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Can sensitive racial topics BE discussed without term 'racist' being thrown around? Let's see....

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posted on May, 19 2014 @ 03:50 AM
This is long, and its about race. Its been bothering me and I'm hoping a beautiful girl, who is in touch with her deeper emotions, isn't a bitch(in excess
, likes cheeze-its(lowfat), and bagel bites, enjoys kung-fu movies, can shoot a gun, can cuddle and sing a 1 yr. old to sleep, and could easily spend all night looking at the moon with me even though she knows she has to go to work early AM, would read this and help me figure out where I'm going wrong. If so.

Does anyone else here, regardless of color, have, truly, no 'dog' in the racism fight, have black or white or whatever color friends in your life, and generally thought things were going ok, black president and all, throw away the race card....... only to find yourself hearing things like, from the black side predominantly, "well, we just can't agree to disagree anymore?" what?

"schools are more segregated now than in MLK's time(classy, first lady...and ridiculously wrong!)

"Whites are keeping blacks down, still, but in subtle ways", says Eric Holder.



I'm no racist. Wont stand for it. That said, I'm confused, because I'm starting to get extremely pissed off at the REVERSE discrimination. I hate feeling like this about it, but who the hell do you think you people are? You're 13% of the population! Everything should be equal, but this is still a predominantly white country.

I'm so sorry I was born white (sarcasm).......dirt poor and white, matter fact. I was poorer than most of my black friends. I just happened to be good looking, though, and smart, so I've made it on my own. Learned how to speak proper english and everything.

People are losing fortunes and dreams because they say they don't like black people in private convo.(Sterling)? Does he not have the right to like or dislike black/white people? Thats not against the law. If a black owner was overheard saying the same thing about white people, the story never would have been covered. Any Black person want to disagree?

Why is the fundamentalist Christian View not protected against discrimination? Are we not allowed equal rights, now? An eye for an eye, is it now, after all this time? All this time they said they wanted equality, civil rights and protections, desegregation, on down through affirmative action. Now, anybody who dares question Obama or ANY black person is automatically a racist!

America needs to realize something right now. And I'm not speaking for every black person or every white person, but wasn't it equality they wanted? A level playing field?

Or do they want JUSTICE?


Remember during Obama's first election and the black panther idiots were standing outside, intimidating white voters from coming in? Remember another video of that same guy saying "We gon ha ta kill white babies to get respect! They have to feel what we felt before we can EVER be equal!"


I have a photographic memory that's more a curse than a blessing. I remember all.

Anyway, for someone who isn't a racist and loves Jesus with all his heart, has 4 children 15-11-4-1.7, two boys and two girls, and trys to teach them right(they have black friends too)....I'm getting really damn tired of being hated on and mad dogged by every black person to walk by. I'm getting sick of the attacks and the lawlessness, 55 old white dudes get knocked out by blacks playing the knock-out game. Nothing happens.

I white dude hits 1 black guy and it's a frigging hate crime?!! Even my black friends, who are responsible, former military people, said that was bullcrap.

Blacks driving down the street just decided to shoot that Austrailian baseball player in the back and kill him. For fun, they admitted. They were bored. Hate crime? Nope.

I love everyone and I come at everyone with respect but it seems the great majority of blacks just hate white people. You black people here, you're telling me when you get together wit cha boys and chillin that y'all don't sit and talk mad # about how stupid white people are, how they talk funny and smell like mustard and bologna?

I have many black friends, and I've been that lone white guy in the room and I know DAMN WELL what y'all talk about, and i never let it hurt my feelings cuz thats just yalls style. What does it matter if white people find you just as wierd and smelly and untrustworthy and say so amongst themselves as long as they treat you with respect and decency in all other matters. Yall gonna talk about us, we will talk about yall. Yall are wierd to white people, we are wierd to black people. Any white or black person care to disagree with that?

Why is it ok for you to do it, but not us? Last I checked I was free to like and dislike who the hell I want to. I should be able to pro gay or anti gay, pro abortion or anti, without fearing losing my #ing JOB because of a media witch hunt.

No, I'm starting to see what the game is. Pretty soon, we get another false flag, then martial law. Then a "King" in that bafoon obama for life. State sponsored religion will be Islam, of course. He wore his "Islamic Shahab" wedding ring for thirty years on his wedding finger before he got married. Still has the same ring on. "There is no god but allah", it reads, in ancient Arabic characters.

