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False Feminism?

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posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:44 AM
Since we are just posting personal opinions, here's a good one.

"Feminism directly confronts the idea that one person or set of people [has] the right to impose definitions of reality on others." ~Liz Stanley and Sue Wise

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 06:59 AM

False Feminism

The feminist movement is about women having equal rights, okay, and of course, so they should. We should all be equal and feel loved and respected for being so.

However, I wonder - and I don’t begrudge women at all for wanting such equality - why do women want to be equal with men who are obviously so wrong, misguided, and way out there in their ego domination and mind control.

I never see a human truly want the equal rights,everyone just want to be unfair ,they want more rights to themselves unfairly.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: InTheLight
Since we are just posting personal opinions, here's a good one.

"Feminism directly confronts the idea that one person or set of people [has] the right to impose definitions of reality on others." ~Liz Stanley and Sue Wise

Sorry InTheLight,

But this is not intelligent nor enlightening but it is textbook of doubletalk today in the feminist movement.

For the thread..Feminism & The Downfall Of The Traditional Family on page 27 at the top of the page I made this reply to your post.

Oh..Yes..most certainly InTheLight. I have thought that I might be a commitment phobe until I have had conversations with intelligent, educated, savvy people such as yourself who attempt to define for me what is commitment with only one side in the picture.

Again on page...26 of the thread..having to do with the woman I was seeing at the time and her hot water heater failing and her wanting me to "flashdance" her Her Daughter and grandchildren through this difficulty as supporting all of them had severely drained her resources.

I suppose she looked to you as a friend to help and when you were put to the test, you failed.

Here you are attempting to define for me what is my Social and moral obligation to higher belief system...(Not my belief system) In a substitution scheme or plan.

I do not happen to think I failed at all. I left myself more time and monies to take care of my business and also my parents addition to working 12 hour shifts which I am still today so doing.

The other problem I find very often with female thinking and feminist doctrine is that they tend towards believing that their social requirements/beliefs/needs trump everything else ..including the labor and RISK Taking of others in order to default through on their beliefs and needs....without them taking RISKS and difficulting in accomplishing thus. In otherwords..just like a politician..they take credit for what they have not done or RISKED...and place blame on others for not running touchdowns for them.

This is exactly how todays crop of politicians work. It is also textbook of how todays "Victimization Groups" work..on the public purse.

This type of political belief system in defaulting through undebated or unchallanged is exactly what the body politic does in "Wealth Redistribution." It is exactly what you were trying to do with the ham handed declaration that " I had failed" by not running a touchdown for her and her children and grandchildren in replacing/repairing their broken hot water heater when it was no such thing.
For you see InTheLight..independentd self sufficient women of equality can handle this on their safety net. But they choose to work in a manner that "No one sees what we do or do not do." What we do is work the social angle to get others to "flashdance " us through this difficulty without RISK..without Work..and without hardship...on the backs and RISK Taking of others.
NO one will see or know this is happening becauses we have deftly learned to work the social angle/sex role angle instead of integrating into real life skills and RISK making others expendable and disposable for our lifes needs.

Then to cover this up from being seen...we prey on the concept of Friendship as if one party had "Failed" when all it truely is making another expendable and social roles..but crying "Equality" in a manner that most will never see or understand as "Inequality." And it will never be allowed to be defined as "InEquality" except by people like me.

This is the problem I have with almost all feminist definitions.

With the body politic too.

On another topic...I have not had time to watch that video..particularly the last 8 minutes but plan to so do later this evening but have alot of yardwork to do here and at my parents house.

Catch up with you and the boards later,

edit on 20-4-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight
Many feel Farrell is wrong on many fronts and hasn't caught up to modern times (he does not deny ignorance), as well as being a rape apologist. Who else you got?

Allow me to assist you, OT. If nothing else, just watch the last 8 minutes of the video.

"American sociologist Michael Kimmel is a professor at Stony Brook University in New York and editor of the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. He is a long-time researcher on men and masculinity as well as gender relations."

