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Tribulation Dream: The Angel of The Lord Over the Statue of LIberty

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posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Dianec

Read my last 3 or 4 replies. The "day and hour that no man knows" is the 2nd advent, not the rapture. The rapture is scheduled to occur on the Feast of Trumpets.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:41 AM
Thought the Battle for Armageddon is to be fought on Tel Megiddo in Israel not in New Jersey?

Think you got a false prophet there...

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

I saw my post was messed up so just fixed it. I didn't see that in your post as I didn't click your link to the other thread to study those dates. I have always believed in "no dates" for anything having to do with Christ or end times because it says no one knows the day or time these things will happen. It doesn't say, "you will know when some things will happen" (thereby giving us hints). Trying to put a date to any of this stuff is not what the focus should be on in my opinion (too much human in there and not enough faith or spirit). We're given some signs and that is enough for me. I enjoy prophecy and even like reading dates people set for things - because some people do have prophetic visions and can get pretty close so it's fun to watch. Other than that - I trust there is a reason we are not supposed to know and that we are not going to know - no matter how much we want to.

Edit - I see your meant for me to re-read your posts. Sorry for the confusion. Pretty sleepy. Knowing when the rapture will happen is just as unlikely as the next advent (the return). If only because this provides a good guess as to when the next thing will happen and we are not supposed to try to know that (if no one but God knows - according to scripture - what makes us think we can know and why would anyone want to challenge that - its sort of a hint to put energies elsewhere and get off that topic to the disciples). I stick with my original assertion.
edit on 15-3-2014 by Dianec because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:45 AM
let me explain myself, briefly

there's more than one "god" in the old testament, and one of them isn't a good guy -- he's the accuser. the prosecuting attorney, he uses the law he created for humans, to condemn humans because this is his planet. he is the god of this world. he uses this law he created to best effect by making sure it does as much damage to families as possible, such as demanding that you stone your own wives and children to death for even the most minute things or for even the perception of the most minute things. just look at sharia law. that is the same type of thing the old testament accuser had the judaic people following.

that is not jesus. jesus does show up in the old testament from time to time as jehovah, but most of jehovah's appearances are as the accuser. remember what paul said in romans? the law is the accuser. to be more precise, the creator of the law is the accuser because the law was designed to be impossible for human beings to keep. on purpose.

so the idea god is going to kill us all in a nuclear event, followed by poverty and suffering, sounds like wishing suffering and misery on billions of people. it's just what the god of this world would try to do, but not what the god of heaven nor his son jesus, would try to do.

edit on 15-3-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

That sure is a lot of dialogue to remember from a dream. I would be lucky enough if I can remember a sentence or two in my dreams.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by undo

It is people who screwed up God's message over time. There is one God and two interpretations of what God was saying. Abraham and Hagar (his wife Sarah's maid) had Ishmael. Abraham and Sarah then had Isaac. Isaac and Ishmael is where it started with the splitting of religions/race. From there - it got all messed up (God told me this - no God means this and told me so, etc). From that conflict was born a need to be right and follow the interpretation rather than to have a relationship with God (or spirit) directly.

I don't believe there were/are 2 Gods. I will never believe this because this is to let people off the hook for their humanness. God or "spirit" may very well have been applauded at how things were interpreted but time and time again attempts at clarification were made. Lots of people in the bible succeeded at pleasing God and they did not follow all the rules. There are so many stories of instances that point to the message "tune into your relationship with Him and you will be fine". People chose to focus on following directions and mans word over what God was trying to speak to them.

An analogy:
It would be like someone telling their child they need to be kind and use good manners around others (a rule). One day they realize that while the child does this - it is rote - not internalized. They aren't able to expand on this (get why they are doing it). Eventually this child will cry at a funeral because they are supposed to - not because they feel sadness (an extreme sociopathic example). This person struggles to follow "rules" (societal norms of having feelings). It's a constant act of work for them (even though they make it look easy).

This analogy is like having just rules or some rules along with a relationship with God. When you have a relationship you learn as you go - because you get guidance, examples, the exchange of love, etc. There is more to following rules than just the written word. So to say none could follow them is really saying they couldn't achieve relationship - thought by just following them it was enough. It may not have been so hard had they had a relationship to begin with - as they would have seen there was meaning in those rules that brought them a certain freedom, pleasure, closeness, etc. They also could have learned how they were misunderstanding those rules (as they were from God's perspective but with no relationship you can't gain the perspective). Lots of stories in that book with examples driving this home.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by BABYBULL24

There's nothing in Maurice's dream about Armageddon being anywhere but Megido. He doesn't mention Armageddon at all, IIRC.

