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Kicking the smoking habit-opinions on E-cigs and vapor

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posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:25 AM
Yeah dude, go out and get a e-cig pronto.
It will be so incredibly helpful. Don't go cheap though, and don't get those disposable ones either..get the fancy big battery ones you recharge and the big liquid tanks, find a few tasty flavors in variable degree nicotine content (and a ton of zero nic). then start high, and over time reduce the nicotine...don't worry if it takes awhile...esmoke is far far less damanging than regular the order of like hundreds of times less dangerous...still, your gonna want to eventually kick the nic all together, so...start in say the 20s range and move down each new bottle till your down to zero and simply doing it for habit and to avoid snacking.

You will initially do it a lot..actually nonstop almost, it will be your best friend..Thats actually the best way to do it..that way you basically don't have any smoking cravings...if you wait till your craving it, then that's when potential relapses occur with real cigs.

then over time, once you feel the danger of cigs are gone, try to vape a bit less and less...then wait till just times of snacking or whatnot,..once you hit zero, then just quit whenever you feel like it..or not..doesn't matter at that point, but most will eventually just quit without even effort..just sort of a pointless exercise...that may take a year or two to get to that point.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:28 AM

Cold turkey is the right answer for any addiction ... when it's not gonna kill ya.

See, that's the wrong answer.
nicotine systems are absolutely proven to be far more effective than just cold turkey. I can show endless statistics, along with speak from personal experience of not just myself but of other family members.
vaping has been a godsent for those of us who have tried to quit over the years without success.

People suggesting you quit cold turkey either have unusually high willpower, or simply have not quit smoking themselves and think its like quitting mcdonalds fries or something.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:44 AM


Cold turkey is the right answer for any addiction ... when it's not gonna kill ya.

See, that's the wrong answer.
People suggesting you quit cold turkey either have unusually high willpower, or simply have not quit smoking themselves and think its like quitting mcdonalds fries or something.

Once you lower your intake of nicotine, you experience symptoms of withdrawal. The majority of folks lapse under sustained periods of withdrawal. Cold turkey gets you through withdrawal faster than anything else. My first successful attempt at quitting lasted six months. The second was eight years.

I Know what works for me and am pretty sure everyone can see what I'm expressing here is my Opinion. I'm also pretty sure if there was One sure-fire method we'd see everybody taking that approach exclusively. Willpower will get some folks through. Knowledge will pick up the rest of the folks who 'can' quit. I'm doing my best here to share what knowledge I have.

Thanks for taking the time to continue this discussion.


posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:54 AM
It's important to have good vape equipment though. There's a lot of junk for sale and gross eliquid that can be a turn off. I started with a clean cigarette a company that sold crappy little batteries and expensive cartomizer tips probably similar to blu ecigs, don't waste your money on that bs. The batteries are small and don't last long, you'll be dying for a real cig when you encounter those pos. instead buy a good mod, some clearomizers or tanks, and some good ejuice. These have come so far in the past couple years and are only getting better. For mods I recommend the tesla vv/vw that's variable voltage variable wattage bout 70 bucks on eBay comes with 2 batteries and a charger. It will last all day even with heavy use. Comes with a couple ce4 clearomizers that are decent but if you wanna up the stakes get a nautilus tank with variable airflow, pretty easy to refill and you can buy extra coils for them. Then start buying some dank ejuice; flavors are getting insane check out the guy is a genius, he can make any flavor you could possible think of!

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:54 AM



Cold turkey is the right answer for any addiction ... when it's not gonna kill ya.

See, that's the wrong answer.
People suggesting you quit cold turkey either have unusually high willpower, or simply have not quit smoking themselves and think its like quitting mcdonalds fries or something.

Once you lower your intake of nicotine, you experience symptoms of withdrawal. The majority of folks lapse under sustained periods of withdrawal. Cold turkey gets you through withdrawal faster than anything else. My first successful attempt at quitting lasted six months. The second was eight years.

I Know what works for me and am pretty sure everyone can see what I'm expressing here is my Opinion. I'm also pretty sure if there was One sure-fire method we'd see everybody taking that approach exclusively. Willpower will get some folks through. Knowledge will pick up the rest of the folks who 'can' quit. I'm doing my best here to share what knowledge I have.

Thanks for taking the time to continue this discussion.


Let a doctor weigh in

Do e-cigarettes work? Are they safe?

First, my own experience as a doctor – I have found e-cigarettes to be one of the most effective methods of cutting down or quitting smoking for recalcitrant smokers.

This is because e-cigarettes are not only a nicotine replacement therapy, they are a total smoking cessation therapy, as vaping simulates the act of smoking, and you physically draw vapor into your mouth.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

From your exact same source:

Though there are no long term studies to show I’m right about e-cigarettes for smoking cessation

Not picking at you, brother. One size doesn't fit all. How hard is that to come to an agreement on?