“So, now I’m beginning to make the argument that in fact there is no Mars and Venus, but in fact we are allies here on planet earth and our interests are the same.”

"For the last several decades, Kimmel has been making the case that feminism will improve men’s lives as well as women’s. Far from a zero-sum game, he argues, feminism is a rising tide that lifts all boats. “Gender equality will allow men to lead fuller, happier lives,” he said on Wednesday, citing studies that have found that men in egalitarian marriages are happier than men in traditional ones, and that involved fathers are happier than uninvolved ones."

Ok InTheLight,

I took time to watch the videos...particularly the 8 minutes of the Michael Kimmel video. IN fact I particularly went back some 12 last minute of the video again to make sure I got the context.

This Michael Kimmel is a feminist and defaults without showing the whole hand of cards as is so often done. And Warren Farrell covers this to in his books and videos.

What Michael Kimmel does not do is explain what traditional work and labor around the house a man does "In Addition To" helping a woman with what is sometimes called her traditional labors around the house. What male traditional burdens does a woman take up so that her man has more free time?? This topic and understanding is totally missing from videos like this. Only women do hard work and drudgery and even RISK around the house.

I can see this for myself. What Warren Farrell states in his book/books and also videos that what men began to detect and resent is that they knew that more was being expected of them. They were not getting more ..but more was being expected and even taken for granted that they needed to do to help their women out ..but no new thing was coming to them.
I can see this for myself in Michael Kimmel's video. I don't need an expert to show his to me.

What an insult Michael Kimmel is. He hangs out sex and sexuality as a carrot for doing more of a traditional woman's work. You have got to be kidding me. I don't find it difficult to get women to take off their clothes. There is no "Oil Shortage " here that I must needs "Try Out " for a womans approval in this arena and in such a manner. If I have to try out in this manner..she can keep it. I'll go somewhere else with my precious labors and monies..and also with my sexuality.

I don't have to pay for it in this manner. This, to me, is economic "Trying Out." If a woman cannot deal with that ..she can head on down the road.

I don't have a problem doing traditional woman's work....I've done it all my life. Nothing magical about it...nor difficult.

As to the woman in the video above...

Same thing...except....

I am going to introduce a word here for which most peoples have never heard today. It will not be allowed to be known or much heard by the media and public education system.


Misandry /mɪˈsændri/ is the hatred, dislike, contempt for or ingrained prejudice against men and/or boys.[1][2] Misandry can be manifested in numerous ways that have their parallel in misogyny including sexual discrimination, denigration of men, violence against men, and sexual objectification of men. Warren Farrell has written of how men are uniquely marginalized in what he calls their "disposability," the manner in which the most dangerous of societies' jobs throughout history, particularly soldiering, have been performed by men. The female counterpart of misandry is misogyny, the hatred or dislike of women; the antonym of misandry is philandry, the love or fondness of men.

What found of interest in this Wiki article is the use of the description by Warren Farrell.

This woman in this video is not professional..nor a leader ..nor a beacon. I find her lack of good vocabulary to be vulgar ..or common and also very its appeal.

Once again..most violence in this social structure is against men ...not against women.
I am not condoning violence either way..but this woman will not show this picture..but Warren Farrell does exactly this.

So too does Erin Pizzy in her video...and also shows where in many cases the woman even back in her time provoked the men to conduct themselves in this manner and were in fact often just as violent towards the men as well as the children.
Neither of these views will the feminists bring up while only showing a narrow view of events. They prefer censorship.

Also I find this woman's sarcasm to be unprofessional as well.

I have asked this very question myself...about government grant monies for men and men's shelters...and men's programs in colleges and universities. I don't think this will ever be possible in a rigged society ..rigged for votes.

The word misogynist..this woman banters around like the Democrats use the word Racist today. If you disagree with any of the Democrat policies and dogmas are automatically a "Racist". This is the standard political default setting.

If you disagree with any of the feminists positions and dogmas today you are automatically and by default a misogynist.
It is textbook of predictability today and particularly by those demanding tolerance of others. you can see this one coming a mile away.