And, regardless, Armageddon is the focal point of the FINAL war prior to the thousand years of Peace. I don't recall anything in the Bible indicating that there's no other fighting anywhere BUT Megido.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

In my experience, the prophetic dreams I've had have been EXTRA VIVID with Holy Spirit's assist at remembering every last detail.

Some folks experience a kind of 'imprinting' where the information is indelibly accessible in their memory to the last detail.

Such dreams are not like normal dreams in such regards, much at all.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Dianec

that is really only applicable to the new testament. jehovah in the old testament is mostly not anything like jesus, and i mean that most sincerely. he does show up though in a couple places, such as he creates the adam males and females in the image of elohim, and he gives them procreation, he warns noah of the impending flood and he confuses the languages at babel to thwart nimrod's world order.

but the guy calling for our dna to be changed becaue we had become procreative, is the accuser.

no way can anyone convince me that that guy cares about us at all. in fact, he sounds like he hates humans and that's the modus operandi of the accuser, not a loving creator god.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 04:43 AM

reply to post by Cuervo

Pride goeth before a fall.

Things are doing so great that people can't see how rotten the whole structure really is. Surely you see how rotten the whole house of cards is? I'm not talking morality here - I'm talking about so much else about it. We can dicker about morality, and I'm sure you and I will disagree on some things, but where you seem to see a wonderful thing going on in the world, I see one country that's $17 in debt with a whole bunch of other nations not a whole lot better of, I see massive corruption in the institutions that are supposed to administer the law and preserve the order, and see the whole thing about to come unglued because they can only kick that can down the road so far.

But, OK, things have never been better.

All of that is true but, no... it's not the worst it's been. Did we forget about all of the conquerors that have come and gone through sheer acts of attrition? I mean, we still have people alive who fought in WW2. Are you telling me that times are darker than WW2?

I know things are coming to a head and it's gonna get rough. Maybe very rough. But, cycles aside, we are getting better. With each new cycle of global warfare, the peace gets better and I'm thinking this next bottle pop will bring in a new era.

So I guess I'm in agreement of it being close to a big event but my version of the "end times" is much more optimistic. When the smoke clears this time, I think a lasting peace will be upon us. I guess that's not too far from what Christians are saying, after all now that I think of it.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 04:47 AM

reply to post by Cuervo

1. What other era in history has seen Israel return as predicted in the Bible, to their heritage?

2. What other era in history has seen multiple Biblical prophecies predicted for the END TIMES AFTER Israel returned to the land AND used their near dead Hebrew language as the national language, as predicted in the Bible?

3. What other era in history has seen the globalist oligarchy anywhere near the overt springing of the END TIMES PREDICTED satanic government full bore onto the world stage overtly?

4. What other era in history has seen the Arab nations ganging up with Iran, Russia, Turkey, et al against the ISRAEL-RETURNED-TO-THEIR-LAND in the END TIMES ERA?

5. What other era in history has seen the Biblically predicted CAPACITY to SEE the bodies of the 2 witnesses lying dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 days?

6. What other era in history has seen the corporatocracy and the government oligarchy in league deliberately treasonously, treacherously working at an increasing pace to utterly destroy the USA and bring her to ashes in order to make overt establishment of the NWO on the world stage that much easier?

7. What other era in history has seen even 1/25th the predictions about the New Madrid quake zone going off and resulting in a new Mississippi arm of the Gulf of Mexico reaching all the way to the Great Lakes?

8. What other era in history has seen even 1/100th the number of dreams and visions of people of all walks of life from all over the world predict a lot of the same things in Maurice's dream.



9. What other era in the history of the USA has seen 1/100th the number of horrifically destructive, dysfunctional, horrific movies, games, "music," TV shows DELIBERATELY BY DESIGN utterly shredding the family values; marriage; healthy masculinity and fatherhood; spiritual values while glorifying evil, death, mayhem, blood, gore, seduction, blood-lust; sexual lust of every kind glorified far and wide; murder of innocent children as a 'comfort and convenience OPTION.' . . . etc. etc. etc.

10. What other era in history has seen the incredible DEGREE of MASSIVE TREASONOUS POLITICAL CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES in the USA?

