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View homosexually tolerant film, or school faces lawsuit

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posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:20 AM
Wonderful, so soon as a student is traumatized by the video is the ACLU then going to take up her case and sue the state for having her watch it? The government is not the right place to aim your worries at about rights today. We are taking them away all by our selves. SO damn worried about offending anyone with a word or song that they cant teach it in schools after all the decades it worked for the majority. Somewhere the rights of the people as a whole have been lost to a single person. It won't be to long at this rate than when a child is born its mouth is stapled shut because some one was offended by every word. So worried about your individual rights that you will end up taking more rights away as one person taking offense to anything will just keep going. Then no one will be an individual because everyone has to be the same so no one is insulted or their feelings hurt because aparently it is becoming that an individuals right to not be slighted is overtaking the majorities right to free spppppppeeeeeechhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I know personaly I don't know what to belive about God. But it is also just a word and can mean whatever the heck ya want it to mean. My feet didnt fall off because I said it. If your feet fall of because you said the word God let me and the mods know and you can transfer my fabulous 5k something points to your account.

Our people need to wake up before we rid ourselves of rights as the good of the many means less than the few.

WAY F'd up.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:11 AM
As evidenced on this board free speech is hardly at a point where it's being repressed.

From what I can make out from Jezebels earlier post this is not about suppressing free speech or opinion, it's about sending a message to the student body that certain expressions of that are deemed unacceptable and allowing minors to be educated in a safe, non abusive environment, as far as I can gather it's not even about gays per se. As far as I'm concerned it should be about anyone who is singled out, gay, straight, black, white, muslim or Xtian. I'll point this out again for people when your child becomes the victim of intolerance because someone else believes they have the right to express their opinion as they see fit, you may redefine what's acceptable and what's not. There's a lot of idiots out in the world who need someone to hate and it doesn't take much for them to justify their actions.
BTW I could care less if someone calls me a poof or fag or queer whatever, they're terms my family use with me all the time, they're terms I use with my other gay freinds, it's the intent behind the words not the words themselves. And all this litigation, suing and counter suing, isn't that more to do with you're greedy culture and the fact that Americans are just so over the top about everything than any gay agenda. There's a nice blanket generalisation for you to be going on with.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:17 AM
Settle down chimp. My best man at my wedding is gay and a cmdr in the Navy. I have not one thing against anyone because of their sexual orientation. What it is, what it was, what it shall be............ what you just did was prove a point that you are telling people who find gay lifestyles as unacceptable that they have to change the way that they talk about them because it is gay bashing and unacceptable to the gay community. You may not care what you are called but do that in DC and see how it is. And the UK is much more liberal than the US. I think its silly that there was so much commotion about a boob on the superbowl. Probable 3% if that of the millions of viewers made a big stink out of it and of course the media made it seem like we were all agahst when almost everyone I know was shaking their head wondering why they are wasting time with it. Well if those who dont like a womans breast being shown, please when you visit those of us in Virginia, turn away from our flag. Im suprised someone hasnt taken up the bare boob on our flag for their 15 minutes of flame um fame.

Again, I am with you on the issue of gays. What they do that makes them happy is ok with me. I have been hit on and when I say that is not me they drop it and apologize if they made you uncomfortable.

The chimp was yer picture.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:33 AM
Pilot, it wasn't a response to you in particular, no offence taken, non intended.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by I_AM_that_I_AM

By that reasoning then you aren't born straight. So, when did you choose to be straight Ed. Seriously, exactly when did you decide to be straight?

Can I answer this question? Well I'm going to anyways. Um... Maybe I wasn't so confused about the whole penis, vagina, baby thing... Maybe thats the problem did your parents talk about that stuff? Did your parents have a "close" relationship?

I'll risk being called ignorant again... But I'm just throwing a question out there... Why as huge minority of the populous should the rest of America really care about your freedom to do whatever you do wherever you want?
Don't hate me.. I'm just throwing out questions is all...

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor

Originally posted by I_AM_that_I_AM

By that reasoning then you aren't born straight. So, when did you choose to be straight Ed. Seriously, exactly when did you decide to be straight?

Can I answer this question? Well I'm going to anyways. Um... Maybe I wasn't so confused about the whole penis, vagina, baby thing... Maybe thats the problem did your parents talk about that stuff? Did your parents have a "close" relationship?