Why cant black people see that they were used as a means to an end! HE LIED TO BLACK PEOPLE MORE THAN HE DID TO EVERYONE ELSE, AND STILL THEY SUPPORT HIM!


Im a vet. I fought for my country. I served with many black men and women who were terrific soldiers, and they are my friends today. I mean no disrespect to anyone, just hoping this is an open forum and maybe some people want to help boil this down, as it's complex.

What the hell did we do wrong to all of a sudden be under some kinda bullcrap persecution. I got military buddies who have shadows when there should be none, strange cars parked overnight in various places, phones tapped.....these men are heroes. You don't know a friggingthing if you say otherwise.

All of us vets aren't bloodthirsty killers, most of those transferred from active duty to civilian/federal law enforcement. Why do you think cops are killing so many people all of a sudden? Because the only ones who can manage to carry a gun and use it after the # we been through are the ones who enjoy it. They have lost thier souls and now only want to cause pain

What the hell, man? What the hell has happened? Reverse racism? They wanted justice all along? What was all that "I have a dream!!!" bullcrap?
Would they like to make us their slaves for a while, Perhaps?

So what's the score, ATS? Am I dead wrong and need to work on some things or is there some trouble in the land of bad things?

If you belong to Christ, then you are also Abraham's Seed and Heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3-29.

Death smiles at us all......all a man can do is smile back - Maximus

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! - Patrick Henry

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: SenterSun

You have some good points, but off on a few things. Schools ARE more segregated now than they were in MLK's time.

Racism is alive and well, and in my opinion, blacks are the most racist group. As long as it's acceptable for them to be racist, nothing will change.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:18 AM
So really, this is just another thread dedicated to trashing black people. But no, not racist....

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:26 AM
For someone with a photographic memory its interesting you remember blacks driving down the street and killed the Australian baseball player when it was a white and and black teens that shot the poor guy.

Your use of Ebonics is distasteful. And I do find this post racist in nature.

Your defending sterling a obvious racist who has made untold millions off of black people.

And your trying to convince people that only blacks today are racist.....
edit on 19-5-2014 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Well, sure, more segregated if you mean more blacks live concentrated in the cities than in the suburbs or rural areas, i guess. They pick where they live, however. Nobody forces that on them. Black people tend to monopolize thier neighborhoods. Not a stereotype, just the truth. They are also usually scary ass places for almost anyone to find themselves.

I live in Texas(stow it) between a big city and the country, best of both worlds. My wife is a school teacher and there are 3 black kids in the whole elementary school, all girls, same grade. So my wife asked them, instead of doing what the "diversity" rules say and spread them out one to a class, she simply asked the little girls which they preferred, to be split up amongst the classes or to stay together in my wife's class where they could sit together, and they were thrilled because they were dreading having to split up! They live close, apparently. Anyway, instead of forcing "diversity at all costs!", my wife gave the little ones a choice. Yes, they are segregated in one classroom, i guess, but they prefere it that way and are much more comfortable and happy.

So there are grey areas, and these "segregation" numbers id take a better look at. This administration, or it's wife, has yet to put out one single solitary correct number in five years. No way in hell I'd trust em now.....

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: LDragonFire

You completely filled my mouth with words I didn't say. First of all, the white kid was driving and didn't know they had a gun. If it was up to him, the driver, nobody woulda gotten shot.

Secondly, if black people can use Ebonics, so can I. They speak English, kind of, and I dont gripe. Are you discriminating on my ability to speak Ebonics if I so choose? This is FREE country for you AND me. I have just as much right to my beliefs and the things I hold most dear as does everyone else, regardless of skin color.

I'm NOT defending scumbucket Sterling, just saying the guy didn't break any law. Should he lose his job and sports team all for SAYING something to the person that LIVES with him in a private conversation? Absolutely not. No way no how. You have every reason to hate him because he's a bigot, but you do NOT have the right to take his livelihood because it'll give you 'justice' and make you feel better. Reason I defend that is pretty soon, they be wanting to take anybodys job for anything, something they said, a dirty look even. Do you see how slippery that slope would get?

