alleged contact of John 23 but also his alleged diary and his PROVEN meeting with George Adamski?

Otherwise, I lose my time. May be that is the goal after all, to make my presence here meaningless. Good job!

And that is also an appeal to the Catholics who think otherwise than the presented mainstream (that is Not a Dogma or ex-cathedra). When will YOU come online and say what you think on those and other topics? 3 days before the Rapture/Great Warning/Second Coming? Don't you lose your HISTORIC chance to change the world for better? Is this what Jesus and Mary want from you, to stay SILENT? Don't agree with me, say what you think of it all! Say it in another thread, if you are pissed of the personal attacks in this one! God bless!
edit on 2-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 02:09 AM
I miss people like the Third Eagle's defender, Duke Puntalangit, Ron Conte and others, who had forums or forum-like comment places. I don't agree with their views but I enjoyed the discussion over there. There isn't really a free place to discuss prophecies and how they fulfil today.

What happens here is not a discussion with logic. It is bringing forth agendas, counter-agendas, already published online, as if the multitudes will look at who's words were stronger to believe him. What if they turn off the page instead? I don't enjoy the style it took in the years after 2012. May be the big fail in Dec 2012 made a big fail in prophecy-like people too. Many people left meaningful discussion online at that time.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 02:37 AM

Seems the period around 2012 witnessed several big catholic prophets to pass away. They were: Carol Ameche, Louise Tomkiel, Nancy Flowers, who else. Mary Jane Even and Maria Esperanza died even before. I don't take one deadline but in those several years several big catholic seers who prophesied about Y2000 and then shortly after that, were gone.
Perhaps there are others that I am not aware of.

Instead new "seers " popped up who are nowhere near to the apocalyptic messages of the former ones.

Does it mean the end of the true neo-prophetic period came?

Instead, we have a pope speaking, that has been made saint a month ago. John XXIII saw and heard quite many things that bring new fresh start that goes as far back as Ezekiel 1. Is it true or is it falsified, it is not myself to say. There are enough insiders in the Vatican who can check how true those writings are.

We are on the threshold of a new era, where no prophets but events themselves will speak instead.

edit on 2-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 04:34 AM
I will propose one more idea before leaving the forum for some time. (I need some rest, and the kind of recent conversation is not the one I like. Let those interested be more understandable in their efforts to discuss important things).

What IF:

A grand Biblical figure appears, in the air or on the ground, with or without spacecraft, and corrects today's Christianity (and humankind)? We all know the world is in crisis and the churches are in crisis unseen for generations.

St Peter could be that one (as Blessed Mora said)
Melchizedek could be that one (as Dead Sea Scrolls say)
Enoch and Elijah if we approach the end time are also scheduled to return.
Any other figure of similar significance, in body or as spirit.

Let those who have mind in the religious communities ponder upon that, as well as the other ideas that I briefly wrote about.

It is not we who command when Jesus returns. "Not even the angels in heaven know, nor the Son but only the Father". How then we know the antichrist is coming, and Jesus after 3.5-7 years? Are we greater than Jesus to know it, when He explicitly said He does not know the time?

Before that, we have a work to do, given by Jesus Himself on His Ascension day minutes before cloud hides Him.

God bless!

edit on 2-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 04:55 AM
holy crikies, I logged in just to say how impressed I am that the alien in the original post just broke out and threw down some conversation with the pope right then and there, wonder if AL the alien spoke latin, russian, english, french, or what.

for he who believes, another can say nothing to change his faith, for he who believes not, the same.
edit on 2-6-2014 by smokenmirrors because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 12:15 PM
Trying again . . .

The Lord Jesus The Christ

who taught and modeled the utmost integrity and faithfulness in


would not have married a woman then deserted her to return to Heaven nor for any other purpose. That's totally absurd on the face of it. It's totally inconsistent with all He stood for.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

One of the scenarios i have seen on tv years ago about the arrival of the antichrist was the creation of a huge illusion on the sky, you can also call it hologram, and that God "would speak" through it to the world and that He would point a person which humanity should follow. That person of course would become later the antichrist, that person of course would have no relationship with God but will be in fact the "son" of the devil and that person of course, with the help of the devil, would even make miracles so that people could believe him.

I do not know if you are a paid shill who is trying to post these things a few months/years before the fake miracle i am describing above happens or if you are one of the first who will believe in those lies and will ask from the people you know to follow the antichrist.

I am not joking, i am not lying ( i never lie). If either of circumstances happen ( i honestly hope that they won't), then you sir will have won one of the limited tickets which will say "You will never get access into the Paradise".

Apart from these, i was thinking the μαλακίες (use the translator from Greek to English to see what this word means) you are posting in this thread and i was saying to myself that either you are a paid shill or you are "Fool" as Jesus said.

Jesus, the Son of God, was born BEFORE the creation of the universe. Are you ok with that? "Ο προ αιώνων υπάρχων Θεός", as Holy Texts say, "the God who existed before the centuries". Now, i call you to use for a single time your mind and think for a few moments.




Use the mind God gave you, leave the huge μαλακίες you say aside or stop disrespect our GOD!

No, you are not a Christian. No i won't tolerate this behavior. No, you have no right to talk like that against GOD.


posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: JesusChristwins

you call me paid shill as a possibility, thanks for leaving the other possibility open for me, to be volunteer of the antichrist. But I can say the same for you. You are a very narrow mined fanatic of particular ultra-hardline church group.

If demonization is part of your position, it differs greatly from the multitude of Christians.

The issue of Jesus being married or not should be investigated by scholars and ancient texts, and I will accept their conclusion whatever it might be. If they say those are faked documents I will accept that. I leave it to the judgment of skillful and appointed by Church scholars to say their word.

Not by fanatic declarations of past eras how that "could not be so", because "it could not be so".

But the civilized dispute is absent here. I only answer groundless accusations again and again. Enough is enough, I think, is it not for you?

First you called me Coptic heretic, because I showed a Coptic document that Jesus had a wife (scroll back) and I properly answered that accusation. Then you said I never read the Gospel. Then you called me something as if I offend virginity of Our Lady, something I have never said or thought. Now you start talking of Dogmas to contradict them to the facts I present. As IF I ever said anything against the Dogmas.

I accept all the dogmas of the Church. Period.

Would you please watch yourself, and read what I write before bringing your next accusation?

As of the antichrist, it is said he will have the number of a man 666 (Apocalypse of John), and will rise from the people that destroyed the Temple (Daniel). Furthermore Isaiah narrows it down by calling him "the Assyrian". That makes him earth-born from the former Roman empire (Eastern most likely), and not an alien coming from space

(although his troops might be alien, and that I discussed in length by naming particular ET races. You guys are nowhere near that level of reasoning and knowledge, and it is YOU, not I, who will fall prey in the prepared snare).

From now on, I will answer only equally logical posts, and not religious fanaticism. If I answer at all.

I don't think such a religious hatred should be tolerable in forums, anyway.

I call for your free choice to stop demonizing me in first place, whatever your personal views on the topic might be. And to write on the topic, not to write about other posters.

It would be good for this thread if the more intelligent posters there discuss the core of the new info that I brought in (John XXIII, Pius XII, McIntyre, ET, Eisenhower, etc), and do not engage in religious battles that proved their futility for centuries.

edit on 4-6-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

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