I'll risk being called ignorant again... But I'm just throwing a question out there... Why as huge minority of the populous should the rest of America really care about your freedom to do whatever you do wherever you want?
Don't hate me.. I'm just throwing out questions is all...

Yer getting it sailor. Now the folks who find gay lifestyles unaccaptable or anyone for that matter have to be careful what they say around all men because if one happens to be gay and you say something or tell a joke..........mmm mmm mmm. Do it in a bar with a few gay men or women I suppose, you just might find yourself in an argument you had no intention of starting, maybe the police come and you are accused of gay bashing. Hopefully its just a citation and all comes out well. Gotta watch your mouth though god forbid someone gets hurt feelings and has to go to court because you told a joke.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot
Yer getting it sailor. Now the folks who find gay lifestyles unaccaptable

This says it all.. the word 'unacceptable'.. same as intollerable. If you find it unacceptable.. don't have sex with men. It is starting to look like people don't want tolerence getting taught because then they won't be free to indulge in biggotry and abuse and will miss out on that little ego trip some get when denograting others.
[edit on 2-12-2004 by riley]

Its not that people are so much against tolerance being taught as tolerance being forced. We are alll free to be intolerant of a great many things and I bet you, yourself could be proven guilty of intolerance in your everyday life. Hey, thats okay. No two people are alike nor do they need to be. It is a liberty to be able to disagree and dissasociate with anyone else.

I don't think anyone here is arguing to allow violence or the impeddance of anyone's rights merely that to some, the fight to keep their rights sometimes goes over the line to impedding on someone elses. Nothing will ever force the social acceptance of anything but what we can do is enforce the law which says violence against another for whatever reason is illegal.

I think many gay rights activist take on the challenge and goal of also forcing others to accept a promote their politcal agenda. You must accept that no one can forced into agreement and socialization. Merely kept in obeyance with the law. I knoiw its like having minimal coverage and its not what you're all after but its exactly what the rest of us have too.

If someone tells you they don't want you around them because they don't like you for whatever reason, guess what, thats their right. What they cannot do physically injure you for the same reason.

[edit on 2-12-2004 by astrocreep]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 07:53 AM
Oh again I have not one thing against a gay person at all. But where does it end? Cleveland has had an indian head on their hat for ever and now all of a sudden its offensive. Its non stop. I just saw the other day some groups want to give pet dogs and cats the same type of rights we have. WHAT?? Its a dog. I sometimes wonder what people would think if they came to our farm and saw the dogs tied up in the barn. Will the call peta? The Baltimore Orioles used to have a big cartoon bird on their hat. Wonder if they had to change because someone though it was offensive to the real bird so it was change to appear as the actual bird. Why are the minority of people behind things like taking God out of the Declaration of Independence because one parent is an Athiest and doesnt like it being allowed to change an essential piece of an historical document for our whole country? Who cares probably everyone else thinks is abhorant. Not because he/she is Athiest yet he is changing history to suit his need and not the majority of people living here who want it there. I am not religous at all but its word. Let that person think of God as meaning nothing instead of trying to rewrite history to suit him. That is not what this country is about. Its not about making sure everyone is just 100% rosey and happy. Its a society and it wont work. Do we let it go until someone figures out how to remove vocabulary from our head so it cant be said? Or does it just keep going until there is now a whole list of words that can't be used? Go so far that everyone now has the same vocabulary, clothes, haircut, shoes so that no one is hurt or offended by it? Just go ahead and go all the way so no one has a individual personality and every one is monotone so no one is taken aback.

Its not just words. My kids no longer get grades in school! WHY? Im not making this up. This is crazy. No more A B C D or F. ummm mmmmm if you Pass you get a P and if you dont you get an N for needs improvement. All so the kids who would have failed would not have hurt feelings by being told they failed. A little extra credit with a P will get you a little O next to it for outstanding. Plus a bounus if you get an N. If they think your self esteem will be damaged in some way by repeating the class while you class mates move on...................go with them, youll catch up. Great! Now not passing the proper test has no consequence. Now you just learned you dont have to try. PLUS now the kid cant read because she didnt pass the first class. HOW CRAZY and this is Fairfax county one of the best in the country. Oh we could go on all day.

I really didn't think that when writing the Declaration of Independence they really had in mind that people would all be happy with no work, no pain an no OH FORBID hurt feellings. Im pretty sure the didn't think people in the country really planned on just coasting through life doing as little as possible and just letting the few folks who dont like what they wrote as a framework just change it and who cares what the majority of the rest of the country thinks.

