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NEWS: Pentagon Advisory Panel: US "alienating" worlds Muslims

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posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by dubiousone

Xalex said: now US has every right to flush Arabia down the toilet. Yes US built a monster, but why all the cry when US wants to slaughter the monster?

How simplistic you are. GW would be proud to call you a comrade.

Exactly I have no problem with the US killing the "Monster" it has created, what the problem is and some wants to go blind about it is that a lot of people are caught in between people that has nothing to do with the "games" that our country and other countries had played against each other.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound

If that is acurate then one has to assume that nothing we can do now is going to change that. If you ask me, Islam will hate the US as long as Israel continues to exist. It is kinda tragic that the US, a country that is not ruled by religion, is brought into a fight and made to seem the bully specifically due to not just one religion, but two (and maybe three if the christians here get too crazy).

I agree with CazMedia, much of it is cultural. The root of Islamic culture is what? Uh huh. Religion. A violent and dangerous one that will be used to justify the attempted extermination or subjigation of anyone who does not bow to it. Infiltration is already underway in Europe and Asia as we see from the increasing number of news reports about cultural and religious conflicts between Muslims and (insert resident non-muslim population here).

I keep saying, Islamic Europe in within 20 years. The signs are there. Just because it's not politically correct to believe it, doesn't mean its not going happen.

I totally agree with you there Ambient. It is actually good to see at least some people realizing this. Extremists don't want "Muslim countries making any deals with the west or being westernized" yet, they are set on making the world Islamic at any cost. They even use the freedom many of the western countries have to further their own agenda and make sure "the world is dominated by Islam. If people think the problem is with the U.S. or coalition being in Iraq, doing a google search on Muslim violence before the war in Iraq or Afghanistan will prove them wrong.

Anyways, to those that continue saying the U.S. and the coalition are behind all the violence that Muslim extremists keep bringing around the world to other Muslism and non-Muslim people, just do a search on what is going on around the world and find out since when these conflict started before you start talking about "who is awake, or enlightened, or knowledgeable, or who is not a sheep"...

[edit on 26-11-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 06:03 PM
What the Islamic world needs is a new Prophet with a Message other than 'kill the infidel'.

Such a Prophet exists.

An alternative to violence and terrorism is offered by the Prophet Bah�'u'll�h at the Website of the Bahai Faith.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 01:39 PM
The idea that what the U.S. is doing is wrong is an opinion, clearly your opinion. They have taken a course of actions that have come at a great cost to all involved and god knows they have made mistakes. My point in the earlier post was I'm sick of the armchair generals who live in countries that have lived under U.S. protection taking cheap shots at americans every chance they get. It's almost like some kind of emotional outlet to american bash. I'm sure if our continental european friends had a choice U.S. bashing would become an olympic sport. Happy Thanksgiving!

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by adelinser
The idea that what the U.S. is doing is wrong is an opinion, clearly your opinion. They have taken a course of actions that have come at a great cost to all involved and god knows they have made mistakes. My point in the earlier post was I'm sick of the armchair generals who live in countries that have lived under U.S. protection taking cheap shots at americans every chance they get. It's almost like some kind of emotional outlet to american bash. I'm sure if our continental european friends had a choice U.S. bashing would become an olympic sport. Happy Thanksgiving!

I totally agree with you adelinser, all these people that keep taking up the chant to "bash the U.S." do nothing when France or any European countries partake in worse acts than what the coalition or the U.S. has done. I still don't see any protests being formed from ANWSER INTERNATIONAL or any of the other socialist organizations that always take cheap shots only at the U.S or it's true allies....

I haven't seen either any members that like to bash at the U.S. say anything against what France has been doing in the Ivory Coast. It is the same thing that France did in the 1990s in Rwanda...none of these organizations that claim to work for "world peace, and the workingpeople" ever bash any socialist or communist governments, at least not in the same light they bash the U.S. and the coalition....

What's more, another reason why i believe so many European countries together with Russia and China were backing Saddam's regime, appart from the money they were making at the expense of according to some figures 1 million to 1.5 million dead Iraqis, is because Saddam's baathist party was also socialist.

[edit on 27-11-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 02:38 PM
Chakotay, I do not think the world needs another messiah wannabe, or another religion.... The only way I see this war from ever ending, for peace to remain at least for a while in the middle east, and for radical terrorists to stop attacking and spreading their hateful extremist religion, is for every Islamic cleric, including those who are extremists, should make an anouncement that Islam is a peaceful religion and that they will not support or condone anymore any violence towards anyone in the world, and they themselves will take swift action agaisnt those that still would want to make terrorist attacks.... But is that going to happen? I would hope so, but I know it won't...

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