Gotta go ..lots to do around and about here.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 02:20 PM

Concerning that introduced me to earlier in this thread.

"Woman's Inhumanity to Women"

It started out very good and interesting but by the time I got to the middle...where it got into Mother Daughter relationships got to Neurotic for me..almost hysterical in its Neurosis.

I found myself skipping over huge blocks of that stuff. I reckon I don't have any use for runaway emotions and insecurities I that manner.

I am continuing to read it but towards the last one quarter of the book when I can find time.

I was rather shocked by how quickly the tenor of the book went from informative to neurosis. I am not even sure if the word neurosis is sufficient to describe what happened from about one quarter way into the book.

Well...nonetheless...I am continuing to finish it.


posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 01:03 AM
Another thing for you and the other readers out here ..InTheLight.

Concerning all this business today of the standard False Female Rhetoric today of Equal pay for Equal Work.

This False Feminine Mantra which has been going on for so long has been so effective in textbook Guilt Propaganda of making others feel guilty that they stop thinking for themselves.

What I have been doing of late.. in addition to posting here on ATS about bring up the news angle and some informations for people to remember in handling it.

What I have discovered is how little true thinking is going on out here..concerning it. Not only female ..but also among males as well.

So effective has the guilt propaganda been concerning this and it has run for so long and so many years now that many people have accepted it as fact without thinking about it.

I have posted the question to about 7 males and this evening out in my garage when a friend came over and we conversed while I was doing some reloading out there.

When I posed the question to him concerning why would anyone ever want to hire a man or male for a job when women work the same job for less monies and have been doing so now for years and years.

With all these males and the two females..I got dumb looks and silence. The thought had obviously never occurred to them after beinig spoonfed for years and years the standard guilt positions and data.

The dumb look on all these faces was astonishing to me and some of these people I considered rather educated and intuitive..perceptive. The concept had so obviously never occurred to them until I asked the question.

Even the two women were silent. From them I expected some kind of reply. But silence.

This demonstrated to me the absolute effectiveness of the propaganda on this issue to default through on public guilt and emotions without anyone catching it.

Now I realize this is just a small cross section of people..but the looks on their faces was priceless..particularly the men and males.

Very little thinking going on out here on this angle of False Feminism.

I find this to be very interesting.

I continue to pose the question to people to check their reactions and the depth of their independent from the standard propaganda guilt rhetoric of today.

What I am also doing is planting seeds to demonstrate independent thinking on this and other topics people need to know ..outside the standard propaganda media and public education.


edit on 21-4-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: orangetom1999

To OT:

I for one never have bought into whatever flavour of gender role societal trends force upon us, and if you can help readers here take on another path of reasonable thought processes in the quest for understanding, I will give you a virtual medal made by my own artistic hands.

posted on Apr, 22 2014 @ 11:32 AM

Always remember that sex and stereotypes work only for the advertisers.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 03:26 PM

Interesting that you would bring up this topic and angle on advertising. This got me to laughing about something I had recentlhy seen on Music Videos I was watching.

It concerned a video by someone named Robert Palmer...:Addicted to Love." As I recall it was done sometime back in the 1980 or early 1990s.

Here the stereotyping taking place.

Now here Equality of the equality taking place by imitation of Robert Palmer's ...Shania Twain " I Feel Like A Woman."

I had to laugh when I saw this come out years ago...

I should tell you that I dont watch sports on television with the exception of a good fishing program. I am not interested in Beer Commercials or the phethora of other products addressed to men surrounding these programs. When the so called famous...Super Bowl comes on I only want to know when is kick off time such that I can plan to go to the stores and get my shopping done. Not before kick off time but after kick off time. Here we have a event sociologic...all across the nation for which I would rather have it pass me by. As I am so often fond of stating....I am not interested in running Toucdowns nor the products for tostestorone surrounding such.

I do not feel that I need "Try Out " for the approval of either men or women by associating my valuable time and monies with this "Event Sociologic or any other such event...including the Olympics.

I have a problem with this video and one for which Warren Farrell speaks and is seldom covered by the Feminists ..either male nor female.

