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firearms ARE inanimate objects , GRRR!

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posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:02 AM
This rant is fuelled by one incident of utter stupidity - which predictably precipitated another :

an idiot called " Blake Randall Wardell " managed to get himself on the Darwin awards list - by finding an aledged " bulletproof vest " in a garage - he promptly put it on and enticed one of his associates to shoot him - to " test the vest " - it failed - as mr Wardell was declared dead at the scene

this would just go down in the anals of " stupid people doing stupid things "

but for the reaction it provoked from an unnamed " source "

Guns aren’t toys. Firearms are not innocent ‘inanimate objects’ as gun rights activists try to portray them. They were designed to kill which is why they’re called weapons and not squirt guns. At least respect them as such

I think [ read hope ] that everyone can agree with the first and last sentences - right ?

its the bits in the middle where logic and reason go into freefall

to the author - you are an idiot

firearms ARE inanimate - yes they are designed to kill - but that does not make them animate

in this particular instance - it took the deranged actions of mr Wardell to think that testing a protective vest while wearing it was a good idea - and the assistance of his unnamed accomplice to aim the weapon and pull the trigger

the weapon had no say in its use - and could neither decline to participate - nor carry out the act without the 2 idiots


and breathe - I feel better now

edit on 16-5-2014 by ignorant_ape because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:19 AM
Blaming guns for the people's deaths makes as much sense as blaming spoons for making people fat IMO.

Personal responsibility seems to going extinct on both sides of this argument. On the pro gun sign, you have idiots like this that need to wear billboards around their necks stating that they should never be allowed to play with others without proper adult supervision.

On the anti gun side you have people screaming in the streets to ban guns, to keep them out of the criminal's hands... like criminals have a long history of NOT breaking the law.

Both sides are the precise reason we can't have nice things.

That's just my 2 cents. I am sure someone will be along shortly to tell me how much I hate the kids, and I really just want to see people dead in the streets. Maybe they'll even throw in something about the environment for good measure.

Nothing surprises me anymore.

Stupidity is the new pandemic.
edit on 5/16/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

I take it that this is a defense for the peaceful or lawful use of weapons, and will respond to that part.

This story shows well that not everyone with a gun also has the brainpower needed to own a gun. So perhaps some sort of regulation (as in "A well regulated militia") might be in order? A compulsary course in weapons use and safety?

Secondly. Ranting because of the wrong use of "inanimate" doesn't detract from the message itself. If wrongful wording or direct lies were enough to have the story pulled then ATS wouldn't exist.
Perhaps this wrong choice of words should belong in the same bin as the phrase "I could care less" when they clearly mean "I couldn't care less", which in itself is so wrong that normal people cringes, yet it is grammatically correct.
In other words - not worth ranting about.

It's very much like subtitles in films. We have them a lot here in Denmark. Annoying but better than dubbed films.
One of our guys translated the words "he was shot by a one armed man" to the Danish equivalent of " He was shot by an unarmed man". (And yes you guessed right. It was "The fugitive")

But I'm glad you feel better.

edit on 16-5-2014 by HolgerTheDane2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

That's just my 2 cents. I am sure someone will be along shortly to tell me how much I hate the kids, and I really just want to see people dead in the streets. Maybe they'll even throw in something about the environment

You beat me to it

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:47 AM
chopsticks made me fat ... and last time i cut myself i blamed the knife

its just easy that way blame myself no way i cant be held accountable for my actions im an american
edit on 16-5-2014 by markovian because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:49 AM
Sorry about that. You snooze, you lose.
I couldn't let you guys have all the fun.

originally posted by: HolgerTheDane2

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

That's just my 2 cents. I am sure someone will be along shortly to tell me how much I hate the kids, and I really just want to see people dead in the streets. Maybe they'll even throw in something about the environment

You beat me to it

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:57 AM
WOW that is one of the most stupid things ive ever heard of, its one thing testing a bullet proof vest that you just bought and have the "protection level" information, but just testing a random vest you found with no docs and with no clue how long its been there is well as it turns out, practically suicide.

And why the hell would you not put a melon in it and shot that first or something, you know if assuming you are that curious.

If i found a chainmail and knights armor im hardly about to put it on and then get my buddy to run a lance through me.

bloody idiot.

However, i do feel exceptionally sorry for his mate who was roped in to shoot him he must feel pretty bad about that regardless of his friends epic stupidity.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 03:16 AM
Well there's no doubt that firearms are definitely inanimate objects but their purpose is making animate objects inanimate. There's no pill for stupid and these guys (1 stupid enough to ask to be shot and the other stupid enough to do it) were exercising their constitutional rights I guess.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: Biigs

As much as agree with the rest of your post, I must disagree on your being sorry for the one who pulled the trigger.

In no way should any man/woman who has any sense, do something like this. Even if provoked.

Had I have been asked to shoot him, I would have kindly told him to *^%& off, and find someone else to help him commit suicide. You should not feel sorry for stupidity, as it CAN be cured.*

*This statement only refers to certain levels of stupidity. There are levels that, once reached, are beyond the point of return.*
edit on 16-5-2014 by andr3w68 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: andr3w68

thank you but i must protest, the man that shot him while yes that was stupid hes not the one that said "ive got a bullet proof vest shoot me".

He just said okay. this might not be a good idea but you do have a bullet proof vest so i guess if your sure.....

then bang, guy dies. Suddenly the guy doing his mate a favor (who would have just found somone else to do it anyway) is a murderer. Thats so uncool.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 06:41 AM
The real tragedy is that the his moron friend didn't also die.

When idiots kill themselves off it's a beautiful thing.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:57 AM
Ahhh yes... It's a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and birds are chirping in the trees around. I come on to find all is right in the ATS world too. Complete with an uplifting story of a Darwin award being earned with such determined effort. Now I'm impressed!

Blaming the gun for this idiot self-eliminating his stock from the gene pool is like putting Issac Newton on trial for murder after idiots jump off buildings to prove gravity really DOES work all the way to the bottom.

Err... It does...They do prove it...and Newton is innocent. So is the gun.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 08:15 AM
Since the shot missed the vest I suppose we won't know if it works unless someone else wants to give it a try.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: ignorant_apeWould you not shoot at it as a target to test before actually wearing it? This stuff blows my mind.Stupid People Shouldn't Breed,at least thats looked after!

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 08:24 AM
Surely someone will want to Honor Blake by finishing his experiment and prove him right...

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: roadgravel
Surely someone will want to Honor Blake by finishing his experiment and prove him right...

Here you go buddy.

I didnt want to show this I wanted to show how bulletproof vests became mainstream.. The inventor showed it off at a police expo or something and to prove it worked he shot himself.. Darwin?? Apparently this guy is swimming in a gajillion dollars now cause he was stupid..

People are stupid and some people get rich being stupid.. you choice on how you want stupid to be defined.


Rich idiot above.
edit on 5/16/2014 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: ThichHeaded

I was aware of the history. Hopefully we won't find the results of the found vest via live testing.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: roadgravel

You didnt click the original link.. it goes to yt and shows alot of awesome people testing the vests out..

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 02:05 PM
The girl who made the shot has been charged with involuntary manslaughter.

posted on May, 16 2014 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: roadgravel

That's not a rich idiot...that's a rich fellow who had a lot of confidence in his product. His demonstration isn't really comparable to the situation described in the original post. He's demonstrating a product that has already been tested several times, not something of unknown provenance found in a garage.

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