You can have any color model T you want as long as its black.

Lets just start burning the constitution up now so as people who have to have the center of the country revolve around them hack away at it untill it doesnt offend them the way its written can use it for toilet paper.

Wont work. It has to be a flexible document because it was never intended to make everyone 100% happy in some Utopia. Everyone to make the society work needs to be flexible on different parts that are importiant to them and not get so wrapped up because a piece fits every one els but them that they go running to the ACLU or file a lawsuit to have it removed to suit the individual or minortity opinion. Its a Republic and it should be ruled by a majority. But it has gotten to the point where a lawsuit is brought up you don't say anything because you might be accused of being INTOLERANT to a couple of people why the rest stand by and shake their heads saying what next. Absoulute rigid ideals are about impossible to work unless everyone can just sit back and say, yep it says God. Otherwise why continue? Individuals with their own agenda not considering the rest of the country are costing everyone else. Keep going and you will end up with no individuals but programmed human bodies with no personality.

URRRRRRR and all because a few people who don't like it want to make sure everyone does it their way...........I guess now it would be the only and one way it has to be done now because it hurt their feelings or you are breaking the law that was added or changed just for them. Screw the rest of the country. ITS ALL ABOUT ME and I have the right to be happy at the expense of the rest of you so phhhhhttttttt to you
HM aint that a bitch. Lets just keep ripping apart the framework to suit everyone until nothing is left. Seems to me it was a foundation to build upon not tear down.

All these years in the Military must have shielded me from such utter crap. If people can't be flexible and use what they need and give back what they don't this country has got not a chance. I just hope I am a few feet under by then. What a way to blow up what started as a fight with a King for stuff like Independence or taxation without representation. Hell bring out the tea and lets go to Boston. Oh never mind it would pollute the harbour or something.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Can I answer this question? Well I'm going to anyways. Um... Maybe I wasn't so confused about the whole penis, vagina, baby thing...

WTF?, unlike with you and your post, there was no "confusion" involved, Ed stated that people chose to be gay. If you choose your sexuality then you choose to be straight. Their for he chose to be straight. I want'ed to know when. As it's ot immoral I still want to know when.

Originally posted by LostSailor Maybe thats the problem did your parents talk about that stuff? Did your parents have a "close" relationship?

I'd wager that my parents were/are/have been a lot closer than your parents ever were/are/have been. But thanks for theattempted insult. Your belief that people who don't agree with your veiwpoint about homosexuality are "just confused about it" just goes to show your own ignorance on the matter.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by I_AM_that_I_AM

WTF?, unlike with you and your post, there was no "confusion" involved, Ed stated that people chose to be gay. If you choose your sexuality then you choose to be straight. Their for he chose to be straight. I want'ed to know when. As it's ot immoral I still want to know when.

I'd wager that my parents were/are/have been a lot closer than your parents ever were/are/have been. But thanks for theattempted insult. Your belief that people who don't agree with your veiwpoint about homosexuality are "just confused about it" just goes to show your own ignorance on the matter.

Yes... I chose to be straight... and no I'm not sure exactly when... I was stating that it was probably when my parents gave me the "birds and the bees" talk at a young age. Or maybe it was also my religious upbringing.

And no I'm not ignorant... although I see you really enjoy insulting people on a regular basis... I live in an extremely liberal city... and know quite a few gay men... One thing I've noticed after getting to know them better is a lot of them come from broken families. So sorry if I asked a couple questions.

But thanks for theattempted insult.

How the hell did I attempt to insult you in any way shape or form? You are taking this way to personally and you're losing all rational.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot
Oh again I have not one thing against a gay person at all. But where does it end?

Right, can't have people tolerating gays, we don't want people legalising murder now, do we?

Originally posted by just_a_pilotCleveland has had an indian head on their hat for ever and now all of a sudden its offensive.
I just saw the other day some groups want to give pet dogs and cats the same type of rights we have.

That would be PETA alright, most of them are nuts.

Originally posted by just_a_pilot The Baltimore Orioles used to have a big cartoon bird on their hat. Wonder if they had to change because someone though it was offensive to the real bird so it was change to appear as the actual bird.

Or maybe they wanted to change it for aother reasons?
If you don't know why, try asking someone on their website, I'm pretty sure they have one. Now, you could be right, but you might want to actually check instead of just assuming.

