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“Anonymous International” Leaks Kremlin's Instructions to Russian TV

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posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:08 PM
“Anonymous International” Leaks Kremlin's Instructions to Russian TV

A Russian Internet group called “Anonymous International” has leaked what it claims is a “tyomnik”—a list of prepackaged news stories prepared by the Kremlin for Russia’s central television news stations. The group does not name its source for the document, but the whistleblower says Vladimir Putin’s administration is the author. The tyomnik (see below for a translation of the first two sections) instructs TV journalists to justify Russia’s recent annexation of Crimea, to laud President Putin’s efforts to develop the region, and even to advertise Crimea’s tourist season, on which the local economy desperately relies. (Russian journalist Ilya Barabanov joked that the talking points for Crimean vacations—“nearby, safe, among our own people”—are oddly similar to the slogan for the Sochi Olympics: “hot, cool, yours.”) The document also coaches television news stations to propagate an apocalyptic description of events in the Ukrainian heartland, where criminals and fascists supposedly run wild. Russian television has long been infamous for parroting the Kremlin on political issues. It is still rare, however, that the public glimpses this propaganda system’s internal workings. If Anonymous International’s leak is genuine, Russians are getting to peek behind the curtain today. The first page of Anonymous International's “tyomnik” leak.

Тема – Крым Главное: 1. Следует разъяснять, что за 23 года нахождения в составе независимой Украины Крым по вине киевских властей в основном деградировал. Цель российской власти сейчас – обеспечить становление новой жизни на полуострове, привести Крым к общероссийским стандартам в качестве жизни. Разгрести “авгиевы конюшни”, оставленные украинской властью, в одночасье не получится; но работа в этом направлении ведется, и результаты крымчане будут ощущать ежедневно. На прошлой неделе по поручению В.В.Путина Крым и Севастополь посетил ряд министров силового блока. На следующей неделе ожидается поездка ряда других членов кабинета. 2. Просьба активно включиться в работу по пропаганде летнего отдыха в Крыму: близко, безопасно, у своих.


Topic — Crimea Main points 1. It should be clarified that 23 years within an independent Ukraine largely degraded Crimea, and the authorities in Kiev are to blame. The goal of Russian authorities now is ensuring the emergence of a new life on the peninsula, bringing Crimea up to Russia’s national standards of quality of life. Cleaning the Augean stables left by Ukrainian authorities cannot be accomplished overnight, but the work is underway, and Crimeans will be seeing it every day. By order of Vladimir Putin, a number of key ministers will visit Crimea and Sevastopol. Next week, several other members of the cabinet are expected to make the trip, as well. 2. Please make an active effort in your work to promote the summer vacation season in Crimea: it’s nearby, safe, among our own people [“у своих”].

Тема – Украина Основные линии информационной работы: - атмосфера беззакония, нарастающий хаос: нацисты на ключевых государственных постах, МВД парализовано страхом (все грозные слова после гибели А.Музычко остались только словами), разгул криминала, дуреющего от собственной безнаказанности, рост преступности под видом “майдана”; - экономика катится в пропасть: денег как не было, так и нет; объявлены уже в самом ближайшем будущем рост тарифов, снижение социальных выплат и секвестр бюджета; - на этом фоне особенно цинично выглядит нарастающая грызня за власть.


Topic — Ukraine The bottom line for informational work: - there is an atmosphere of lawlessness and growing chaos: nazis occupy key government posts, the Interior Ministry is paralyzed by fear (all the tough talk after the death of [Right Sector general] Aleksandr Muzychko has remained only words), crime is rampant, stupefied by its own impunity, and rising under the guise of “Maidan” activism; - the economy is spinning out of control: money that was drying up before [Maidan] is still absent; a rise in taxes in the very near future has been announced, along with cuts to welfare benefits and a government budget sequester; - in this context, bickering over power looks especially cynical.
I think the majority of us know that the Russian media are running their propaganda treadmills faster than President Obama can write another strongly worded statement...If you click on the link at the top of this post it will show you the actual piece of paper purported to have been 'leaked'.
edit on 28-3-2014 by ProfessorT because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by ProfessorT

Yea and they will say this is just U.S agents and disinfo. Really already exhausted with the America bashing. America can never be right under no circumstances seems to be the general belief. Sadly America and the west are the good guys, America's like the psychiatrist trying to help a schizophrenic; of course the schizo's going to think the Doctor is in on it.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:16 PM
The cold war partII.Though the Russian propaganda machine remains largely intact."If the lies are repeated often enough the masses will believe it"...
edit on CDTFripm5861 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:17 PM
Looks to me like that outlet that exposes Putin Propaganda, is a propaganda outlet.