And that is for prime time slots..I would like to know what gender has so many products advertised in the media of the personal pampering type??

This is a knowledge and understanding for which the feminists ignore while defaulting through and... like the equal pay for equal work falsehood...the males are way to dumb to catch it.

I go into so called Male stores like Home Depot and Lowes..and I generally find that the males are buying products to make the homes better or keep functioning for families..and women ..not for themselves per se..but for others. I have long since gotten over the idea that Home Depot and Lowes are Male type stores...but know women who think so by stereotyping.

The only store I see somewhat outside this a place called "Outdoor World..or Bass Pro Shops."

I have been there but I am not generally impressed. For I find that like many womens products..this store is very often overpriced and we must pay for these expensive displays. I can get many of these same products on line and for less with some research.

When I have time to watch television I often note the advertising simply because some of the advertising is better and more original than is the programming. But I do note the tenor of the advertising and as I many products are advertised in prime time slots to women...."Victims." It is not a leap to figure out who's monies are begin spent on this stuff if women only make some 70 cents to a man or males dollar.

None of this thinking or understanding is brought out in textbook feminist advertising and psycho babble..guilt mainipulations.

But Warren Farrell is the first of whom I know to ask the question...

What kind of Victim class of people has so much space and time allotted during prime time television to so many personal pampering products while screaming "Im a Victim...Im a Victim!!??? "

Once you see and detect this begin to think it through with different eyes and a differet soul.

Youc can say the same thing for magazines.

How many womens magazines of the most popular genres have advertisements showing how to make a woman more effecient and make more monies..verses personal pampering items??

The question is a reasonable one.

This pattern is what clued me into the conceptd and undersatnding that Maxim was the male version of Cosmo magazine..right down to the ads. same for GQ.

There is indeed stereotyping in advertising. I agree..but few can see the big picture. As far as I am concerned ...I think a person is ignorant model their lives around what products they consume...just a ignorant to me as defining who and what we are as a people by defining ourselves by our sexuality.

And the advertisers are not beyond selling our very souls to this template and carefully cultivate our ignorance...even institutionalize it. Same thing with the body politic in order to divide and conquer us...separate us from our time, monies, and vote.

I am not interested in this template except to educate myself,identify it, and keep away from it.

Thanks for your post,

edit on 23-4-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: InTheLight

Always remember that sex and stereotypes work only for the advertisers.


For the 'Addicted to Love' music video you posted above, if you read the comments the initial intent of the meaning this particular video was intended to be 'addicted to drugs, but the artist was forced to change the words (slightly I would imagine). So your use of that video is a little off mark, however by adding the women that look/are to be viewed as all the same, somewhat touches on women as sex objects (mistakenly felt as love) and if you read the comments below, one man thinks that the video is sexy, while one woman thinks that it is not.

As for Shania, I would imagine she feels like a woman and not a victim by selecting that song to sing, who would have thunk it. If you read the comments from both genders, both like it in different ways. One man's comment ... "Dayum".

As for home reno stores, I am the one that initially bought all our power and hand tools and whom enjoys the smell of freshly cut wood, because my artistic endeavours don't stop on the empty canvas. As a woman, woodcarver, and future off-the-grid survivalist in that store, I enjoy browsing for new fangled wares that will meet my and my families needs as well as good warranties. I pay no attention to others' gender roles expectations and really never have.

Your thinking with this 'victim' concept seems to be twisted into everything you post, so now I can see why you are jumping on the Farrell bandwagon. You really need to research more away from Farrell sites. False Feminism or Anti-Feminism, or in reality, 'patriarchial fail'.

"The truth is that men do face challenges in a world that, ironically, has largely been governed by men. Perhaps this is why it’s so easy for MRAs to make feminism the scapegoat – it seems illogical to presume that men are holding themselves back. But patriarchy isn’t one big, discrete, conscious decision. It’s the composite of zillions of decisions: conscious and unconscious, big and tiny, made by humans of all stripes including men, women and trans* people. Collectively these decisions hold back all genders in different ways, but men by far the least so. Their challenges are also counterbalanced by myriad privileges they accrue (often without noticing, because privilege is like that) for simply being guys. On the whole, men (in particular cis, white, straight, able-bodied men) occupy the position of greatest privilege on the gender spectrum."