Originally posted by just_a_pilot I am not religous at all but its word. Let that person think of God as meaning nothing instead of trying to rewrite history to suit him. That is not what this country is about. Its not about making sure everyone is just 100% rosey and happy...... Just go ahead and go all the way so no one has a individual personality and every one is monotone so no one is taken aback.

While I dont' agree with you 100% I agree with most of what you just said. This country is not about pleasing everyone. somepeople take things to far, I don't thinkthey have in this case, but in others I agree that they have.

Originally posted by just_a_pilotIts not just words. My kids no longer get grades in school! WHY?

That sounds rather pointless to me as well. Let the kids take their lumps and learn to handle not getting your but kissed all the time.

Originally posted by just_a_pilotI really didn't think that when writing the Declaration of Independence they really had in mind that people would all be happy with no work, no pain an no OH FORBID hurt feellings. Im pretty sure the didn't think people in the country really planned on just coasting through life doing as little as possible and just letting the few folks who dont like what they wrote as a framework just change it and who cares what the majority of the rest of the country thinks.

Whats' the old saying"Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, catching it, however is another story."

Originally posted by just_a_pilotWont work. It has to be a flexible document because it was never intended to make everyone 100% happy in some Utopia. Everyone to make the society work needs to be flexible on different parts that are importiant to them and not get so wrapped up because a piece fits every one els but them .... Absoulute rigid ideals are about impossible to work unless everyone can just sit back and say, yep it says God. ..... Keep going and you will end up with no individuals but programmed human bodies with no personality.

Here I agree with you totally. This nation was built on compromise. Not running off and suiing some guy because everyone isn't kowtowing to your needs.

[edit on 2-12-2004 by I_AM_that_I_AM]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Yes... I chose to be straight... and no I'm not sure exactly when... I was stating that it was probably when my parents gave me the "birds and the bees" talk at a young age. Or maybe it was also my religious upbringing.

So does this must mean you are [or were at some point] sexually attracted to men yet choose to [try] have sex with women instead?

How the hell did I attempt to insult you in any way shape or form? You are taking this way to personally and you're losing all rational.

Being objective.. your comment was inferring his parents were swingers. He wasn't being irrational.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by riley

So does this must mean you are [or were at some point] sexually attracted to men yet choose to [try] have sex with women instead?

No... I've never been attracted to men. Does that make me a homophobe or something?
Yes.. I try and have sex with women everday!!!

Being objective.. your comment was inferring his parents were swingers. He wasn't being irrational.

Wow... You really spent no expense with this comment did you? Show me exactly where I called his parents swingers.

[edit on 2-12-2004 by LostSailor]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
No... I've never been attracted to men. Does that make me a homophobe or something?
Yes.. I try and have sex with women everday!!!

Sounds like you have always been attracted to the opposite sex.. which make it an orientation.. I thought you said you CHOSE not to be gay? that implies it was an option.

Wow... You really spent no expense with this comment did you? Show me exactly where I called his parents swingers.

my bad.. I read "Did your parents have a "close" relationship?" as 'closed' [opposed to 'open'].. still.. your emphasise on 'close' implied something.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor Yes... I chose to be straight... and no I'm not sure exactly when... .

1)Thank you for continuing to asnwer a question I made clear I wasn't asking you.

2)Since you tried to answer it anyway, it's not a yes or no question. It is premised by the assertion(made by the person I asked it to) that it's a choice. So, now I will rephrase it so that it's abit easier to understand.

When did you choose for your body to be attracted to girls?

Originally posted by LostSailor I was stating that it was probably when my parents gave me the "birds and the bees" talk at a young age.

My parents told me about How A Man And A Women Have SEX fairly early. Unlike yours, who appearently wasted your time talking about the reproductive life cycles of Avians and Insects.

Originally posted by LostSailor Or maybe it was also my religious upbringing

So now you admit that your parents may have caused you to suppress you attraction to men? (assuming you had one, I'm not saying you did-just asking a question.)

Originally posted by LostSailor I live in an extremely liberal city... and know quite a few gay men... One thing I've noticed after getting to know them better is a lot of them come from broken families..

Really, gee, that's odd. I live in an extremely conservative city...and know quite a few straight men....One thing that I've noticed after getting to know them better is a lot of them come from broken families.
Gee, appearently it doesn't make you gay. (And don't pretend that's not what you were implying, we both know it was.