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Snarl

As an ATS member I appreciate your questioning manner about Saturns source

I can however testify that it does work. like I said earlier, my co-workers that have gradually lowered their dosage have quit.. I've been working with them for over 3 years now and have seen many quit and fails, but the ecigs do the trick for many people. I wish there was some un-biased, non internet site you could reference... Do you know anyone else who has used them?

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by doompornjunkie

Do you know anyone else who has used them?

Just about everyone in my office who used to smoke cigarettes switched over. No one has quit ... but I don't think anyone has tired either (myself included).

Please understand, everything I've said in this thread today, has been from 'personal' experience. What works for me won't work for everyone. I thought that was implied.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Snarl

Yes, it is implied, I didn't mean to degrade or offend you of your opinions and experiences
I just hear so many negative things about them from people who don't know the facts. Also no.. I own no stocks, shares, nor do I sell any ecig supplies. This is just one topic given the 'tinkering' atmosphere of my workplace and personal experiences with them I happen to be very knowledgeable and passionate about. I could literally write pages upon pages about different mods, cartos, clearos, atos, juices, mixes, experiences, just everything about ecigs really.
edit on 31-3-2014 by doompornjunkie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:48 AM

reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

E-cigs are NOT a solution to nicotine addiction. If anything, I've found them to be more addictive. I'm probably at the 3 pack-a-day level again ... and I'm finding the consequences to be somewhat embarrassing (too much so to be open about it even anonymously -blushes-). I'll be going cold-turkey again with this knowledge ... the craving for nicotine subsides to a manageable level, but it takes a lot of time.

reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

My husband bought a vapor and e-cigs to help us both kick the habit but, I haven't used them....although I think I should at least try it if it helps me quit smoking cigarettes.

I really am determined to kick the habit completely...I'm tired of being a slave to the cigarette.

I'd like to comment on these points.

Not everyone has the same experience with nicotine. As I and many others have found out more often than not e-cig users have the opposite experience. They feel the nicotine cravings are lessened compared to cigarette smoking because they are only ingesting nicotine, not all the thousands of other chemicals and carcinogens found in burning tobacco smoke. Snarl's experience is not the norm. It is possible Snarl is extra sensitive to nicotine in the e-liquid form. I have been on the worlds largest e-cig forum for the past 4 years and this seems to be the general consensus among it's users ( )

We are not only addicted to nicotine like the tobacco companies would have you believe, we are addicted to a chemical soup of nicotine plus hundreds of other chemicals found in burning tobacco smoke. Nicotine was the Tobacco Industry's big scape goat. They felt if they allowed the public to outcry over one chemical, nicotine, they would ignore the chemical soup that serves to enhance nicotine and make it stronger and also gets you addicted to those chemicals. When you go through withdrawal from nicotine in e-cigs, its usually for most people way different from detoxing off of those hundreds of chemicals. Your first two weeks with an e-cig thus will be critical because you will detox from all those other nasty chemicals even though your still using nicotine. This is why most people generally find the craving from liquid nicotine in e-juice much milder than with smoking. I started studying this soon after I switched to e-cigs because I noticed between times when my e-cig was on the charger, the cravings for nicotine were not the same or strength I felt while smoking.

I have replaced 22 years of cigarette smoking with e-cigs for the past 4 years. I have a different take on my nicotine use than being a slave to it.

I feel being a slave to an addiction is a bad thing only if it has negative consequences. We have habits and addictions we live with on a daily basis we don't even consciously register, little things like how much sugar we use in our coffee or how we brush our teeth, some people drink 6 pack of Coke a day or always have that after dinner chocolate.

We got the idea that smoking is bad for you over the years because nicotine was advertised as being addictive and therefore killing you. The truth is it's the smoke itself that kills you, not the nicotine. Nicotine in the form and amounts used in e-cigs put you no more at risk than heavy coffee drinkers (reported by doctors who studied the issues). Nicotine is in fact very similar to caffeine - they are both central nervous system stimulants and both mild vascular restrictors (they can restrict blood vessels) Nicotine in e-cigs are not cancer causing nor is the vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol or flavorings used in the rest of the e-cig juice solution (they are all FDA approved and USP grade) It's as harmless as coffee. Knowing there is this very tiny health risk I deem my e-cig usage to be acceptable as is my coffee consumption. I enjoy the nicotine, and since it's not harming me I choose to never stop enjoying my legal personal drug of choice. I will enjoy this e-cig for the rest of my life, not because I need to have it, but because I simply enjoy it.

My point is, if you feel it's something that you are a slave to and that it harms your quality of life in some way, then by all means, quitting all forms of nicotine for good is right choice for you. On the other hand there is no such thing as a Nico-demon. Thats a term made up by the pharmaceutical industry to help push their billion dollar a year world wide quit smoking product line that doesn't even work - it's only 6 % effective no matter what type of gum, patch etc you use, e-cigs are shown to be over 45 percent effective. Most people who are generally healthy enough to drink coffee doctors say, are healthy enough to enjoy nicotine long term with little or no adverse affects. So if you enjoy the e-cig and want to keep using it as a nicotine delivery system that's healthier than tobacco smoking, don't let anyone tell you your wrong.

edit on 31-3-2014 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by doompornjunkie

Don't worry about offending me. I'm too dumb to notice half the time when it does happen.