Re-read my words again. I did not say only blacks are racist. I said white people talk crap about blacks when they are amongst themselves and blacks do the SAME DAMN THING. So what? Life and let live, says I. It's too bad there are so many disgusting, hateful rednecks out there giving all white people a bad name.

These are truths. Truths.

I'm on your side, just trying to create a dialogue other than angry or adversarial. God Bless!

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: SenterSun
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Well, sure, more segregated if you mean more blacks live concentrated in the cities than in the suburbs or rural areas, i guess. They pick where they live, however. Nobody forces that on them. Black people tend to monopolize thier neighborhoods. Not a stereotype, just the truth. They are also usually scary ass places for almost anyone to find themselves.

False. White people intentionally found ways to combat desegregation, and a whole host of tactics were utilized to keep blacks out of white neighborhoods.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:55 AM
I live in a black country in Africa. We are a handful less than 4% of the population is white. Here is less racism and more tolerance between the people of the country than I saw in the week I spend in the USA. That was in 2010.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Well, if that's the case, those people that engaged in such unethical practices should not be allowed to make the decisions. Do NOT get me wrong, there are a great many bigoted white people out there. No doubt. It is a difficult obsticale to overcome.

For anyone to say, though, that there aren't at LEAST the same number (of avg, pop. Numbers taken into effect) of bigoted black people out there would be equally as inaccurate a statement.

Those people, all of us people, actually, will have to stand before Jesus for Christians, God for the unsaved and give an accounting of themselves. I don't want to disappoint my father, because ive done that enough already.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: SenterSun
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Well, if that's the case, those people that engaged in such unethical practices should not be allowed to make the decisions. Do NOT get me wrong, there are a great many bigoted white people out there. No doubt. It is a difficult obsticale to overcome.

For anyone to say, though, that there aren't at LEAST the same number (of avg, pop. Numbers taken into effect) of bigoted black people out there would be equally as inaccurate a statement.

Those people, all of us people, actually, will have to stand before Jesus for Christians, God for the unsaved and give an accounting of themselves. I don't want to disappoint my father, because ive done that enough already.

Well it's basically a huge portion of the population. In Boston parents rioted against desegregation and parents marched on school bussed they thought would be filled with ELEMENTARY SCHOOL children, they stoned it and set it on fire.

There is a huge amount of black racism and hatred towards whites, but you are clueless to the truth.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: SenterSun

The ability of a topic to be discussed without certain terminology being applied to the content of that discussion, depends entirely on how long the subject can be discussed before a comment is made, which uncovers intent or deed or word which qualifies to be described using the terminology in question...

Simply put, if a discussion does not contain racist ideology, then the term racist should not be applied, but the moment that changes, the rubber stamp can, and should be applied to it, vigorously. While I would be the first to recognise that hatred based on ethnicity, colour, creed, and faith can be harboured in the hearts of all the races of man, my attitude is that the way a government treats a crime has nothing to do with the morality of the situation on a case by case basis, but to do with how that government values the demographic politically, both in terms of publicity, and in terms of the proportion of the voter bloc from which they come.

However, just because you think that some people get away with murder because the government fear dividing communities down racial lines (which we know does not work, and can have the opposite affect) or fear a voter backlash from some sectors, does not mean that hating at the demographic is going to help matters, and will still be totally invalid.

What needs to happen, is for the government to treat all persons, regardless of their demographic, with the same total lack of compassion. Let's face it, asking a government for the respect it ought to give its people is like asking the Hulk to pass you a Ming vase. It is not going to happen, and will without doubt incur a serious insurance claim. But at least if the government were equally disgusting toward everyone, there might be less talk of this and that surrounding the whole issue.

Hating a group of people because you think they are treated better by the system is no different to hating them because they have a different skin tone. Hatred of any group of people based on anything but first hand experience of an individual, on a case by case basis, is the mark of an intellectual deficiency, and furthermore marks those who partake of such loathing out as part of the problem with the human race, not a part of its solution.

If you belong to Christ, and actually heard his message, rather than the message of the various Churches that sprung up in his name, and almost invariably do the work of darkness as much as they do of light, then these things you already know.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:17 AM

Can sensitive racial topics BE discussed without term 'racist' being thrown around?