Originally posted by LostSailor So sorry if I asked a couple questions.

Oh, don't worry, you didn't.

Originally posted by LostSailor How the hell did I attempt to insult you in any way shape or form?

How did you insult me? Well, I'll try to keep this simple, so you can understand it.
You called me "confused".
Understand it now?
Then their the fact that you seem to think that I'm gay. Guess what?
Not everyone who is straight thinks as you do.
Not everyone who's Christian buys into the false idea that it's a sin.

[edit on 2-12-2004 by I_AM_that_I_AM]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:59 AM
Well sir, if your gay. Carry on. If you know your gay then you must not be confused about it.

Not at all confused straight guy in Virginia

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 09:00 AM

Yer getting it sailor. Now the folks who find gay lifestyles unaccaptable or anyone for that matter have to be careful what they say around all men because if one happens to be gay and you say something or tell a joke..........mmm mmm mmm. Do it in a bar with a few gay men or women I suppose, you just might find yourself in an argument you had no intention of starting, maybe the police come and you are accused of gay bashing. Hopefully its just a citation and all comes out well. Gotta watch your mouth though god forbid someone gets hurt feelings and has to go to court because you told a joke.

Well yes I can see your point, some people can be over sensitive but again it's not the words it's the intent, man I could take you to some gay pubs where the gay jokes are flowing fast and furious but again if a group of straight people were cracking funnies in a deliberate attempt to get a rise from a gay guy or girl then it's just crappy behaviour. Try going into a straight pub and repeating these-

What's the difference between a straight man and a bisexual? About six pints of beer.

What's the definition of straight foreplay? Honey I'm home?

How can you tell a straight mans been in your house? The soaps dry and the dogs pregnant.

Pound to a penny someone in there's going to be offended, especially if they think your gay, so it works both ways. There's a fine line between amusing and offensive sometimes. Something to consider when people are bigging up the idea of a right to free speech, what responsibilities should go with it.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 09:01 AM
I am that I am -
What you fail to realise is thatif yuo are correct about people being born gay then homosexuality is a mutation. It is to be honest a birth defect, similar to a congenital heart defect if you are in fact born gay. If people are not born gay then they volutarily chose an unnatural and immoral lifestyle. Either way why should a school being showng a film promotng tolerance of homosexuals as opposed to blacks, women, the poor, the rich etc?

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by edsinger
You still havent anserwed how in the hell bisexuals are only born half gay? Oh on dominant and recessive gene that swap?

That's because the very question show's how ignorant you are of Genetics and how it relates to a persons behavior.
Genes don't decide if yu do something, they just give you a genetic predisposition for it. Their are also enviromental factors to consider. And that doesn't even take into accoun tthe reality of how complex even your sexuality is Ed.
Why are is your body physically attracted to girls Ed? I doubt you've ever really stopped to think about it, have you? (that isn't meant as an insult)So far you've given the reasons as "my parents told me too" and "the bible tells me to". Think about this for a minute. You just said that your body goes through the physiological reaction of attraction when you are around women and not men because of sounds you parents made years ago and some symbols on paper.
Don't you think that their might be a bit more to it?
(I'm not implying that you might be gay or something, just that their is more to you( and thus to everyone) than you are trying to make it sound like. You are trying to make things sound simple when they are, in reality, very complex.

[edit on 2-12-2004 by I_AM_that_I_AM]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 09:37 AM
I have said this before and I will say it again now. You can not expect someone to go beyond what they have. As an can not go above their level of intelligence, you can't expect someone with a lower IQ level to understand something in the same way that someone with a much higher level. It's the same can't expect someone to without the same lever of understanding to see this. No one makes a choice to be homo or just are what you are, the same way you don't choose to like peas but not broccoli. You attracted to what your attracted to the same way some people like curvy woman and some skinny, or some people like men with big muscles (yuck) and some don't. It takes a lot of energy to hate, energy that is best used somewhere else. The thing is, if I am wrong......and people do choose to be whatever they has hurt nothing, I leave people alone that aren't hurting anything or anyone...BUT, if those that hate/dislike gays because they think they choose it are have spent a lifetime of wasted energy hating, disliking, belittling innocent people with no choice, you have helped to make a group of your fellow human beings live an un-necessarily unhappy life time.....which is very sad since most of you do it "supposedly" because of religion, though I suspect many only use that an excuse because they hate anything/anyone different than themselves.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by LadyV]

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