Aren't they all? What really matters is who's playing in who's backyard?

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ProfessorT

But I have to wonder...what is our government telling the news here to push? All governments do it.Ours fed us nonsense all during the Vietnam war.Thats why the internet is so important now,its the only way anyone has of getting to the truth of what all these governments are really doing.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:22 PM


Looks to me like that outlet that exposes Putin Propaganda, is a propaganda outlet.

Aren't they all? What really matters is who's playing in who's backyard?

I guess so, you certainly are a propaganda outlet.
edit on 28-3-2014 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Dimithae

agreed they will have to push official lines. they don't stay in power by blanking it or by putting negative spin on it.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:34 PM
So why have this so-called Anonymous group only exposed russian propaganda? Why havent they done the same with American British or any other countries propaganda?
It all a bit stinky.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:44 PM
The exact same thing happens in the US
There are videos with a couple of former anchors and people involved with news who talk about exactly this issue.
Wonder why Bahrain and the violence and brutality perpetrated by the gov there is not shown on MSM? It's because the Bahrain gov donates to the corporations who own the news.
Look it up, this is true for many stories and issues.
People were fired for speaking out against US involvement in Iraq.

Anywhere there is a government and where mega corporations own the news and media channels, you will find this happening

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:55 PM

It is all a game to keep the people looking the other direction

listen to the applause ?????

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:55 PM



Looks to me like that outlet that exposes Putin Propaganda, is a propaganda outlet.

Aren't they all? What really matters is who's playing in who's backyard?

I guess so, you certainly are a propaganda outlet.

No, this is propaganda…

Read the caption. Thats propaganda.

What I did was expose that. Thats not propaganda, thats the truth.

Edit to add: Anyone else having trouble uploading photos? Sorry about that.
edit on 28-3-2014 by intrptr because: trouble with uploading photos…

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Dimithae

The stuff you see on the news is the stuff they are being told to push.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:05 PM
I hope the propaganda assholes are ALL hoist by their own petard....
Anyone who wishes to play sandbox with real nuclear weapons or even use the threat of doing so is a defunct human.
I am sooo pissed at these arrogant apes who wish for nothing but power and control of......well ,everything pretty much.....

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:13 PM

reply to post by ProfessorT

Yea and they will say this is just U.S agents and disinfo. Really already exhausted with the America bashing. America can never be right under no circumstances seems to be the general belief. Sadly America and the west are the good guys, America's like the psychiatrist trying to help a schizophrenic; of course the schizo's going to think the Doctor is in on it.

You mock everyone for saying america cant be right under any circumstance then you basically say america cant be wrong....

America has done plenty wrong...way worse than Russia in recent times...and this is coming from a vet who has been there...if you think otherwise...then you obviously are an armchair critic who hasnt seen #..

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:22 PM


reply to post by ProfessorT

Yea and they will say this is just U.S agents and disinfo. Really already exhausted with the America bashing. America can never be right under no circumstances seems to be the general belief. Sadly America and the west are the good guys, America's like the psychiatrist trying to help a schizophrenic; of course the schizo's going to think the Doctor is in on it.

You mock everyone for saying america cant be right under any circumstance then you basically say america cant be wrong....