The answer the question put forward in the OP - Not here. Some see it everywhere. And some even believe only white people can be racist. So prepare to be flamed.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: SenterSun

Why cant black people see that they were used as a means to an end! HE LIED TO BLACK PEOPLE MORE THAN HE DID TO EVERYONE ELSE, AND STILL THEY SUPPORT HIM! - See more at:

Do you know how black people always say a movie is good if there is a black actor starring in it even though the movie might be horrible? Its the same premise with Obama.

What the hell did we do wrong to all of a sudden be under some kinda bullcrap persecution. - See more at:

Being born white is enough. "white priviledge" seems to be a term I hear quite a bit from black folks. I keep telling them somebody must have forgot to give me my white priveledge because life has been a struggle for me.

All of us vets aren't bloodthirsty killers, most of those transferred from active duty to civilian/federal law enforcement. - See more at:

Good luck getting 90 percent of the people on this website to see that. In their eyes US Army=brainwashed babykiller.

What the hell, man? What the hell has happened? Reverse racism? They wanted justice all along? What was all that "I have a dream!!!" bullcrap?
Would they like to make us their slaves for a while, Perhaps?
- See more at:

Martin Luther King would be turning over in his grave to see what the black community has become these days.

There is no reverse racism, just racism. The problem is that word has been thrown around so much it has lost any real meaning for me. I call it the bad whitey syndrome. I know too many people here who are white and voted for Obama to "prove they aren't racist." They knew absolutely nothing about they guys policies. When I see a white person boldly proclaim how they "are not racist" all that really tells me is that they are a white person who has lived around nothing but white people their whole life. Whats funny to see is all the people that move here from out of state. They always move here talking about how they aren't racist and they are just fine with black people and within 6 months their opinion has completely changed.

And the thing is, its not a KKK pamplet or any white "racist" ideology that did it. It is the black community itself that changes their minds.

Sure I'll get called a racist for stating my views, but I call things like I see them. I have no interest in how things "ought to be" And I certainly have no interest in "trying to solve" a problem like racism. Its inherent in all humans, evolution has programmed us to stick to our own tribes and those we relate to.
edit on 19-5-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: neversaynever

You also don't have rap music, probably, and if you DO, I betcha it isn't anything like the Soddom and Gomorrah music we have here. Convincing every black and white child they have to be a thug and be 'hard' and make that money or your a loser, a waste....beyond redemption.

How many play stations y'all have? Doubt many.

You probably play outside a lot (avoiding those crazy ass snakes and spiders I hope!) don't you?

Do you have bible study?

How many hours a day do you watch TV?

These are all epidemics of our country that, given enough time, have the very same effect as a knife in the hearts of our young people. It cripples them to live a very tough life because they're MAD they can't have all the things 50cent and eminim have, and even madder when they realize that they'll NEVER have those things. So they become less in there own mind, and he who feels isolated only isolates himself.

And, with all that said, Africa has been in a perpetual state of war for the past 8 or 9 thousand years, probably longer. Blacks are committing an ethnic cleansing of white Boers right as we speak in South America. Kenya's at war. Who knows what the hell is REALLY going on in those godforsaken lands? Then again, Chechneya, Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Syria....all full of a great majority of, or at least a large number of, white people. Syria had millions of Christians, been there since Jesus converted them. American taxpayer money paid for the weapons of their slaughter, to our everlasting shame.

Our president Brags that he's "good at killing people with drones." I'm sorry, considering over 90% of the victims of his "really good killing program" we're women and children. Look up depleted uranium babies of Iraq.

Ohhhhhh believe me. I know very well what my government is doing without the people's consent. I also know that Jesus promised us the punishment WILL be carried out for them.

So with that news, give God the vengeance, have a light heart and cultivate a spirit to serve your fellow man! God Bless You

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Well then please help me to understand?

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 06:04 AM
Unfortuneatly its going to be a very long time yet till humans grow up and realise all are the same .. my bet is theyll wipe themselves out with the idiocy over something that means absolutely nothing ..

