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Texans Attack ‘Muslim Weather’

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posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Austin? It's full of complacent far-lefters that get their news from the Daily Beast and then parrot issues/articles set up to race-bait and divide. So I think you would fit in.

Sign in the airport? Who cares? We do still have a 2nd Amendment right which must be practiced in order to be preserved.

Lubbock and Austin are opposite sides of the same coin, both equally perpetuating division, just from extreme opposite directions.

I hope the awakening catches up with you.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 01:49 PM

this is the image that many Texans WANT the world to see.
reply to post by HauntWok

I'd love to know where you got that idea. Lol
The reason that they have to tell people not to bring their guns into the airport may be because many people here have the right to carry a concealed handgun to defend themselves and do just that.
I would also like to know who put farcebook in charge of "marketing" for Texas.
Your "unfortunate" and apparently very brief stops in Texas are not a very good way for you to base a judgement upon the whole state.
Next time you have to come to this hellish place, you may want to see some of the beauty and culture that we have to offer the world.
There is also the possibility that we don't give a rats arse how we are perceived by a bunch of haboobies on the internet.
See what I did there?

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 02:46 PM

reply to post by Casualboy100

I understand that many Texan's aren't total bigoted racists. But a few good apples doesn't save this bunch. Unfortunately like how bigoted racists shoehorn all people of other (religions/races) into the same mold as the bad apples, we must shoehorn all Texan's into that same mold.

Is it fair and just? Yes, yes it is. Until Texan's themselves come around and completely marginalize these people, ostracize them, and shame them into the closet where they belong, this must be the worldview of Texas in general.

Interesting and contradictory to what you said in the Fred Phelps post. This began to feel shilly so I had to take a look. Yep.

ATS Fred Phelps thread

These people are just like internet trolls, they feed off of attention. Remove the attention, and they will go away. They really will. While a reasonable thought might be to evoke and eye for an eye response. That would feed them all the more. Ignoring them is the only real way to rid the world of these hate mongers is to ignore them and let them go away.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 02:49 PM
I hereby proclaim the
new word to replace "haboob" is "xpn" and pronounced as "ex-pi-en",
its is language neutral. Hopefully those people who enraged by the word haboob now satisfied.

Stupidity knows no boundary.

edit on 17-3-2014 by NullVoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by raedar

Austin? It's full of complacent far-lefters that get their news from the Daily Beast and then parrot issues/articles set up to race-bait and divide. So I think you would fit in.

Is that how you describe yourself?
I don't find far-lefters to be complacent. I think they are angry, and with good reason.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by BuzzyWigs

I was generalizing like the op was generalizing, and you are generalizing the generalization.

This thread

End the left/right paradigm!

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by raedar

All right then. We agree on that.
I'm not much of a generalizer, really - I take people on a case-by-case basis.

I lived in Ski Country for four seasons, and I did find many Texans to be annoyingly, well...Texan.
But I've met some wonderful Texans as well - and found them hospitable and generous.

The state where I live is bordering on far-rightist thinking, and I don't appreciate it. It makes us all look out of touch. Even though many of us are very centrist and concerned.
But, as they say, whatcha gonna do?

edit on 3/17/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by BuzzyWigs

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Neysa

I'd love to know where you got that idea. Lol

The reason that they have to tell people not to bring their guns into the airport may be because many people here have the right to carry a concealed handgun to defend themselves and do just that.

Funny, I've been to many airports throughout this nation, many states have CCW laws (I agree with CCW laws BTW). Nowhere else have I seen the need to put up a four foot by three foot sign telling the population that maybe an airport isn't the appropriate place to bring your firearm.

I would also like to know who put farcebook in charge of "marketing" for Texas.

It's not Facebook, it's Texans themselves that put themselves in charge of marketing for Texas. Social media outlets like facebook and twitter are marketing firms golden cows. Covering a vast area of population and an extended network of viable dissemination networks capable of delivering a message far faster than they can through normal media outlets.

Your "unfortunate" and apparently very brief stops in Texas are not a very good way for you to base a judgement upon the whole state.

I spent four years in Detroit, want to know my judgement on that area of the country?