America has done plenty wrong...way worse than Russia in recent times...and this is coming from a vet who has been there...if you think otherwise...then you obviously are an armchair critic who hasnt seen #..

your ignorant i was Army 11 bravo (Infantry) stationed in Schweinfurt Germany in 2007. I lost many friends it was a very hard year that year. My picture is from Germany my shoulder had just been operated on after a full a c separation the circumstances i don’t wish to discuss. Don’t make blind assertions; your not talking to a cherry. I didn’t say Americas always right i just fully believe in this instant America is; and so is the west. that our interest and what we stand for are at stake. Try again

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:42 PM



reply to post by ProfessorT

Yea and they will say this is just U.S agents and disinfo. Really already exhausted with the America bashing. America can never be right under no circumstances seems to be the general belief. Sadly America and the west are the good guys, America's like the psychiatrist trying to help a schizophrenic; of course the schizo's going to think the Doctor is in on it.

You mock everyone for saying america cant be right under any circumstance then you basically say america cant be wrong....

America has done plenty wrong...way worse than Russia in recent times...and this is coming from a vet who has been there...if you think otherwise...then you obviously are an armchair critic who hasnt seen #..

your ignorant i was Army 11 bravo (Infantry) stationed in Schweinfurt Germany in 2007. I lost many friends it was a very hard year that year. My picture is from Germany my shoulder had just been operated on after a full a c separation the circumstances i don’t wish to discuss. Don’t make blind assertions; your not talking to a cherry. I didn’t say Americas always right i just fully believe in this instant America is; and so is the west. that our interest and what we stand for are at stake. Try again

11b myself...and I spent some time in Germany as well! I appreciate your service. This isnt the first time though Ive seen you hop on and gripe about anyone bashing America. I appreciate your enthusiasm for the country, but id argue at this moment America has violated more human rights than any nation on the planet.

To include bombing of innocents....nsa domestic spying...and plenty more. The situation with Russia would be the equivalent of if Texas seceded several years ago and was asking to come instead of letting them vote to come back...someone overthrows their government in which they say hey we are joining Mexico...then the USA stepped in to take Texas back.

If you look at history...Crimera is Russian..and it is a heck of a lot more than Crimera...its many more districts. Im Ukrainian myself and have family still over there.

Now back on to America....we stick our nose in every single persons business and step in every time we can.... except....drum roll......when anyone who may give us a thumping stands in our way. We talk all tough when its a weak country but the second a real country flexes its muscle we choose diplomatic options. Im not against that at war with Russia would kill many people on both sides however...America is the biggest # talker on the planet...and the world is noticing. People do not like us because of our arrogance.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:53 PM
Jumps up and down and Screams Blah blah blah with fingers in ears


This is fake etc etc
edit on 28-3-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

Here's where you fail HARD

We're not talking about the USA

We're talking about Ukraine and Russia invading and annexing Crimea?

The US might have broken international law but UKRAINE hasn't

Ukraine is the victims here not the US


posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

Well i think we'd probably have a better chat over a few beers certainly always in good company when talking to one of my own. I understand where your sentiments came from i f*en saw it myself. Ultimately we shouldn't have been there we all knew it, we weren't saving no one and many of our missions were left at dead ends and watching Sunnis and Shiites blow each other to bits. Your right I do not agree with the NSA spying

it really ultimately comes down to one thing do you believe that the people in power in America have Americas best interests at heart? I do!(I mean consider the alternative!) i cannot and will not accept evil malevolent demons have somehow continuously been voted in over 200 years and maintained power structure and secrecy all the while planning our slow agonizing death. SORRY way to much drama, not practical, not in normal everyday experience therefor not real. With that being said i think we got guys who genuinely have America's best interest at heart but also have information that we are not privy to,(due to security reasons) and that they make the best decision(generally) with the best information they have. Which means yes they make mistakes but they care about us and the free world and what that represents.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 09:11 PM

reply to post by cosmicexplorer

Here's where you fail HARD

We're not talking about the USA

We're talking about Ukraine and Russia invading and annexing Crimea?

The US might have broken international law but UKRAINE hasn't

Ukraine is the victims here not the US


Here is where you fail...."hard" what are you 12? ...their government was overthrown by pro west supporters when in fact the country is divided...lets say 1/2 want to be with europe while 1/2 want to be with are right it is about the Ukraine...but both sides of it...

Why is the usa involved...because they had their hand in this...doens't take a f**king genius to figure that out. Have you ever been over there? Actually ever talked with someone from there? Do you know anyone who is over there now? Do you think Americans/West are getting the full story?

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