There is only one race - the human race ..

edit on 19/5/14 by Expat888 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: SenterSun
a reply to: neversaynever

And, with all that said, Africa has been in a perpetual state of war for the past 8 or 9 thousand years, probably longer. Blacks are committing an ethnic cleansing of white Boers right as we speak in South America. Kenya's at war. Who knows what the hell is REALLY going on in those godforsaken lands? Then again, Chechneya, Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Syria....all full of a great majority of, or at least a large number of, white people. Syria had millions of Christians, been there since Jesus converted them. American taxpayer money paid for the weapons of their slaughter, to our everlasting shame.

Nope, that's a very VERY broad statement. Having studied a bit of Africa's history (and all conversions of faith from local to Islam + christian) it hasnt been perpetual war. The continent's countries, look them up.

Also after reading this thread, it does seem like overt racism

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Oh, I came ready for flamage. I was just hoping to get some black people involved let them explain the position to me, and basically to admit that black people talk just as much derogatory trash about whites as whites do. Granted there are more Whites, but like I said, I was born and raised in Texas. This is supposed to be the most racist place there is to live but NOTHING could be farther from the truth. I was in the military, all over the world and some really ugly places, and I've seen VALOR, bravery and selflessness come from soldiers by the hundreds. SOLDIERS. Not white soldiers,nor black or yellow or brown or native American, but just SOLDIERS.

What im trying to say, and doing it very poorly, I apologize, is that the government seems to push racial tensions higher and higher instead of de-escalating the situation. Matter fact, they create racial tension when there ws none. They want to keep the American People divided because, well, divide and conquer always works. In reality, if we could all come together and realize how we've been GUTTED by the central bankers, AND OBABMA, YES I KNOW HE'S YOUR BOY, BUT HE'S A TREASONOUS SWINE. He is breaking laws to give himself more power. That mightnsound good to you now, but a man named Adolph Hitler did the same.

MAYBE we could do something about it, if everyone tried together.

But that's a pipe dream, because people won't set their petty pride down for God and live instead for something greater than themselves. I # you not, people....the central bankers are playing out their endgame. The 'controlled' financial collapse is coming. Food trucks will stop, water will be shut off, power, medicine....all of it. Marshall law with Obama as Caeser with quickly go into effect. The Gov. wants to make sure you are begging to get into that camp, which will be the only place with food. DON'T GO, YOU WILL DIE THERE. STARVING IS BETTER.

Prepare, now. All the laws have been passed, i's dotted and T's crossed. They can hold any American for any reason, in definetly. How long before debtor prisons are back? The bible says Christians will be slaves during the last days and during the tribulation. Jesus says a lot of us will be arrested and forced to endure what he calls "great torment" for ten days, and to hold out the ten days and he will give you a crown of life. Sounds like 10 days of Arabic torture......yay.

I guess what I'm saying, is, kindness, be slow to anger when others hurt us, and always be quick to forgive. Stay positive, stay humble and stay on the path of the lord. He will see you true to the other side. We do not know how long we have!

Defend the helpless. Always speak the truth, no matter what. This is the best we can do, while trying to reflect Jesus' character on Earth.

God bless
edit on 19-5-2014 by SenterSun because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: SenterSun

I live in the worst part of town, the reputation of where is live is so bad many blacks refuse to live here and get all shocked when we say where we live... "You live WHERE?" OMG I wouldn't drive through there" That is black people saying that... lol.

And to be honest, in my day to day I don't see discrimination from either side. Everyone who lives here is in the same basic boat, white or black doesn't seem to matter. Were in this together somehow.

That said, I do NOT go out at night, the atmosphere changes and its dangerous to be out at night, when people are out high on drugs or drunk or whatever.... so I don't go out at night unless its an emergency. But I'm not alone in that, many black people here wont go out at night either - it really does get dangerous here at night no matter who you are.

There will always be some who are racist, and some who aren't. Some black people really are racist, and some are not the same as some white people are racist. Racism is a fact of life, but here, mainly its just a sense of being in this together and what goes on anywhere else doesn't really affect much here.


And so you know, there really are many blacks who do not approve of everything Obama has done. But as I was once told, we have had our #-ups of presidents, let them have theirs.
edit on 19-5-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: Expat888

There is only one race - the human race ..

Whoops… you said race.

But I get you. Skin pigment and climate conditioning are not the problem.

People who need to see themselves as better than others are. Born of ignorance, they see different cultures and language as a barrier.

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