Detroit is a cesspool of crime, blatant reverse racism (I loathe that term, but it's apt in this instance) apathy and discrimination. A extremist left wing agenda gone wild. A hellish landscape that might have actually been nuked in the recent past but the surviving residents scarcely acknowledge the war zone they live in. Detroit is a dying city. A thoroughly corrupt cancer in America. I would suggest that Windsor Ontario Canada buy out the hollow shell that is Detroit and turn it into a landfill, but city improvements probably aren't in the Windsor budget. Paul Verhoeven (the director of the original robocop) did not even scratch the surface of the cesspool that the city of Detroit has become.

Extremist views right or left are abhorrent to me.

Next time you have to come to this hellish place, you may want to see some of the beauty and culture that we have to offer the world.

Beauty? not so much the climate is pretty much a desert wasteland devoid of anything remotely beautiful, culture, not so much. History? Yep, Texas has a very interesting history (I'll remember the ass kicking you got at the alamo)". It also boasts the Houston space center which I would be willing to visit.

There is also the possibility that we don't give a rats arse how we are perceived by a bunch of haboobies on the internet.

See what I did there?

Yes I did, good job

The word you are looking for is habibi (I worked in hotels, run by Chaldeans)

Listen, the reason I bring this subject up is to help YOU help Texas rebrand it's image, You cannot deny that Texas has a very negative image on the worlds stage.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 05:12 PM
If only Texas cared about one person on a crusade.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 05:29 PM
Oh yeah...I forgot about Perry. Lolol
Just another corporate douche bag.
Since when do the elitist politicians represent the people. Funny how his accent becomes so much more pronounced when he's campaigning.

Beauty? not so much the climate is pretty much a desert wasteland devoid of anything remotely beautiful

My garden

Wasteland? Riiiiight.

culture, not so much

You should tell that to the French and Germans who helped settle this state.

The Alamo? We may have lost that battle but I think we got our point across to Santa Anna at the battle of San Jacinto. Prrrretty sure we kicked his ass.

I see what you are saying about Texas image. But if people want to believe what they see in a Rick Perry campaign ad, let them.
It's a shame and your loss that you let these things shape your opinion of a place that you obviously aren't familiar with. People will be shallow and that's a fact.
Next time you get stuck in Texas give me a holler and I'll try my best to show you the real Texas.
I'm gonna go feed my horse now. Lulz
See you on the funny pics thread

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:05 AM
There are many, many words in use in the English language today that are of Arabic origin (not Muslim, Muslim is not a language)

Here is a link to them.

It is done in an A-Z format, clink the section you want.

Link to Words

It seems ridiculous that people would complain about this word, when language is ALWAYS a mixture of many other languages and cultures and origins.
As usual, I'm sure this is a case of ignorant bigots shouting the loudest and not actually representing the whole mix of people, I doubt Texans on the whole want the word banned but I've yet to read through the thread

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:46 AM


It's not Facebook, it's Texans themselves that put themselves in charge of marketing for Texas. Social media outlets like facebook and twitter are marketing firms golden cows. Covering a vast area of population and an extended network of viable dissemination networks capable of delivering a message far faster than they can through normal media outlets.

You know the problem is, there are way too many people from other states moving to Texas. I live in Austin, and it used to be such a cool college town. Too many people from California and other states have been moving here, and it just isn't the same old Austin anymore. :-( So, yeah - I'm telling everyone that Austin is a real hell-hole with a bunch of red-necked racists and horses that poop on your lawn. Everybody who isn't a Texan should just move the hell out of Austin. Now.

Listen, the reason I bring this subject up is to help YOU help Texas rebrand it's image, You cannot deny that Texas has a very negative image on the worlds stage.

No thanks. I'll keep spreading the word that Texas is just awful. Maybe that will keep people OUT. Hasn't worked so well yet, though. I'll keep trying. Thanks for helping me.

edit on 19-3-2014 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 03:17 PM
Texas should just go ahead and succeed like they keep threatening. Ski Muleshoe!!!

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 10:08 PM
how can you be angry about a word that has "boob" in it?

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 08:13 AM

Arab =\= Muslim

Arabic Numerals is actually Indian/Arabic Numerals.

I did not know about haBOOB! i guess we learn something everyday. Tho i can't imagine a southern person saying that with an accent.. lol

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