I've been following this thread mostly because there are folks like you who have far more technical knowledge than myself. Seems to me everyone is denying ignorance when they add to the discussion with a positive attitude.


posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Snarl

Well even though my goal was to get nicotine from an alternate source, my experience was the same as the people who are trying to and those that did quit. It took a specific 'combo and a specific combination of equipment and juices for it to work. There are literally hundreds of billions if not trillions of combos to choose. Every Mod, ato, clearo, carto, juice, flavor, pg/vg mix, and brands of all of those that smoke and feel different. I'm not trying to be totally happy-go-lucky, it takes patience, but it works.. I might make a thread on how all the different parts, mixes, and strengths affect each other as a guide to maybe help people find the right 'combo'. I'll have to find a day off though

Edit: after re-reading your post, I'm not so sure what you mean! sorry

edit on 31-3-2014 by doompornjunkie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by doompornjunkie

Edit: after re-reading your post, I'm not so sure what you mean! sorry

I must be having a really difficult time expressing myself. Seriously ... I've been misunderstood not less than three or four times today, and several times yesterday as well.

Which specific part requires clarification?

ETA: Hit me with a PM if you want.
edit on 3132014 by Snarl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 03:40 AM

Seems to me everyone is denying ignorance when they add to the discussion with a positive attitude.

I feel that I have a positive attitude, yet I feel that I am not denying ignorance. If I am, what do you think I'm denying. No hard feelings!

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 03:54 AM


Seems to me everyone is denying ignorance when they add to the discussion with a positive attitude.

I feel that I have a positive attitude, yet I feel that I am not denying ignorance. If I am, what do you think I'm denying. No hard feelings!

Ah!! LOL

Yes, you do have a positive attitude.

In my book, denying ignorance has nothing to do with telling someone they're wrong. We deny ignorance by putting knowledge on display. As your experiences and viewpoints must surely differ from my own, it is to our mutual benefit that we share them on these boards. How will I become smarter, if you do not explain things the way you've seen or experienced them.


posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by Snarl

Agreed! I must be off to bed now, but I would like to maybe hear more about your experiences and desires so that you too may be able quit nicotine, or if not find a solution that suits you well as an alt to cigs. PM me if you are interested lol. I swear I have a book full of all the different options and their effects
Good chat

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 06:42 AM
After 20years of smoking and many failed trys to end the dirty habit, im trying ecig now and its working the most part, i bought pretty much the cheapest version 25euro + the nicotine liquid 18mg strenght and it work out well couple weeks but now the battery is almost death, i got 2 of them but cant recharge them fast enought to last couple hours, I bought this version to test out ecig personally before buying more pricy equipment. Now i know and im gonna get bit better version, im looking at Biansi Imist-B 1100mah Kit cost 40euro and got 1100mah batteries, compared my previus 190mah its gonna be much better.

After finding working version of ecig then u only need to get the liquid, they are many flavours im using vanilla, its great dont need to test out more since i found great one for me, bargainvapour sell them cheeapest i have found, they sell 100mg at 15 euro and other places 10mg at 4euro.100mg last me over month easily. So money wice im saving quite bit too.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I think it really is different for everyone. My father-in-law was an extremely heavy smoker...the type that would smoke while he ate, would light one up just after putting one out. It was insane. I never saw the man without a cigarette.

He woke up one day and said he had some sort of divine intervention experience??? I still don't understand exactly what he meant but, he hasn't smoked again since that day. Just quick cold turkey and hasn't smoked since. That's been about 3 years ago.

I happened to know for a fact that I could never do that. I just couldn't. Perhaps I'm just too weak in the will power department. I don't know but, I do know myself well enough to know that unless I was locked in a cage for a month or two...I could never quit cold turkey.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Snarl

I completely agree that we all have different ways to quit...whatever works best for you is the most important thing.

I wish I could go cold turkey...just get it over with but, I know I would be setting myself up for failure. I would give in too easily.

As I posted earlier, I would have to be locked away in a cage somewhere with no access to anything cigarette related. I'm weak and admit it

when it comes to this damn habit! Urrrghh

On a positive note....I'm on day 5 without a cigarette. Whooo Hoooo!!!

I just made it through my morning coffee and only took one puff from the vapor. It's not even close to the same thing but, it really helps in dealing with routine of smoking.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

I quit the analog cigs 4 months ago. I was smoking 3 packs a day. Thanks to ecigs I quit and will never smoke a cigarette again.

They are GREAT!! Believe me, I tried everything before...

Just one thing: You MuST look for real quality juices and stay away from the chinese cheap ones. Choose one which is 100% USA made and you'll be find.

Good luck and good vapes!

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