As always, I am glad to bring light to where darkness lays stagnant.


P.S. Great choice of tunes.

edit on 24-4-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:01 PM


For the 'Addicted to Love' music video you posted above, if you read the comments the initial intent of the meaning this particular video was intended to be 'addicted to drugs, but the artist was forced to change the words (slightly I would imagine). So your use of that video is a little off mark, however by adding the women that look/are to be viewed as all the same, somewhat touches on women as sex objects (mistakenly felt as love) and if you read the comments below, one man thinks that the video is sexy, while one woman thinks that it is not.

Sex objects indeed..InTheLight. While I like the female form as much as the next man I am aware of the tack in the advertising. I just find it humorous that Shania Twain would use this same format in her music imatation...copy cat.

However..I can easily..rebutt the sex objects by declaring women do the same thing in that they examine and scrutinize a man as a success object. I have myself in conversation ...cut off several women when I tire of the same olde game and strategy of conversation where with a woman it feels like filling out a resume in your potential or success objectification rate.

My point in this long explaination is that women do it just on the surface does not appear to be so .but it is indeed objectification. My friend across the river was explaining the very same thing when he declared that the women were coming over and looking at what they could get for themselves and their children ..his home , property, finances, swimming al all paid for debts......not looking at what was missing from his life and trying to give him this..but instead .." Objectifying him and his property" within their belief systerm....and not factoring in His belief system..only theirs and the childrens needs. But no one is ever supposed to know, think or see this going on. They wanted it instantly ...without work and without RISK.

Sex objects...good grief...InTheLight...what these women were doing in objectification was obscene and pornographic...never to be seen in the light of day. I will however throw light oDo not ever with a man like me try this nonsense about Sex does not work as a guilt manipulation technique or control techinque. I've been out here on the street to long to let this nonsense try to default through as the high moral ground when it is not. It is just not supposed to be seen in the light of day for what it really is. One way Non Intellectualism. Non Enlightenment.

As for home reno stores, I am the one that initially bought all our power and hand tools and whom enjoys the smell of freshly cut wood, because my artistic endeavours don't stop on the empty canvas. As a woman, woodcarver, and future off-the-grid survivalist in that store, I enjoy browsing for new fangled wares that will meet my and my families needs as well as good warranties. I pay no attention to others' gender roles expectations and really never have.

I go there and other places as well for survivalist ideas and products. As to paying attention to gender roles...why then are we even having this conversation???

"The truth is that men do face challenges in a world that, ironically, has largely been governed by men. Perhaps this is why it’s so easy for MRAs to make feminism the scapegoat – it seems illogical to presume that men are holding themselves back. But patriarchy isn’t one big, discrete, conscious decision. It’s the composite of zillions of decisions: conscious and unconscious, big and tiny, made by humans of all stripes including men, women and trans* people. Collectively these decisions hold back all genders in different ways, but men by far the least so. Their challenges are also counterbalanced by myriad privileges they accrue (often without noticing, because privilege is like that) for simply being guys. On the whole, men (in particular cis, white, straight, able-bodied men) occupy the position of greatest privilege on the

LOL LOL LOL>..InTheLight. You cannot be serious about this kind of thing with "Privilege" LOL LOL..this is textbook of todays Enlightened. It is also become textbook of political nonsense today. Standard issue made to order guilt politics and guilt manipulations.

Those who take the RISKS in the world ..should get the fruits of their RISK taking. They should not take the RISKS and then get second third or fourth place only to default first place and the RISK Taking over to others who have not taken the RISKS. This is exactly the plan for the future of this nation and people. Wealth Redistribution. What is going to happen is that those who take the RISKS are going to stop taking the RISKS and leave it up to the freeloaders to so do..with the big fail which will be coming.
With the Womens movements and others deep up the backsides of the other freeloaders...government this is a gauranteed

This is exactly what happened in Soviet Russia when the Communists backed the womens movements in toto. The men decided they were not getting that for which they took RISKS..and began leaving their families in mass. The government had to reverse this position of face tragedy for their Intellectual mistake.