11. What other era in history has seen such charlatanism in the purported "Christian" churches?

12. What other era in history has seen such utter ruthlessness, greed, cruelty, destruction for selfish, arrogant reasons on the part of the globalist oligarchy's military/industrial complex?

13. What other era in history has seen so many 100's if not thousands of cases of Jesus The Messiah appearing bodily and in dreams and visions to whole Muslim tribes, villages and extended families . . . to become accepted by them as the TRUE SON OF THE TRUE GOD OF ABRAHAM?

Maurice's dream is at least quite consistent with those of 100's of people around the world.

Well daaaayuuuum... I didn't expect the Bill Nye of biblical prophesy to address my post. I'm impressed. Seriously, I love that kind of stuff.

I have to say though that I wasn't taking prophecy into account. I'm speaking of the general state of things. My mistake is not realizing that prophesy is a necessary component when we are talking about this.

I still believe what I do but at least now I get why you believe what you do, as well. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I wouldn't read too much, if anything, into all that.

A highly religious American dreams of an angel over America; it's not that remarkable. The fact that this highly religious American holds the belief that God and His angels are sending him personal messages (about America) could be interpreted as evidence of a bit of an ego.

Even if we were to take the Bible literally, there's a noticeable absence of the US of A in there and yet some American Christians take a remarkably US-Centric perspective on God's plans for His Creation.

This little snippet caught the eye too >>

Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction!

Okay. Would one of God's angels really say that the birth of the US was noble? I'm not knocking the US here, just saying that when all the Europeans turned up, what they did wasn't all that 'noble.' Land sharing and a mite less of the slaughtering would have been closer to 'noble' than how it all really went down. Fact is, when we look at history anywhere on Earth, there's not a lot of 'noble' out there.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 08:57 AM

reply to post by BO XIAN

. . .

A highly religious American dreams of an angel over America; it's not that remarkable. The fact that this highly religious American holds the belief that God and His angels are sending him personal messages (about America) could be interpreted as evidence of a bit of an ego.

However . . .

1. 100's of folks the world over . . . many of very humble status, personality and demeanor . . . have had extremely similar dreams and visions over the last 20+ years.

2. Maurice, while a top flight musical performer, still has a LOT more humility than the average performer and way more than the average politician, rock music performer, &/or average mega-church pastor. Your allegation just doesn't fit his personality.

3. The Bible includes predictions of just such phenomena for the END TIMES ERA.

Even if we were to take the Bible literally, there's a noticeable absence of the US of A in there and yet some American Christians take a remarkably US-Centric perspective on God's plans for His Creation.

Actually, the Pentecostal Christians, pastors and teachers I've known for 60+ years have frequently noted that the USA does not appear to be in the Bible--certainly not in the closing chapters of the END TIMES. That has long been hypothesized to be the result of gross sins and apostasy on the part of the USA.

Some have hypothesized that "the islands" and descendants could refer obliquely to the USA . . . and there are other vague refs that some folks have interpreted to mean the USA. However, the prophecies related thereto are not encouraging in terms of the ultimate condition of said nation.

This little snippet caught the eye too >>

Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction!

Okay. Would one of God's angels really say that the birth of the US was noble? I'm not knocking the US here, just saying that when all the Europeans turned up, what they did wasn't all that 'noble.' Land sharing and a mite less of the slaughtering would have been closer to 'noble' than how it all really went down. Fact is, when we look at history anywhere on Earth, there's not a lot of 'noble' out there.

There's a vast difference between noble facets, factors, issues and practices vs perfection.

1. What other nation in all recorded history was established with such a founding documents commitment to freedoms and rights for more or less all citizens regardless of wealth, status or heritage?

2. What other significant nation in all of recorded history incorporated so many Biblical values in its founding?

3. What other significant nation in all of recorded history truly established such a grand, noble experiment toward extending or at least enabling relative wealth acquisition on the part of such a vast percentage of the populace?

4. What other significant nation in all of recorded history truly established such a grand, noble experiment toward giving the average citizen a say in how the citizens were governed and taxed?

5. What other significant nation in all of recorded history led so many other nations in such noble exploits and practices?

6. What other significant nation in all of recorded history led so many other nations in such vast generous economic and other support of relief, education, medical etc. help across the poverty stricken globe?

7. What other significant nation in all of recorded history led such staunch, vigorous and costly support of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the establishment and survival of Israel as a nation again . . . as Biblically predicted?

