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Questions for some so bent out of shape over the Clipper affair

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posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:40 PM
Points and questions:

Now controversial statements and deeds by any black personalities seems to be put up for scrutiny by many on this board since the Clipper owner fiasco. Of course we know why this is being done

Okay some get upset and call Sharpton and Spike Lee racist then what’s wrong with black people calling overt racists racists?

So why does it upset you so much when racists are exposed?

Why does it upset you so much that black folks get upset about white overt racists?

Don’t you understand this is not out of a vacuum?

There has been a terrible experience for many black people in this country.
What do you expect?

Sure people may, as you judge, overreact but isn’t that only human considering the black experience in America.

You see the fix one puts oneself in when they are just reacting, without understanding or considering context.

It may be that many on this board, I am sorry to say, should examine their own hearts!

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:52 PM
I don't see the big deal here. I mean he is white and he said racist things, so he will get ridiculed to the max. If however he was a black owner and said don't bring any crackers to my games, nobody would care and everyone would look the other way.

Moral of the story: Don't get caught saying racist things if your white, and especially if your white and rich!

edit on 4/30/2014 by SpaDe_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Well because at least in my case it has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with law. You cannot have an equal society if you pay preferential treatment to one group or another to make up for very real wrongs done.

You confuse "whats good for the goose, is good for the gander with racism. I say racial issues are being up-played significantly to cause just the kind of division in the population its causing.

All preconceived notions lead to improper relations, but you cannot mandate social issues by emulating the swing of a pendulum. I think what the Sterling fellow said was ghastly, what I am defending is the rule of law in California, and the opportune timing of blowing this kind of schtick up.

This need not be partisan, it should be the rule of law.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: SpaDe_

You see that scenario you bring up, imo, is NOT true.

We really can’t know for sure though since there are so few black people who own teams.

There is Micheal Jordon but I don’t think he would do such a thing, do you?

And if he did, believe me, he would be, justifiably, kicked out of the league as well.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:03 PM
Alotta these comments make me want to slap a neck red... So many white people on this site complain about reverse racism and everyone has to read it, yet personal attacks get removed real quick. I'd like to throw quite a few personal attacks because I'm a bit offended. But what can I do.... Repress!!!
edit on 30-4-2014 by 3u40r15m because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:03 PM
I think you are wrong saying statements and deeds of blacks has been under scrutiny. But if it has why shouldnt it be?

Paula Dean used the N word 20 years ago and it makes national news and she is ostracized, Blacks use the word daily and are glorified for it.

It has become a situation of the blacks saying "do what we say, not as we do"...and as white people if we don't walk on egg shells and glorify everything the black community does we are deemed racist.

We have done everything humanly possible to try to eliminate the the hardships of the minories in this country.
I won't argue the fact that minorities have hardships. But at some point the black community has to look at themselves and see they are their own worst problem.

I would lay some blame on the billionaires that close factories here to move into third world countries. Because until there are jobs for every American, the cycle of poverty, welfare and violence that is inherent in the inner city black community will never end.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

I‘m all for conspiracies but they need proof.

I know it’s a standard idea that the PTB are instilling racial hatred in the country for some sinister agenda.

I think historical reality has already done enough.

The cup runneth over.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Anyone and everyone is fair game for our MSM. Whatever keeps the ratings flowing. Racism reporting gets everyone involved. Sterling will carry this shiner to and beyond the grave, from our perspective. No one is safe from the cables, streets, or waves. Of course, the bigger the fish, the bigger the fileting knife...and then comes the feast.

It saddens me to admit, but it is what it is, and there are no winners, just survivors who either choose to move forward or be left behind.

edit on 30-4-2014 by Boscov because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

You cannot have an equal society if you pay preferential treatment to one group or another to make up for very real wrongs done.


In addition, this guy has been a known racist for some time, yet no one on his payroll seems to mind cashing his checks.

If there was true beef with him, not a single brother would ball for this piece of sh!t. But, cashin' in has its own standards apparently.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:10 PM
I think that anyone spewing anything racist is just showing ignorance. Which free speech allows.

I don't really care how blacks, whites, red, yellow, green, purple or even polka dotted folk feel about certain issues. That's on them. I have my own views, and I'm sure that there are plenty of people who would disagree with my views as well.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I don't think Micheal Jordan would say something like that. If he did however do you really believe that he would be kicked out of the league? I highly doubt he would! He would be fined, and maybe, and that's a big MAYBE he woud be asked to give a formal apology. Beyond that nothing would happen.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:16 PM
It seems you are bent out of shape enough to start a whole knew thread instead of replying in the threads that got you so bent out of shape to begin with.

It might be a good start for you to answer the very questions you pose.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:25 PM
I personally think it is sad that we need a billionaire narcissist and a gold digging prostitute to have any sort of discussion about race. This is what it has come to!

I believe that the subject of race and racism has become so sensitive, that people no longer feel comfortable discussing it openly. This is especially true when the discussion needs to take place outside your own race.

When it comes specifically to the "black and white" issue in the US, I believe many people from both races are over sensitive. In my experience, many feel incredibly fearful discussing the subject or how they feel about it. Also in my experience, many people feel it is justifiable for blacks to say anything racist themselves, because of their history. I do not hear many many Jews openly making racist statements about Germans, do you?

It ends up with quiet tension which builds until someone else is in the hot seat, and then in a burst we begin delivering our opinions in the third party.