You will find this informations in

This is one of those covered up pieces of history for which no one wants us to know or even find. This is also the only place where I have found this piece or nugget of informations. Most of this book was boring repitition until I found that nugget.

Here InTheLight is more of what the Enlightened are attempting to do in practicing The standard format of guilt politics and guilt manipulations and the very tacky way this is going on in American today. This can only survive in the cloistered halls of academia and public schools. Anyone else out here would turn their nose up as the stupidness and psuedo intellectualism of the technique being used. This is coming to light to more and more people who are becoming disgusted by the whole guilt manipulation thing simply because the body politic is now so obviously in on it for a vote grabbing method on the unthinking and overly emotional.

Here ..from Wisconsin..they are were trying to get the white student to wear white armbands to identify themselves with "White Privilege." They apparently had forgotten the lesson of history where the Nazis made the Jews wear the yellow Stars on their garments.

How soon we forget history ..or were never taught any of it while we try to look intellectual.

When I saw this story break the news I laughed outloud..I could not help it becase of the obvious stupidity of it passing for intellectualism.

Here is another one in standard guilt manipulation techniques.

edit on 26-4-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:46 PM
I decided to restart this over as another the existing one kept kicking my edit back and forth.

here InThe light is another one..I kept this and the previous one in my Favorites column for future reference as I knew it would be coming back up again in this type of conversation about feminism.

And here from the once again cloistered enviornment of the US military. This could not have happened without the approval of the Department of Defense and from the Commander in Chief an his immediate subordinates.

What you are quoting here for sources InTheLight is people who have only racism, sexism and now anti Christianity on their minds..a one topic pony..or is it a One Trick Pony.

I have known this about the political party in the White House from the very first day they took office in the first term. I know this simply from my study of occult religions what they were ...anti Christian...and the Sexism and Racism naturally follow this division..not uniting the nation.
For that is what they truely fear...the media as well. That a people would be united to see beyond their textbook nonsense trying to pass for intellectualism and the moral high ground when it is so obviously none of these.
They are so obviously the very thing they claim in others. The groups they support from the public purse for votes well.

People who can still think for themselves see this coming over and over with predictability ..particularly from the Left political party and now the White House because it is the very best they have be able to divide the nation .not unite it. Not leadership...but division and conquering and subjecting a people to such non intellectual nonsense. Making and creating bad guys in the media and academia to support the groups they have created and invested in from the pubic purse.

People are beginning to cry wolfe to them and about them. They are becoming disgusted with the "Victimization " methods of these groups and now the body politic..both political parties. They do not find this to be leadership. Neither the constant "Victimization politics and or the guilt manipulations and guilt politics. "

Thanks for your posts,

edit on 26-4-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 10:56 PM
InTheLight and other readers here,

I was just upstairs replacing a bathroom faucet and my thinking gears were ticking over...and over and over. It suddenly dawned on me ....why this link is so astonishingly stupid and why a Leadership through the Department of Defense is so incredibly stupid and have been getting away with it for so long..they think everyone should be in the stupid pool with them and never catch it.

Here this article about a politically correct ..racist, sexist, Anti Christian Heterophobic Administration and the political party which represents them. In short you have to go to school and be educated into this kind of mass stupidity to not catch on to how stupid they are and are attemtping to dumb the rest of us down along with them.

This article about how they are attempting to make the cloistered military their social and political pawn.< br />

Now watch something carefully in thinking and analyzing the nature of stupidity..institutionialized stupidity trying to pass for morality and the ethihcal moral high ground.

Anyone who has been to basic training in the US Military knows that one of the things they do in there is try to break you down to show any weaknesses...and also to get rid of much of civilian type thinking. To teach you to work and think as a everything you do.

You are all head wear the same uniform. You get up the same shower...march...go to classes all at the same time. Very little time is spent on individuality. You get a little bit of time to yourself in the evening to write home and then "lights out."