That one deed alone . . . carries a big promise of God with it--BLESS THEM AND YOU'LL BE BLESSED; CURSE THEM AND YOU'LL BE CURSED. That one fact alone could have earned some label of "noble" from God's perspective.

However . . . Thanks for bothering to comment.

edit on 15/3/2014 by BO XIAN because: tag

edit on 15/3/2014 by BO XIAN because: left s.t. out

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 09:24 AM

There are parts in the world that makes the US look like a puritan country of nothing but devout followers. There are corrupt politicians that make the US politicians look like eagle scouts. Yet somehow, the religious nuts in this country think we are the epicenter of the universe and are no doubt going to bring down Gods wrath ....

I"m quoting this post because it's so dead on accurate that it needs to be reposted and highlighted.

It's wild how all these fundamentalist christian 'prophecies' say how horrid and sinful America is and how God is going to smite us down ... but the 'prophecies' ignore the bloodbath and torture taking place in HUGE numbers in China and Islamic countries. And 'God' seems to just love starving and crippling and throwing earthquakes at Christians in America to make them suffer, but he gives a free pass to the rest of the planet that has MUCH WORSE things going on then are happening in the USA.

God supposedly is going to nail America for all the abortions here (and, being pro-life, I say it's awful) ... but none of the prophecies acknowledge that the abortion rates are higher in Russia and China ... but in these 'prophecies' God never says He's
going to smite down Russia or China. Only the USA.

The worst ... those 'prophecies' that talk about a pre-trib rapture. Thats a sure sign that the 'prophecy' is fake. There is no such thing as a pre-trib rapture. It's not scriptural. It isn't going to happen. The rapture cult has been debunked.


posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

1. 100's of folks the world over . . . many of very humble status, personality and demeanor . . . have had extremely similar dreams and visions over the last 20+ years.

Me too, but I only use the term 'dreams' rather than 'visions.'

2. Maurice, while a top flight musical performer, still has a LOT more humility than the average performer and [way more than the average politician, rock music performer, &/or average mega-church pastor. Your allegation just doesn't fit his personality.

Fair enough; never heard of the guy and I'll take your word on that. It was more the point that a guy who spends his time thinking of end-times, angels and his own country should expect to have the occasional dream about such things. Are we to take such dreams seriously?

There are ~7 billion people on Earth and most of them will be dreaming at least once in each 24 hour period. Of course, we both know that people usually dream more than once. So let's say we have a minimum of 7 billion dreams per 24 hours? Well how do we work out which ones are sent as message from God or angels? How do we work out which dreams are only dreams?

Seems to me, there's a value system being applied here. That system determines if the claimant is religious, if they're religious in the correct denomination and if their views coincide with a set of beliefs shared with the audience.

Basically, if someone who believes in End-Times, angels and demons (etc) reads a claim of a 'vision' dream by someone who shares their beliefs, then that vision is given value.

I really can't comment in depth with regards to the lower half of your post; it seems to be just as expected from someone who is deeply predisposed to a US-centric understanding of Biblical lore and unwavering patriotism. On that point, I'm a believer in 'each to their own.'

The core point was I can't see any objective reason to lend value to the reported dreams of someone. That point has been made so I'll wander off into the sunset

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Yes bo, certain dreams are vivid and memorable, your OP is such a timely message, since i was feeling it all day and posted scriptures under another topic before your post, these scriptures are not my idea, they come to me, and I post them, it sent chills up my spine when I read your OP last night

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:14 AM

While claiming to be wise, they became fools.

What I will do to my vineyard?
I will take away the hedge
and break down the wall, and it shall be trodden down

I will lay it waste:

many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant.

they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands

my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.

And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof.

"and the mighty man shall be humbled"

Like in the days of Noah,
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power.

They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.


from your post was conformation, test the spirit

“How long will you refuse to humble yourself, O America! You have been weighed in the balances of God and found wanting. Your beginning was great and noble, but your end shall be disgrace and destruction!

edit on 103131p://bSaturday2014 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

edit on 103131p://bSaturday2014 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

To whomever much is given, of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked.

The Covenant, One Nation Under God
edit on 103131p://bSaturday2014 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:57 AM
Yeah what ever.....

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Holy crap gods a republican.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:43 AM
the Word of God is a two-edged sword that brings out the humility or rebellion in man

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
edit on 113131p://bSaturday2014 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

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