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Is Obamacare mandatory?

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posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 06:00 AM
The companies which have to provide healthcare are they forced to use what is offered by the government under obamacare or could they choose any other Option?

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 06:32 AM
If you have insurance through your employer you don't have to sign up for the ACA. The law says you need insurance it doesn't say where the insurance has to come from. But the insurance companies would prefer the ACA route that way they can jack up your rates.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 07:02 AM
Most of those who were uninsured can't afford 400 a month anyway, even if they somehow magically get it back on their tax returns. Kinda funny. Put that you make 11000 a year and it still costs you nearly 400 month for insurance on the ACA. I am fully covered by my employer but I know lots of people that there is no way they can spare 300-400 month for health insurance.

Going to be a lot of law breakers and even less people filling tax returns in the future.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 07:20 AM

The companies which have to provide healthcare are they forced to use what is offered by the government under obamacare or could they choose any other Option?

We passed it, yet I'm not too sure we still even know all that's in it. Thanks Nancy

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 07:37 AM

Is Obamacare mandatory?

Does anyone really care?

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 07:41 AM


Is Obamacare mandatory?

Does anyone really care?

Damn right I care as should every US citizen!

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:42 AM
Nothing is mandatory for a free man. Are you free? or are you chattel?

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:18 AM

Nothing is mandatory for a free man. Are you free? or are you chattel?

I guess none of us are free then. You have to wear a seat belt when driving, even though it will affect only you if you are in an accident and killed. I guess you are free to do what ever you want, but there are consequences. Don't get insurance and you will pay a fine. Just like you would if you failed to wear a seat belt. Or were talking on your phone when driving.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:32 AM
The exchange policies are not mandatory. You can buy something better, but those policies are likely going to be much more expensive and if you can't afford the exchange policies which are minimum acceptable according to HHS, then you aren't likely to be able to get anything else.

All employer coverage also has to comply with HHS minimum acceptable standards. So, basically, all policies allowed in the US will be Obamacare policies whether they are exchange policies or not. The only exceptions will be those few policies that get "grandfathered" in, but if there are any changes made to them, they must be cancelled. This is what happened to most of the individual plans - they did not meet standards and could not be grandfathered. They got cancelled.

Next year the employer mandate kicks in and most employer plans will get much more expensive causing many employers to simply drop their plans.

At this point, most of us still getting employer coverage will be in the same boat the individual mandate people are in now - either try to figure out how to buy real insurance at punitively high rates or try to exist on the punitively expensive and horrible Obamacare exchange policies.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:33 AM


Nothing is mandatory for a free man. Are you free? or are you chattel?

I guess none of us are free then. You have to wear a seat belt when driving, even though it will affect only you if you are in an accident and killed. I guess you are free to do what ever you want, but there are consequences. Don't get insurance and you will pay a fine. Just like you would if you failed to wear a seat belt. Or were talking on your phone when driving.

Hahaha nice, way to reuse the latest liberal BS talking points. I've already heard that one over a dozen times this week.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 11:02 AM


Nothing is mandatory for a free man. Are you free? or are you chattel?

I guess none of us are free then. You have to wear a seat belt when driving, even though it will affect only you if you are in an accident and killed. I guess you are free to do what ever you want, but there are consequences. Don't get insurance and you will pay a fine. Just like you would if you failed to wear a seat belt. Or were talking on your phone when driving.

The thing is that when the law was passed the constitutional rational given was that they were using the commerce clause to force everyone to buy health insurance. The problem was that they were compelling commerce where none existed previously, and it was clear when they got to SCOTUS that they would (and should) have lost on those grounds. At this point, the administration suddenly changed tactics to argue that Obamacare is actually a tax, so they have the power to do this under tax powers.

The law was not passed or sold to the public on the idea that it was a tax; however, JR allowed it to be judicially rewritten so that now it is a tax, not a mandate under the commerce clause. This is part of why the IRS has so much enforcement power and now will have access to your personal medical records.