You become pretty much stamped out. A xerox copy of everyone else.

Now here we have the very leadership we are supposed to be following their orders...coming down the pipeline with this kind of nonsense about racism, sexism, anti christianity...and heterophobia. The very things the military tries to get out of you when you go to basic training...leaving all this civilian nonsense behind you.

In otherwords you have to go to public schools and become dumbed down to get this stupid as leadership and not catch it ..then try to pawn off this stuff to the cloistered enviornment of the military to destroy them and turn them into bad guys too.

This is peak performance from a dumb ignorant leadership. You have to be educated to think this is leadership and not understand how simply dumb it is.

I am glad and proud that some of our military realize how stupid this is from leadership and puts a big questionmark in the ablility and moral integrity of our leadership to lead. And I am talking about both political parties here because as near as I can see ...the Phony Republican party is being silent on this issue.


posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 07:52 AM
Quoted by OT:

"Those who take the RISKS in the world ..should get the fruits of their RISK taking. They should not take the RISKS and then get second third or fourth place only to default first place and the RISK Taking over to others who have not taken the RISKS. This is exactly the plan for the future of this nation and people. Wealth Redistribution. What is going to happen is that those who take the RISKS are going to stop taking the RISKS and leave it up to the freeloaders to so do..with the big fail which will be coming.
With the Womens movements and others deep up the backsides of the other freeloaders...government this is a gauranteed "

As I know that many women that are able to, that they do indeed take risks in this world, the point is that they still don't get their fair share. Government is still failing on this topic and many others as B. Obama recently signed a bill forcing equal pay for equal work for women...this is 2014 people.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:06 AM

You seriously need to think this through with deep thinking and intelligence for what it is..a hoax. Leave the emotions behind please.

As I know that many women that are able to, that they do indeed take risks in this world, the point is that they still don't get their fair share. Government is still failing on this topic and many others as B. Obama recently signed a bill forcing equal pay for equal work for women...this is 2014 people.

You cannot possibly be that gullible to not catch the whole context of what the President and his administration did here with the bill he signed.

He signed a bill for only government workers and made the textbook speeches around it as if it was affecting every woman out there.

What he did not talk about was RISK. He and his administration or political party never talk about RISK when they make speeches. What they do talk about is "Fair" without talking about RISK. They are not the same thing. As a matter of fact.."fair" is about all they talk about without talking about who will be taking the RISK for their version of "Fair."

It is indeed 2014 and you are missing the boat on what is right in front of you. It was designed for gullibe folk like you to take a big bite out of this sandwich as if it was done for was not. Or to put it another is not the product advertised.

What this bunch of intellectuals in office cannot do is reverse free market economics. Everytime they do as the people preceeding them..tried to do...a portion of the economy takes a nose dive. So they lie and deceive the people who are gullible enough to take a bite out of the sandwich.

In the end they are going to collapse everything to make their votes. Government workers are like the military ...a cloistered enviornment..a controlled group.

These people are insecure control freaks. They only do well when they can control all the factors...inclcuding the media and public school to deceive the gullible.

This business with the military...I am going to be quietly explaining this to people just like I am doing with the false feminism of If women are making 70 cents to every dollar a man makes...and for the same work.....why would anyone want to hire a man??

What is known by people who can still think..for that government forces things on people which will never work out in the civilian marketplace of free ideas. They must needs always rig the marketplace unto the demise of the free market.

But it is very emotional on those who cannot see into the corners and in the dark. They cannot see that what they call light is instead darkness. Not the product advertised.


posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: orangetom1999

Indeed, it all boils down to economics for the utlra rich and the destitute poor. So, let the games end!

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

Let us look at this closely again and see what was not reported by the phony media and how some of us InTheLight have taken a big bite out of the sandwich as if it is bigger and covers more than it actually does. But it makes us feel good to quote something that is not true as if it was true across the board.

Hola Arkansas Staff

Keeping with his promise to champion women’s rights in the workplace, President Barack Obama signed an executive order Tuesday that addresses the issue of unequal pay among federal contractors.