If we keep waiting until these hyped up news stories occur to have dialog, this will continue. One of your specific points I would like to call unfair and address directly:

Why does it upset you so much that black folks get upset about white overt racists? - See more at:

The way you phrased this statement means that you are assuming that ALL, rather than some of the arguments are:
a) made by white people
b) white people being upset about black people being upset about overt white racists
c) because of their experience, black people should be allowed to be racists themselves
d) the posts are about race, rather than a double standard or inequality

Can you clarify if this is what you mean by your statements?

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: tinner07

It has become a situation of the blacks saying "do what we say, not as we do"...and as white people if we don't walk on egg shells and glorify everything the black community does we are deemed racist. I'm sure what I'm about to say will be lost on you because you've obviously got the new victim mentality the right wing media has been trying to brainwash into the ignorant masses. Please, point to a case of somebody being called a racist for "not glorifying everything the black community does."

We have done everything humanly possible to try to eliminate the the hardships of the minories in this country.
I won't argue the fact that minorities have hardships. But at some point the black community has to look at themselves and see they are their own worst problem.

What imaginary world do you live in? I've never felt like I was "walking on eggshells" or that I had to "glorify everything the black community does." It's pretty easy not to have somebody call you a racist, in fact it's one of the easier things to do in life — don't say or do racist s#.

You know how Paula Dean could have been spared having her reputation sullied? Don't drop the N-bomb and blabber your stupid mouth about having a party where the theme is servitude by black people. How hard is that?

Nobody was calling Cliven Bundy a racist, racism had never entered the conversation.. and then HE OPENED HIS BIG MOUTH and started blabbering about all those poor non-cotton pickin' negroes sitting on the stoop with nuthin' to do. All he had to do was not say some stupid s# in front of a REPORTER WITH A CAMERA.

Donald Sterling. Bought the Clippers in the 1981 for like $14 million. Over the years he's made a ton of money as the owner of the team which now has an estimated value of $575 million according to Forbes. He hooks up with some disgusting basketball groupie, tells her she can sleep with whoever he wants but not to be seen with black people even though she's *gasp* half black herself and she sets him up because that's the kind of deplorable person she is. Doesn't make him any less of a douche bag does it? Not noteworthy when a guy who is about to receive an award from the NAACP is telling his girlfriend not to bring black people to his games because the other bigots don't like it?

Again. If you don't want to be called a racist, don't say dumb racist s#.
edit on 2014-4-30 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)


posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: Willtell

In my opinion, what they handed down to the guy is what he deserves, he is a racist piece of crap. I do feel sorry for the girlfriend though, as she didnt think this through and could potentially be in a world of financial hurt as he could sue her for defamation and recording him without his consent which could lead to her being sued for up to 3 times the actual monetary damages.

The only part I have an issue with is the double standard, I will not argue that the guy is a racist. I would point out though that Jay -Z has an ownership interest in the Nets. He is just as racist, its right out there in public view, his records, his comments, him belonging to an anti white hate group. He and anyone no matter their race get the same treatment as sterling. end of story. If you do not agree, then you need to examine your beliefs, because equality means equal, not getting preferential treatment over injustices perpetrated upon others by others that are no longer alive today and havnt been for over a century, No african american alive today is or ever has been a slave, and no white american alive today has ever owned one. So why should I, have to suffer the current slew of bs (white privilege claims etc) for crap that I nor my family had anything to do with at all, except for spilling blood in the civil war for the union?

Furthermore, how about the Irish slaves? How about White slaves owned by black slave owners? it happened, not as common, but it happened. The first legal slave owner owner in the united states was a black man, and he owned both white and black slaves. Every race has been oppressed and every race has oppressed another.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: tinner07

Under scrutiny only so people can catch them acting stupid and then say:
See this guy should be banned too just like they banned the white guy.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: SM2

Of course there are other people afflicted with deep harm by the evils and oppression of history.The Ukraine people were slaves almost as long as Africans

If black people seem to complain too much, then maybe, just maybe they have been hurt the most.

Only God knows.

This double standard you speak of also may be an illusion.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: SM2

I would point out though that Jay -Z has an ownership interest in the Nets.

Not true, he sold his stake in the Barclays center and the Nets. He had to in order to get certified as a sports agent. As far as whether he's racist or not, I don't know, but he certainly doesn't own any stake in any NBA team.

As far as the OP, I haven't really seen anyone getting upset that a racist is being called a racist. As far as I can tell, anyone that's taken issue with it is more along the lines of violation of privacy issues and such. California is a two party consent state, so if she didn't tell him he was being recorded and he consented to it she broke the law. Assuming he was in California when this took place, of course.

I haven't seen anyone be upset that he was called a racist, it seems most people agree that he is, indeed, a racist.


posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: Pimpish

I am sorry, I did not realize he had to sell his interest in the Nets.

That however does not change my opinion on a double standard when it comes to racism.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: Arktos1

"The way you phrased this statement means that you are assuming that ALL, rather than some of the arguments are:
a) made by white people"

The op is to the mentality of angry white person who always wants to challenge black people for fighting for what they think is justice.

b) white people being upset about black people being upset about overt white racists

They are always complaining about blacks who are sensitive to racism.

c) because of their experience, black people should be allowed to be racists themselves

No, I don’t believe that. But black people because of their experience are more sensitive to racial issues on the most part. Also some might want to give them some slack because of ordinary human feelings of revenge and justice. If you were assaulted by someone and hated them for it then at least one could understand where that hate comes from. That doesn’t justify it if it turns into revenge.

d) the posts are about race, rather than a double standard or inequality

I don’t believe a double standard exists. I think it is illusory.

"Can you clarify if this is what you mean by your statements?"

The statement is referring to the people who are bent out of shape over an overt racist being dealt with harshly who now want to follow around black people who do stupid stuff and then they can say: “gee look at this guy he is just like the Clipper owner”

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