We should all start calling it Obamatax, really.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Merinda

What is mandatory is if you don't have insurance and you work you will get penalized every year on your tax return, and each year the penalty will be higher than the last. This is awesome

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 04:47 PM
So it isnt mandatory. In other words, obamacare is there to make sure that employers dont make their employees turn tricks for minimum wage and then let the taxpayer foot the bill when he falls ill. Its enough if they send them to welfare if their wage does not cover rent and food.

So why are Americans up in arms about obamacare? I dont see it. The alternative were to unload the costs unto the public. Unless you count the other alternative to not service those whom cant afford healthcare.

Nothing is mandatory for a free man. Are you free? or are you chattel?

That sounds nice and catchy, but at least from far away it seems Americans are not willing to let somebody perish at the door of a hospital when he can not afford healthcare and then somebody has to pay. Do the people whom are opposed to the affordable healthcare act see it as a problem that people receive medical attention whom cant afford it, to begin with?
edit on 1-3-2014 by Merinda because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 04:49 PM
No Merinda, it's not manditory.

Only the money is.
edit on 1-3-2014 by lernmore because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:00 PM
Obama-care is like a disease, so I have inoculated myself against this disease by opting out.
Just like Senator Patty Murray (D) has opted out for her and her staff. But she demands everyone else comply.
Same with Harry Reid.
Same with Barbara Boxer
Same with Witch Dianne Feinstein
Same with 3/4 of senate and congress.

In fact, I will never comply with any illegal law that our president thinks he can legislate into law over congress.

I won't even comply with any legal ones Obama has promoted. He is lower than the lowest bottom feeding scavenger in existence.
Like the small fish that cling to bigger fish to get fed, except he is a parasite that kills his hosts.

All of those that have promoted Obama-care are championing that this country commits suicide in finances, in freedom and liberty, in the right to self defense, and self determination, and anything else of true value.

Everyone can opt out if they choose to.

I have a small business and I will continue to operate and not comply with any of this.. I thumb my nose at the IRS and Obama, just like they are doing to all Americans every single day. P^ss on them.

If I am ever lucky enough to visit any of the above's grave sites, what I leave on their headstones sure won't pass for flowers. They have already left us with a promissory note that promises to do the same thing on all of our, and our children's graves.
edit on 1-3-2014 by alienreality because: added haha

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:15 PM

reply to post by Merinda

What is mandatory is if you don't have insurance and you work you will get penalized every year on your tax return, and each year the penalty will be higher than the last. This is awesome

STOP FILING TAX RETURNS! Even Joe Biden claims that is optional.

I don't file anymore either. Haven't been bothered for a few years now..

I am glad I am free.. All it takes to be free is to say "I will not be a slave anymore to these idiot tyrants"

It really works!
edit on 1-3-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:51 PM

The companies which have to provide healthcare are they forced to use what is offered by the government under obamacare or could they choose any other Option?

Your question is based on some false assumptions. First, the only "healthcare plans" that the Government provides is Medicare; and even that is a mixture between private and public venture/interests. For instance, Medicare is not a Government plan, but rather a vessel in which private insurance companies are supplemented via Federal funds (taxes). Medicaid is again, a subsided vessel by the States and the Federal Government.

That said, with the passage of the PPACA (Obamacare), companies that have over 200 full-time employees, must offer a government approved plan to its employees. Those who do not, face a fine/penalty/tax...whatever you want to call it.

To the basis of your question, yes. Companies that are compelled via the PPACA legislation to offer group insurance must utilize healthcare plans that fit the proscribed regulation set forth by the Government; regardless if the employee wants what is being offered or not.

The employees themselves of such large business, are not compelled to utilize the group plans offered by a company, but must themselves -- or face a tax, that will be enforced as recently stated by the IRS -- purchase a plan that again, fits the desire of what ever the legislation has dictated it to have. All regardless if it is services that an individual or a company wants or don't wants.

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