Notice what is missing from most news reports on this..among federal contractors. Those who are on the federal breast ..getting federal contracts. This is not all of the nation. You seem to be missing this important point when you are posturing here.

Once again ..notice what is missing from all these speeches.

IF the women in this nation are doing the same work as men are doing ..and for less monies...why would anyone ever want to hire a man.....ever?????!!!

The truth is that the women in this nation are not doing the same work that the men are willing to do no matter how much it pays but would rather seek work which better suits their personalities, better conditions, less stress, hardship and physical liabilities, better facilities. This why you do not see women en mass..flocking to places like Wyoming, Alaska, the Yukon Territories or Northwest Territories, Greenland. These are places where you have to start from scratch. Now once it is built up..and the shopping centers, convenience stores built and stocked...they move in and work with that to drive the men to do more. To make it happen..with male expendability and disposability.

But the body politic and the phony media and the gullible must needs carry on as if this were so across the board. It is not.


edit on 28-4-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: orangetom1999

My point was to point out the existence of unequal pay for equal work, which I just did ,and the unreasonable time it takes for government to step up. Again, it all boils down to economics, that is why the minimum wage stays well below a living wage.

This sums up 'true feminism' very well.

edit on 29-4-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 11:40 AM

The Soviets already tried this. It turned out to be a dismal failure. This history too is not mentioned nor taught today to people. As a matter of fact..history itself is poorly taught today.

What Amaury de Rancourt teaches in his book "Sex and Power in History " is that under the Soviets and their idea of equality..the women in Russia worked harder than they ever worked and wound up with an average lifespan about 8 years less than the Soviet males.
The women in Equality were required to work 8 hours a day for the state in addition to whatever they were doing for their families.

They were also dumb enough to try to force equality by the power of the state...and remove the males from their traditional roles. All it did was cause the males to leave their families. The state wound up reversing this condition because it turned out to be a disaster. All this posturing looked good on paper but it worked out tragically in reality.

Erin Pizzey also states in her book that the Marxist feminists were trying to bring this condition back in England in the feminist movement in the early it was under the Soviets in Russia in the 1920s That the males were to become obselete.

They never seem to learn from history and the Soviet Marxist doctrines of equality and egaltarianism...turn out to be a dissmal failure when state run and controlled shilling media can no longer hide what is going on. It always looks good on lawful. Big difference.

If you look carefully this is beginning to happen here in the states where the media can no longer hide what is going on and many in the media are beginning to turn on government where as they used to shill for them.

They are finding out that the government is not the product advertised. Same thing with the programs the government is trying to sponsor off the public purse.

I also note that even the so called conservative media is not asking the question ...about why would anyone hire a man if women work for less. The silence of the conservative media.. so called..tells me that they are in integral part of the hegelian dialectic to maneuver the people in a direction..without them being aware of what is going on. They are concealed...Occult. Also not the product advertised on this and other issues.


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:15 PM
To continue from Amury de Rancourt and from his book "Sex and Power In History" the author describes conditions in Soviet Russia where the children without fathers were removed from the control and supervision of their parents...and the children began to run wild. Juvenile delenquency became rampant. No respect for parents or elders.

You can find this similar pattern repeated and recorded in England in their "Projects" or government subsidized housing with the youth. This is recorded in a book titled.

Life at the Bottom by Theodore Dalrymple

In his books he describes the problems in many projects with gangs of youth roughing up the women and elders and literally holding them hostage to fear and insecurity in these projects. The very same pattern which is happening in many cities here in the USA with the Projects.

In the end the Soviets came into certain neighborhoods and exterminated the delenquent children in order to regain control. The fathers it turned out brought a level of stability to the family. I was dumbfounded at reading the Soviet solution to this problem that government had created from the minds of "Enlightened People."

When the Fathers began leaving their families ...this signaled a downturn in the system.

You can see a similar pattern taking place in broken homes here in many countries and the burdens it places on governments and their social programs/jobs programs/vote buying programs.

I continue to re read this book.


edit on 1-5-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

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